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Assy family member vs. Mom

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  • Assy family member vs. Mom

    Basically, is Mom n Bob. Mom's dream has always been to open an antique store. She's run one in Ebay, had amillion booths, but it was her undying wish to own one of her own. She's been in the business of antiques since she was very small herself, and has a seemingly expert knowledge of them, along with my Dad's seemingly expert knowledge of weaponry, and militaristic items.

    So, we randomly meet a member of my Dad's family, Bob. Bob is loaded with more money than he has sense or compassion, and is a two-faced lying bastard that got most of his dollars from tax evasion and selling porn. He'd gone through one of those "Christian soul renewals" in prison, and said he was a changed man. His wife, July, is a wonderful woman I've never head say anything bad about anything.

    Bob offers to buy a store, Mom be proprietor and run every aspect of it, and the merchandise is 50/50, and they split the bills, and she is in charge of the business.

    Sounds like a dream, no?
    The whole thing botched after Bob started buying all of Mom's stuff from her and making it his. He started bringing in more things to fill in holes than Mom had time to bring to the store. The merchandise became 80/20, and Mom wasn't making anything worthwhile.

    Mom had dental surgery, in a series of weeks (extreme nerve damage and broken teeth). Bob bought out another antique store across the street. Bob and Lar decided to go into business together. Bob hired my friend, Kris, to work while Mom was out.

    Kris was working for $20 a day. 9-5, that's way below minimum wage, but she was paid under the table. Kris was told by Mom to just dust here n there, and take care of the register. Bob decided, Mom being at home recovering, to have Kris move all of Mom's stuff to a corner. A corner behind this new line of shelves.

    The store was 2min. walk away from where I work, so I'd be there every afternoon helping. I walk in and see what was once a celebrated, classy but casual antique store now looking like a department store for garage sale trash. My Mom's things in a corner behind everything... but wha-- they're all marked in HIS name instead? Kris is bein told to leave, because she wouldn't move everything in the store and rearrange the wall hangings with no ladder.

    I ask what's going on? Bob says they're just rearranging. Bob has moved his things in, and now the store is 97/3. Bob never asked how Mom was, never called his own partner, and was all the time counting money. For several weeks.
    Eventually, Mom goes back in, fully charged and ready! What's this? Bob changed the locks on the doors. Bob lets her in, and tells her he's tired of having her as a partner, and to either accept a buyout, or get her stuff out TODAY before it hits the trash.

    Mom takes the buyout (with a 453% bonus on what she paid for her things), and Bob asks,"So how are you getting home? You're leaving. NOW."

    Blah blah blah, it all works out in the end. Mom's ex-friend Lar now runs her old store, and Bob's sister runs Lar's old store. Bob is trying to buy every single store on our street, and is a maniac.

    He's tried to buy out my boss! Who told him to boot it, he's no longer welcome.

    At any rate, I have only met one member of my Dad's family, a great-uncle, and Bob was our cousin. I think I'll just stick with my great-uncle.

  • #2
    Sounds like much hasn't changed in the old greedy bastard.
    "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Quoth Mike Taylor View Post
      Sounds like much hasn't changed in the old greedy bastard.
      No joke! lol


      • #4
        He'd gone through one of those "Christian soul renewals" in prison, and said he was a changed man.
        i can see the 'soul renewal' lasted as long as his stay; the 'thou shalt not steal' didn't seem to move him in the right direction.
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          "Soul Renewal" means learning a few bible verses and pithy sayings to be recited to the parole review board. You did not actually believe it meant any sort of change in his thoughts or actions, did you?


          • #6
            with all these labels in the christian sector for 'former' sinners, it's hard to tell the difference between them, and honestly, i've stopped trying; it just gives me more headaches.
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              That's really sucky for your Mom, but... at the same time... are you honestly surprised?

              I'm all for personal change and improvement, but it's not something that happens overnight, or even after a prison term. He probably changed his behaviour in prison... he probably honestly believed he HAD changed... but pull him out and put him back in his old environment, and he goes right back to his old ways.

              I bet you in a few years, he ends up in trouble again for shady dealings... or at the very least, those stores will end up as pawn shops in everything but name.

              It's just really sad your Mom's dream got trampled by this guy. It sounds like he brought he on purely so he could co-opt her reputation and idea for his own. Hopefully she doesn't give up on her dream just yet. If it's worth stealing, then it's worth something!
              Check out my webcomic!

