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Was that really necessary?

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  • Was that really necessary?

    I went to Circuit City today with a friend of mine, just to look around. I got a CD and some nerds rope and went to check out.
    Now, after you check out, you take about 5-8 steps forward and you're out the door.
    Checkouts - - - - - Exit

    They had an employee sitting by the doors, and I didn't think much about it until I actually went to leave. He asked me to show him my receipt. This surprised me since at the time only ONE register was open, and we were literally right in front of him. Ok..Whatever. I didn't feel like arguing because I just wanted to get out of there, but it still bothered me.

    I can understand checking at places that have a lot of registers, and the doors are a short walk from them. But we were right in front of the guy, with one register open.
    Seemed a little unnecessary to me...

  • #2
    Necessary for the store? No.

    For the employee to keep his job? Probably



    • #3
      Quoth Rapscallion View Post
      For the employee to keep his job? Probably
      That was my thought. Maybe the store managers were trying to get people hours and this is a way they could do it. Just because CORPORATE doesn't seem to care about the store employees doesn't mean that some of the stores don't have good managers that might be trying to get their employees as much money and as many hours as possible before the stores closed.
      I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

      He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

      Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


      • #4
        I wonder if that's why a year ago or so I went into a store (one of those electronic ones), and my item was paid for at the register the following happened:
        - I was handed my receipt, didn't even have to take a step and I was asked to show my receipt for proof of purchase (two people behind the counter, one rang you up, 2ft over the person asked to see your receipt they just watched you get).
        - I walked towards the door and was stopped and asked to proove I bought the item by a management type (about 3 steps)
        - I got to the doors, the doors opened, and the two security guards made me stop and show them the bag and the receipt.

        Total distance traveled from getting a receipt and the doors: 10 feet

        At the time I thought they were overly paranoid -- now I'm wondering if they might of done it just so the employees could be paid...


        • #5
          Sadly, it's like that at all Circuit Cities. The one I worked at over the holidays is the same way, or at least it's suppose to be. I went in the other day to buy some discounted video games (Devil May Cry ftw) and there was an employee at the door but he wasn't bothering with receipt checking like he should be. Then again, the store I worked at was more laid back than your average Circuit City. Still way too much BS thrown around.
          Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


          • #6
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            Necessary for the store? No.

            For the employee to keep his job? Probably

            Well, unfortunately, the guy's going to be losing his job soon any way....
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

