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LISTEN to me!

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  • LISTEN to me!

    GAH! We've been having cash flow issues (easier to count the businesses that aren't having issues, at this point) and as a result we've had a few late fees and, in this case, had our account shut off with a major shipping company.

    They cut us off and and then processed our check 2 days later, even though they received it 3 days before the shut off.

    In the meantime, we're now a few days on the payment that was due Jan. 18th. *sigh*

    Oh, and they actually owe us a credit for a number of items that were lost in transit - but supposedly they won't issue the credit until we've paid off all the invoices...

    Anyway, all of this happened yesterday while I was out the office. So, I called today to see if they would remove the shipping freeze and perhaps apply the credits to the past due invoice. After dealing with the automated system, it finally came to the conclusion that I needed a live person (as I had been telling it, but it needs to ask a bajillion and one questions anyway.)

    Cue Hears-What-I-Want-To-Hear CSR (just CSR from here)

    Me: *explain all the troubles, apologize for late payments, can you remove freeze/apply credits, etc.*

    CSR: The late charges are valid, sir, and we will not remove them.

    Me: Oh, that's fine, we're late and I know we have to pay the late fees. I just want to get the shipping freeze removed so we can send packages and hopefully reduce what we owe by applying the credits from the insurance claim.

    CSR: Sir, as I said, those late charges are valid and will not be removed. Is there anything else we can help you with today?

    Me: As I said, I know the late charges are valid, but that's not what I asked you about. I--

    CSR: Sir, I'm not going to argue this with you! The charges are valid and you WILL have to pay them. I'm noting your account so don't bother trying to call back for someone else to remove them.

    Me: I understand we have to pay the late fees. We agree on that. I'm --

    CSR: About time you got the point. Now, when can we expect payment?

    Me: I'd like to speak to your supervisor.

    CSR: My supervisor will not remove the fees, so I'm not going to waste her time.

    Me: I don't care about the late fees. I care about your attitude and seeming inability to comprehend the words coming out of my mouth.

    CSR: SIR! I do NOT have to be insulted. I'm noting your account and ending the call. Abusive language and disrespect will NOT be tolerated! You will respect ME or you will not talk to me! <click>

    Me: then.... She noted the account. Bet that means they can tell who it was and find the tape.

    I call back. I navigate the stupid automated system. I get another CSR and go straight for a supe. Explain the situation, find out the answer to my questions (no, still frozen and no, no credit unless you pay off the entire balance ) and ask her to review the tape to see just how rude and disrespectful I was. Somewhere, I hope there is a CSR wishing she had listening skills.

    I know there are plenty of CSRs on here, but this chick just would not listen to the words coming out of my mouth. I know it's a tough job, but I wasn't trying to be difficult until the pushed all my buttons.

  • #2
    So you have to pay the full balance, to be credited money? (ex: you owe them say $100, they owe you in credit say $20, but they demand to be paid the full $100 instead of $80?)


    • #3
      Quoth Gerrinson View Post
      Me: I don't care about the late fees. I care about your attitude and seeming inability to comprehend the words coming out of my mouth.

      CSR: SIR! I do NOT have to be insulted. I'm noting your account and ending the call. Abusive language and disrespect will NOT be tolerated! You will respect ME or you will not talk to me! <click>

      Honey, where were you born and raised, that you think THAT was abusive?

      Go speak with Dave from the vacation land, and see if it changes your world view.

      Geez louise, Gerrinson, that sucked big time. Glad you spoke to a manager, sorry it didn't work out totally in your favor, and it's weird that they require a full balance before applying the credit, although I can see why they would do it. (Pay us what you owe, and we will help you pay for your next purchase. It traps people into using the company more.)
      If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.



      • #4
        Tip: Swear at the phone. Not at the CSR, at the automated phone system. Most of them, if they can't work out what you're saying, will send you straight to a CSR.


        • #5
          Working in a call center, I'd say you were probably one of the nicer ones I would have spoken to all day. I can't see how you were even remotely disrespectful.
          I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


          • #6
            Quoth Nurian View Post
            Working in a call center
            Been there and done that myself, so I know what it's like on the other end. Oh the nightmares...

            Thus, I try to remain polite and civil, if not respectful, at all times. I know the tapes can be pulled so if I behave like a raging asshat, it will come back to haunt me. That and being nice to the CSRs usually ensures that they are more than willing to help you if it is in their power to do so.

            On the other hand, knowing the tapes can be pulled, I've used it to punish the occasional CSR that gets way out of line (as above.) I don't think expecting them to do their job is asking too much, and that's about all that I can ask of a CSR.


            • #7
              Me: As I said, I know the late charges are valid, but that's not what I asked you about. I--

              CSR: Sir, I'm not going to argue this with you! The charges are valid and you WILL have to pay them.
              Total suck on the CSR. I hate when people pull attitudes like that.

