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Damned teenagers

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  • Damned teenagers

    I was at 7-11 with my girlfriend standing in line to buy some slurpee's, when about 3 teenagers walked in the door. They looked stupid enough, stereotypically dressed idiots. Next thing you know, all 3 are running out the door with cases of beer, while the 7-11 employee (only person there) just watched from the counter powerless to stop them. I felt bad for the guy.

  • #2
    Wow. He must be used to it to not do anything or really appear shocked. The sad thing is that most likely, the parents (a) have no idea what their little 'angels' are up to, or (b) really couldn't care less. I'm willing to bet it's a combination of both.
    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Proverbs 22:6


    • #3
      Hopefully the camera's caught them.
      I used to work at a Subway that was open until midnight and one late evening, these three kids came in (two were quite young) and ordered two sandwiches. I was the one making them and was pretty suspicious for some reason. Once their sandwiches were made, I rang them up and, being sure to hold onto the bag, gave them their total. The older kid, looked around awkwardly and said he'd have to go home and get some more money. I said ok and put their sandwiches on the back counter. They walked outside and came back about 10 minutes later. I gave them their total again and set the bag on the counter, keeping my hand on the bag again. They asked for some extras and I lifted my hand off the bag to get them and the kids grabbed the sandwiches and took off. My manager had come up front at that point and we just stood their and watched them run away. She was pretty ticked off but I just laughed. It was pretty lame.
      "Most lies about blondes are false."
      - Cincinnati Times-Star, headline
      "If you love your job, you haven't worked a day in your life." --Tommy Lasorda


      • #4
        Quoth officegirl View Post
        Hopefully the camera's caught them. .
        The camera's did, according to the employee, but with just their faces to go by, there's not much they can do. They need a license plate or something.


        • #5
          Quoth tonydanza View Post
          The camera's did, according to the employee, but with just their faces to go by, there's not much they can do. They need a license plate or something.
          They can at least file a report with the police. While what they stole may not be a lot, and in many cases the police won't be able to do anything about it, you never know when that petty criminal is actually a wanted person for larger crimes. How often do you hear about someone wanted for murder being stopped because of a broken taillight or for shoplifting? I know I hear about it sometimes. Not only that, but these punks could be doing this all over town. If this is the only time and place they did this, the police might ignore it, but not if it's a pattern. A pattern indicates a plan, and a plan might indicate something more than just some punks swiping beer.

          Now, if the police refuse to respond at all, that's another story, but I have a hard time believing that many departments would put up with officers ignoring a crime...
          ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
          - Cartman

