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Sucky Employee

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  • Sucky Employee

    I went into Aaron's Rent to own today and I got talked down to horribly. They have been treating me like crap for awhile but this really did me in. Background: I have been paying off a crappy couch for two miserable years and begging them to come down and fix the damn thing and getting blown off. I paid the LAST payment and am praying for some action.

    So I went in and this happens.

    ME: Can someone please come down a fix my couch? I know this is the last payment but I have been bugging you guys for quite awhile now.

    SE: Did he ever show up?

    Me: Once, about a year and half ago telling me he can fix it in no time and then I heard NOTHING.

    SE: Well, I'll have him call you within the hour--enough time for you to get home and we will get things done.

    Other worker there mentions the creepiness factor of the repairman.

    Me: Yeah, um, the guy creeps me out a bit. Is he coming alone?

    I didn't mean it in a mean way but I was being honest. The guy was uber creepy.

    SE: Yes he will be alone. He is the only repairman we have. He will be in your place for about five hours, make sure you are off.

    Me: He can't just pick up the couches? The last time I spoke to him he said it would be no problem to pick them up...

    SE: No, he will work in your place. You know in case you say that he just taped it up together. This way you can SEE what he is doing.

    I felt like What a jerk!

    Me: I don't really have the room for someone to work in... And I'd prefer if he'd just get them.

    SE: He is a great guy..

    .(Lists off a bunch of shit that I stopped listening to. Basically he's a real outstanding individual and may as well be married to mother teresa). I didn't want to hear that, I met him and he creeped me out and said some inappropriate things to me.

    SE would have none of it. I finally said my goodbyes and left pissed. I wish I had brought someone else with me. Maybe I couldn't have been put down like that.

    And four hours later, no call from the repairman. And SE wouldn't let me talk to the new GM woman who was in the office. I am beyond pissed.

  • #2
    Have you tried escalating? Beyond just store level, maybe taking this to corporate? The way they're jerking you around, I wouldn't be too optimistic, but you can try. Is there warranty paperwork? Call the warranty company and complain a storm.

    Another option is small claims court. Not too sure how well that works, but it'd help if you have related rental paperwork, information about so-called promised repair, warranty information, etc. If you did the whole rent-to-own, you've paid a pretty penny for this couch by now.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

