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I saw Karma in action

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  • I saw Karma in action

    So this weekend I went to visit my grandmother. It's a long drive, about 5 hours but it makes her happy. On my way home on Sunday I stop for gas. As I'm about to leave this red pickup pulls up and a SC gets out. How do I know he's a SC? He's continuing the yelling match he was having with his passenger once he's out of the car, swearing up a storm in front of a couple other cars with kids in them. (the windows to the truck are closed and I can hear both him and the passenger just fine) Then he does something at the pump that makes it beep (I'm guessing put the wrong card in or backwards) and starts swearing more, kicking and hitting it...okay, my cue to go.

    About 10 - 15 minutes later I'm cruising down the road and I notice a very fast car approaching me. Ahh, it's that super nice guy from the gas station (red trucks are easy to spot at a distance). I was going 70ish (its a 65mph highway) and he was gaining ground fast. My guess was he was going at least 85. I'm watching him close the gap on me by measuring how many seconds are between us when I pass an object. I go under an overpass and look back. He's gained about 4 more seconds on me. Then I see the car come off the overpass . The SC is passing me when he realizes what I realized about 5 seconds earlier...that nice white car that came off the overpass and is currently catching up to us is a cop car. He tries to slow down without touching his brakes, but in the end passes me then ssllloooowwws down (as if that will help )

    The cop whips around me, cuts in front (I never lowered my speed) and pulls the guy over. Instant karma is nice to see.
    A crisis is a problem you can't control. Drama is a problem you can, but won't. - Otter

  • #2
    I'd love to see that!!
    I see lots of sucky drivers but there are never cops around to catch them


    • #3
      Quoth JambaBamba View Post
      Instant karma is nice to see.
      "Instant karmas gonna get you
      Gonna knock you right on the head..."

      Hee hee! Serves the jerk right!
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        I once saw karma like that in action. I was being taken home from a friend's house at night and this SUV in the left lane is acting funny. We're in the right 3 lanes over.
        All of a sudden the SUV makes a right turn into the driveway in front of us. If I hadn't been watching the SUV and called out a warning we'd have hit it. We SLAM on the brakes to avoid it, making the cop car behind us slam his brakes.
        We pass the driveway and the officer with lights on pulls into the driveway.
        Ahhh finally a cop around when you need one!

