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More bullseye and grocery store fun!

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  • More bullseye and grocery store fun!

    So I took today off to watch the inauguration festivities, and also get stuff done. After the inauguration, I set out for the bullseye store and grocery store to get some things. Please smack me if I ever get the bright idea to go grocery shopping in the middle of the day! Every person I encountered was an idiot:

    First of all:
    To the people who feel the need to park their carts parrellel to the frozen food cases, effectively blocking them, to peruse, are you such special snowflakes that you can't let anyone else get in to get their items? If you don't know what you want, stay back and let those of us who DO get our stuff!

    To all those people who meander down the MIDDLE of the aisles, SOME OF US know what we want, and where we want to go, so if you don't want to get your behind run over, MOVE THE #$%^ OVER!

    And finally:
    To the woman who parked her cart down one side of the aisle, and proceeded to stand next to it, BLOCKING the rest of the aisle while yapping on your cell, your look of death when I approached you and POLITELY said "excuse me" was not called for at all. You want to yap on your phone? Go outside, or at the very least,get out of my way!

    UGH! thank goodness i'm home, as i was getting very never ceases to amaze me how people think the world revolves around them, and them only....

  • #2
    I feel your pain.

    I also work full time, but I work a strange schedule and am off during the day. I do my grocery shopping at this time, as opposed to many full timers that go after work or on weekends.

    I has its ups and downs, definitely. The stores are usually less crowded, but I find alot of the behavior you mentioned. Many of the people that shop during the day don't work or are retired, so they have all the time in the world to lollygag around.

    Shopping on weeknights after most people get off work sucks because it's crowded, but at least people are moving along because they want to get home, and know what they need and get the hell out.

    It took me awhile to get used to the during-the-day crowd, definitely!
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #3
      Exactly! I ususally go on my way home from work, and you are correct, even if its crowded, people are moving. The ones in the middle of the day are SLOOOOOOW!


      • #4
        I gave up and started doing my biweekly grocery shopping on payday Thursday mornings after work. So between 7:30 and 8 am. It is SO NICE. The only people there are extremely early birds, fellow night shift workers, and the overnight employees are still stocking the shelves.

        No huge crowds, no screaming children, no family reunions all over the store, and NO MORE mullets and white trash parties. Thank heaven.

        And I get it done so much faster and leave in such a better mood.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
          To the people who park their carts parrellel to the frozen food cases, effectively blocking them, If you don't know what you want, stay back and let those of us who DO get our stuff!

          To all those people who meander down the MIDDLE of the aisles, SOME OF US know what we want, and where we want to go, so if you don't want to get your behind run over, MOVE THE #$%^ OVER!
          Ummm.... if I'm not sure what I want to get, such as which of 37 kinds of skillet meals would make the best dinner that night so I don't have to really cook , then to look thru them I'm gonna either have to be either by the case or in the middle of the aisle while I look them over, therefore blocking one or the other of the above, . I will, however, move over quickly and nicely when you say excuse me


          Madness takes it's toll....
          Please have exact change ready.


          • #6
            Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
            And finally:
            To the woman who parked her cart down one side of the aisle, and proceeded to stand next to it, BLOCKING the rest of the aisle while yapping on your cell, your look of death when I approached you and POLITELY said "excuse me" was not called for at all. You want to yap on your phone? Go outside, or at the very least,get out of my way!
            That's when you go from being polite to "Ok I was polite, but since you have proven not to respond... GET OUT OF MY WAY WOMAN! YOU'RE BLOCKING TRAFFIC!" Let who ever she's talking to on the phone hear you.

