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(nearly) An Unfortunate Sequence of Events

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  • (nearly) An Unfortunate Sequence of Events

    I drive to work. Generally, fighting the traffic in The City isn't all that bad, but tonight, on my way home, I'm lucky there wasn't an accident.

    Event the First
    Let's Cut Off the Chick in the Fit!

    I'm driving down a two way street, coming up on a light where I need to make a left. The light is green, traffic is moving well, and I have a bit of space in front of me, because the MEGA-HUGE SUV has sped up a bit to make the turn in the small break in traffic.


    This little sporty thing cuts around me (while honking, for extra points) and cuts me off to make the left turn before I can. The same car (with out-of-state plates, so I would have given him leeway if he'd been patient rather than cutting me off the way he did) proceeds to pull over to the right, then cut across in front of another couple cars and make another left turn - he's now made a U-turn, and managed to piss off a whole lot of people.

    Event the Second
    The Buses Are Out Tonight

    Now, I've made my left, and I'm coming up to a major intersection. I have the red light. No problem, this is where the (one way) road narrows from two lanes to 1.5 lanes, but there's not much in the way of traffic, so I'm pretty relaxed. The bus is on my right, so I know I need to pick up my speed a bit so I don't get him pissed off.


    The bus is on my LEFT?!

    GAH! PARKED CARS ON MY RIGHT! NO NO NO NO NO......BAD....... *insert hard braking and the sounds of much swearing here*

    The bus, in his OVERWHELMING DESIRE to get on the left to make his turn, nearly pushed me into the line of parked cars on the right side. With absolutely no warning that he was there until I noticed a gigantic bus in my window.

    This brings us to...

    Event the Third
    The Speed Reenactment - Maybe

    There is one part of my commute that is somewhat irritating. Because it connects two major streets, it often has traffic. It is also not well-paved. This makes for a nasty drive and a number of asswipes who think they can fly down the street - until they get caught up in the line of traffic that is trying not to kill the jaywalking pedestrians. Tonight, a car was weaving back and forth behind me - it may have even been the same car from earlier, the one that cut me off - and flashing his brights at me to go faster. Which isn't really possible when one is coming up ON A RED LIGHT.


    And now we've had another installment in the Adventures of the Commuting Kat.

    I'm going to go drown in a jar of peanut butter now.

  • #2
    I don't live anywhere near a true 'City' but that sounds an awful lot like my commute home.

    We have a few lights where you have double lanes at a T intersection that is left turn only for people in the leg of the T. Without fail, if I am in the right hand lane, as I turn left, the person in the left lane will aim so that their turn would put them in the right hand lane. And me either slamming into their front end (tempting, but I need my car) or somewhere up over the curb and into the treeline.

    When I blow my horn to notifty the idiots that they are, in fact, being idiotic they look at me like I'm the one at fault. Then they procede to blockade the left hand lane at speeds far below the speed limit so everyone has to pass them on the right. Well, that, or they move in behind me, tailgate, and then nearly rear end me when I foolishly come to a complete stop for the red lights and stop signs.

    Good thing I don't have high blood pressure or I'd stroke out from the daily drive. Should be more fun tonight, what with the snow, sleet, and freezing rain.


    • #3
      Ah traffic: AZ has a law going in place soon, "Flashing your lights to make someone speed up or move over, will be a ticketable offense classified as road rage."
      Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
      pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


      • #4
        Quoth wraiths_crono View Post
        Ah traffic: AZ has a law going in place soon, "Flashing your lights to make someone speed up or move over, will be a ticketable offense classified as road rage."
        Eh, still needs a police officer to observe the act for anything to happen. You can't call in traffic infractions, since a) there's almost always no proof whatsoever and b) it's up to the state if they want to prosecute, not you, so it's not like you can push for action.


        • #5
          Reminds me off what happened earlier today when me and a friend were going to dinner. We're going across the intersection on a green light when we notice that the guy we're about to cross has the nose of his car sticking out into the road. There are cars on the left of us so she slows down slightly (we weren't going that fast to begin with since we had been stopped at a red light) trying to make sure she doesn't hit this car and giving him time to back the fuck up. The jackass behind us in a little black sports car starts flashing his lights. To make things even better he drives up onto the shoulder of the road farther down so he's first to turn right. To top even that, the asshole is doing this while there's still quite a bit of ice and snow on the ground.
          Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


          • #6
            Quoth Gerrinson View Post
            We have a few lights where you have double lanes at a T intersection that is left turn only for people in the leg of the T. Without fail, if I am in the right hand lane, as I turn left, the person in the left lane will aim so that their turn would put them in the right hand lane. And me either slamming into their front end (tempting, but I need my car) or somewhere up over the curb and into the treeline.
            you just described Redwood and North Temple... there are two turn lanes from Redwood onto North Temple (except Redwood doesn't dead end into North Temple), and without fail there is always at least one person in the left lane who is wanting to go into the right lane (or bonus kudo points, turn right into the Chevron right at the intersection).

            It has gotten so bad that I have changed from going to Chevron or Maverick to get my nightly soda to using Pilot (which is more expensive) because it is worth the extra cost to not feel like a jack ass to be able to turn out of Pilot's parking lot directly onto North Temple and not have to worry about that God forsaken turn lane.

            Second place for sucky intersections for that problem is 2200 West and North Temple (half a fracking mile away)... sadly short of going all the way up to 700 North and around there is no way around that intersection
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              There's an intersection a few blocks from my office that we go through every night (whether I drive or take the bus). The streets are narrow. Because of all the commute traffic on this street, at the intersection the left lane is a left turn only, the right lane is left turns, straight and right turns. When I used to have to catch my bus by that intersection, I used to amuse myself by counting the number of horns and middle fingers as a result of the person in the left turn only lane turning into the right lane. When I drove, it would happen to me at least once a week.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

