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I just got reminded why I hate going out on Saturdays

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  • I just got reminded why I hate going out on Saturdays

    Yeah, normally I do it during the week - if I'm out in the field and I need something from Home Depot, I get it then.

    Not this time. I decided to go out this morning to Home Depot to pick up some things for a few projects around the house

    The drive there.

    When I am on my way there the light at the intersection just turned so I decided to go straight through (instead of turning left0 to catch the next light - no red arrow, just green. Of course, I notice an Ontario license plate in front of me (no offense to out Canadian friends here, but I'm willing to bet you're still in Canada and not here acting like you own the place, I feel the same way when I see plates from new Jersey, New York, even Michigan). Now, I'm assuming in Canada, unless there is a red arrow or a "no left turn" sigh - you can make a left hand turn, right?

    They didn't, even if they could have gone. They just sat there, even after a few quick toots of my horn. But, it gets better. As the light turns yellow they jump out in the middle of the intersection and JUST SIT THERE (yes, blocking cross traffic). Anyone who wanted to go from the plaza to the mall had to go around them. Our light turns green, and I mean a green left turn arrow. They still just sit there. More toots from my horn (and long honks from the cars behind me) - they waited until the light turned yellow until they went (I'm assuming they're just ignorant or stupid). Luckily I get though but they decided to drive half in the right lane and half in the left lane - blocking both lanes going into the plaza. Then, they stop (even though they don't have a stop sign and the only other people who want to go though the intersection are behind them ). They decided to (very slowly) make a U-turn and then I saw it - silver hair high enough for them to look though the steering wheel. I really pray that when I get that old (if I'm lucky) I am either coherent enough to drive fine and if not, I'm not driving.

    I finally get into Home Depot and grab a few of the things I need, then I also get two 8' long boards and put them over my cart. Now, I pay attention where I'm going and where the boars are so I don't hit anyone (or anything) but you know it's going to happen. I'm looking at a few other things (my jigsaw needed new blades) and people just walk up and stand in between the boards and the display, then turn around and walk into them and proceed to yell at me that I should watch where I'm going. Um, my cart (and the things on/in it) hadn't moved the entire time you were there - YOU should watch where you're going.

    That happened a couple of times.

    I pay and start to walk out. I'm walking on a crosswalk (this is important). The law is - if someone is crossing on a crosswalk all cars MUST stop. I'm one of the last people so I walk a little faster (so the cars don't have to wait as long) but I guess it wans't good enough. As soon as the person in front of me was across (now, I'm about halfway across, mind you, the car decides to floor it right in front of me. Of course I try to stop my cart and then she looks to me and slams on her breaks - the boards slip.

    I was able to stop them less than a foot away from her side window. I yell at her to watch out and she looks at me and says "will you f-ing hurry up".

    What the hell bitch? Maybe I should have let the board slip all the way into your side window and break it. I would have LOVED to hear what you would have told the police. "Yeah, his cart hit me while I was trying to rush across the crosswalk". I'm sure the judge would have loved that one, too. (Yes, she was in a luxury car with a cell phone implanted on her face).

    Hopefully my trip to Best Buy tomorrow (to get a new HDD) is better.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Quoth draggar View Post

    Now, I'm assuming in Canada, unless there is a red arrow or a "no left turn" sigh - you can make a left hand turn, right?
    If the light was green sure you can. But in Canada you do NOT turn left on a red light. Only right because of the way roads are set up. Otherwise you'd drive into oncoming traffic!

    But if the light was green the entire time, and they weren't turning and there was no traffic, then yes they were dumbarses


    • #3
      we dont turn left on red either


      • #4
        The question isn't if you van turn on a red - can you turn left with a green light (where there is no red arrow or no "no turns" signs.

        Today I needed to get a HDD so off to BB I go - I figure I'd hit during opening.

        There was a mob - big sale on Wii and Wii fit.
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


        • #5
          Sigh... I know some people here who don't care about driving laws outside of Ontario or bordering provinces/states. Why? Ticket information used to be only shared between bordering provinces. But now Ontario has sharing agreements with something like 40 states, but most people don't know that.


          • #6
            Nice to see FloriDUH living up to its nickname.

            I've heard about the stupid tools from the north living down there from people that live there and I decided that I wanted NO part of THAT when I decided to move somewhere.


            • #7
              In NY you can make a left turn on red, in one specific situation. If you are on a one-way street, making a left turn onto another one-way street, you can go left on red.

              I'll try to draw an example...

              <------------ traffic going right to left on one-way
              | | |
              | | | other one-way street
              | | |


              • #8
                Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                In NY you can make a left turn on red, in one specific situation. If you are on a one-way street, making a left turn onto another one-way street, you can go left on red.
                That's not just New York. The only states where it's not allowed (according to Wikipedia, my best resource on this at the moment) are South Dakota, Connecticut (though I've seen a CT Transit bus do it anyway), Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersy, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. Also, it's not allowed in NYC (despite being legal in the rest of the state) because the entire city is No Turn On Red (unless otherwise marked).
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                • #9
                  Sounds like the THD I work for. I swear the crosswalk nearby doesn't even work correctly anymore; is the crosswalk light supposed to turn green the same time the street lights turn green?

                  I'm always running across it so I can avoid traffic. Lousy bus stop/Burger King being across the road.
                  "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                  • #10
                    We have one spot where I live where we can't turn RIGHT on a red arrow. It's a weird intersection. People still do it but I wait because cops love catching people right there.


                    • #11
                      Quoth ditchdj View Post
                      Nice to see FloriDUH living up to its nickname.

                      I've heard about the stupid tools from the north living down there from people that live there and I decided that I wanted NO part of THAT when I decided to move somewhere.
                      Yeah, the snowbirds can be aggravating down here. Luckily for us, most of them go away from April until October. The folks that move here permanently become less of a problem.
                      "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        Quoth Anakah View Post
                        We have one spot where I live where we can't turn RIGHT on a red arrow. It's a weird intersection. People still do it but I wait because cops love catching people right there.
                        Oh, that's most of our city. Hubby and I are always thrilled when we come across an intersection that doesn't have the "No Turn on Red" sign.
                        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                        • #13
                          Quoth Anakah View Post
                          We have one spot where I live where we can't turn RIGHT on a red arrow. It's a weird intersection. People still do it but I wait because cops love catching people right there.
                          There are a couple of intersections in my area where that's the case, and one of them is a block from a police station.


                          • #14
                            Over here, the main light covers everything - but sometimes there are "filter lights" which can override them to give permission. That's if there aren't separate complete lights for each direction.

                            You do have to watch out for pedestrian crossings though. In Britain, the crossings are always interlocked with the lights, so that "green man" means "safe to cross" and "green light" means "no pedestrians in your way". In Finland though, this is only true for filter and separate direction lights - if there is only a main light, you have to give way to pedestrians when turning.

