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smiley tears into a sucky delivery driver

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  • #16
    That's just so..weird.

    Couldn't he have called the store, even?



    • #17
      A few years ago, I was staying at a hotel with some friends (It was an Anime Convention. *Sigh*, yes, I am a geek). We ordered a pizza, and was told it would be 45 minutes. No problem... convention in town, we expected it would be busy.

      Keep in mind, this is a convention hotel. Hundreds of people here, this place was swamped with orders from this hotel. This was probably also the largest hotel in the city (And we were sad to see it go, as no other hotel was large enough to contain the entire convention). We gave our room number, and our cell phone number just in case.

      We waited 45 minutes. We waited an hour. We waited two hours. We called the pizza place each time. Each time they said it was on its way. The final time, after 2 hours, they claimed they had tried to deliver, but no one had answered the door.

      That's all well and good, except that to get upstairs you needed a room key card to work the elevators, and the driver would have had to call us from the front desk (As we requested) so we could come down and get it, or gotten the Hotel staff to bring him up, which they wouldn't do without calling us first and confirming.

      We actually had to FIGHT with them to get them to send the driver back out (They didn't have time to come out if we weren't going to answer the door). When he did come out, the real story came out that the driver had gotten lost, and couldn't find the hotel. The biggest hotel in the city. That they were delivering to dozens of times a day (The trash bins were choked with their boxes)

      Did we mention they sent out the original pizza? Which after 2 hours was stone cold.
      Check out my webcomic!


      • #18
        not to go in my friday (where i took deliverys that where an hour old and worked 10.89 hours) in my area here is the higherarchy of pizza for delivery which is
        (worst)pizza hut, papa johns, dominoes, barros(best)


        • #19
          Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
          (worst)pizza hut, papa johns, dominoes, barros(best)
          I remember Barro's pizza, they've got great Chicago style pizza! (You're in the Phoenix area, right? Try a chain called Red Devil sometime, that's an excellent New York style pizza. I recommend the sliced sausage.)

          Hubby is currently working as a delivery person for Dominoes, and if he had a situation like that, he'd have called the store and asked for clarification. The driver in the OP was either a scammer or a dumbass, possibly both.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #20
            Quoth Imprl59 View Post
            Oh My! Wake up 30 people to find the right one? They would have your head on a stick!

            You should call the Dominos manager about the threat of slow delivery. No sense letting him piss off your guest so you have to deal with them.
            no legitimate delivery driver would ever demand that a desk clerk do that EVER

            Quoth jerkface11 View Post
            I agree that something wasn't right there. Nothing would have stopped him from calling work and finding out who he was supposed to deliver to. He might have still gotten in trouble but it wouldn't have been as bad since he would have delivered the pizza.
            unfortunately if the CSR or whomever took the order did NOT get a room number or name calling the store back will still do no good.

            IF (and I emphasis the word IF) the hotel's phone system is good the clerk can look up (given time of couse) to see what room called the pizza place

            Quoth One-Fang View Post
            Certainly, let me start on the first room...

            Picks up phone, dials Dominoes, explains situation to boss while delivery guy turns a lovely shade of purple.
            and that is EXACTLY what Smiley should have done given a few minutes (I know you had line of people but) break time eith that or after the first request just thrown him out

            Quoth Polenicus View Post
            A few years ago, I was staying at a hotel with some friends (It was an Anime Convention. *Sigh*, yes, I am a geek). We ordered a pizza, and was told it would be 45 minutes. No problem... convention in town, we expected it would be busy.

            Keep in mind, this is a convention hotel. Hundreds of people here, this place was swamped with orders from this hotel. This was probably also the largest hotel in the city (And we were sad to see it go, as no other hotel was large enough to contain the entire convention). We gave our room number, and our cell phone number just in case.

            We waited 45 minutes. We waited an hour. We waited two hours. We called the pizza place each time. Each time they said it was on its way. The final time, after 2 hours, they claimed they had tried to deliver, but no one had answered the door.

            That's all well and good, except that to get upstairs you needed a room key card to work the elevators, and the driver would have had to call us from the front desk (As we requested) so we could come down and get it, or gotten the Hotel staff to bring him up, which they wouldn't do without calling us first and confirming.

            We actually had to FIGHT with them to get them to send the driver back out (They didn't have time to come out if we weren't going to answer the door). When he did come out, the real story came out that the driver had gotten lost, and couldn't find the hotel. The biggest hotel in the city. That they were delivering to dozens of times a day (The trash bins were choked with their boxes)

            Did we mention they sent out the original pizza? Which after 2 hours was stone cold.
            I hope you refused to accept the crappy cold pizza they sent out. if it was THEIR fault (or the dirvers) a new pie should ahve been sent out and the original driver would have received a vicious complaint from me and a DEMAND for a heavy discount or free FRESH product. palming off stone cold product (no matter what place it comes from) is just not acceptable at any time.

            it is sad to see that the stereotype is perpetuated in Smileys and Polenicus drivers. these drivers most definately were wet behind the ears N00bs or just plain stupid

            there are a few in the bunch that spoil it for the rest of us hard working drivers

            Smiley, is this a regular driver or someone whom you have never seen before???? I assume you at least have some passing familiarity with the delivery drivers coming into your hotel
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


            • #21
              Quoth Racket_Man View Post
              no legitimate delivery driver would ever demand that a desk clerk do that EVER.

              IF (and I emphasis the word IF) the hotel's phone system is good the clerk can look up (given time of couse) to see what room called the pizza place

              and that is EXACTLY what Smiley should have done given a few minutes (I know you had line of people but) break time eith that or after the first request just thrown him out

              Smiley, is this a regular driver or someone whom you have never seen before???? I assume you at least have some passing familiarity with the delivery drivers coming into your hotel
              answering your last and first question at the same time, no he wasn't a driver that I recognized... the only reason I didn't immediately assume he wasn't legit from the getgo was that I wasn't on my normal day so it was possible that he could have worked a while and just works different days than me.

              second question... you're kidding right? We don't even have hold music that works... we're a 93 room hotel and our switchboard and the front desk phone are the exact same thing... the only calls that are traceable are long distance calls (for billing) and 911 calls... and we aren't even getting into the problem that the guest may very well have used a cell phone.

              and 3rd, yes, had we not been more busy I would have called the store, and I tried asking him to leave... he didn't want to leave and I don't want to have to call police dispatch for a belligerent delivery driver... part of the reason the police response time for us is so fast is that they know we can handle most situations and if we are calling them it truly is an emergency... last thing I want to do is having them know us as the hotel that calls them for every small thing and have them assume a true emergency is just Smiley and the gang whining again.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #22
                Quoth XCashier View Post
                I remember Barro's pizza, they've got great Chicago style pizza! (You're in the Phoenix area, right? Try a chain called Red Devil sometime, that's an excellent New York style pizza. I recommend the sliced sausage.)

                Hubby is currently working as a delivery person for Dominoes, and if he had a situation like that, he'd have called the store and asked for clarification. The driver in the OP was either a scammer or a dumbass, possibly both.
                im in mesa close but far form phoenix
                i dont like new york style i like Chicago style.. actually i dont like pizza at all but i like barros veggie.
                barros is best because the driver always brings everything you order even if you canceled one part because you decide not to spend 50 bucks so the driver could a get a good tip (yes ive told the people on the phone a few times, wait no cancel the wings i want the driver to get a good tip and that pushes the funds) and he knew about it (got free wings a few times cause the drivers/management is nice) if always hot, and they always come in at the short end of the estimate


                • #23
                  Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                  IF (and I emphasis the word IF) the hotel's phone system is good the clerk can look up (given time of couse) to see what room called the pizza place
                  What hotel has that system? Because I want it! Every hotel I have EVER worked at has the same phone type. The Mitel Superconsole.
                  Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                  Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                  Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                  • #24
                    Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                    What hotel has that system? Because I want it! Every hotel I have EVER worked at has the same phone type. The Mitel Superconsole.
                    that is exactly what we have... except the manager has one of the Superset 4150s... that phone is so nice... I wish we could replace the desk one with one of those

                    ETA- they make headsets for the superconsole
                    I want one
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #25
                      Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                      palming off stone cold product (no matter what place it comes from)
                      I read that, and my mind said, "Well, what about from an ice creamery? Would it be okay to be stone cold then?"
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #26
                        Forget the big chains--we have Marion's Pizza. They're so good that they can not offer delivery and still usually have a line at the pickup counter and a full dining area. I think they make their sausage with crack, it's just that good.

                        If I want a change, I'll stop by Papa Murphy's and get a deluxe stuffed pizza made fresh while I wait to stick in the oven. Really happy that the apartment is close enough to both that I can stop on the way home from work.
                        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                        Hoc spatio locantur.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                          What hotel has that system? Because I want it! Every hotel I have EVER worked at has the same phone type. The Mitel Superconsole.
                          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                          that is exactly what we have... except the manager has one of the Superset 4150s... that phone is so nice... I wish we could replace the desk one with one of those

                          ETA- they make headsets for the superconsole
                          I want one
                          some of the hotels (big chains) must have a seperate computer system for thier phones. out of like 12 hotels we deliver to about half can look up all outgoing calls by outgoing phone number (as in my pizza place's) and determine a room number. sometimes it is a pain for them but I know they can do it (personal experience with wrong room number given at order time). I know most in our area do offer free local calls so I am not sure why this feature is there, but it helps a lot at times

                          looking at the link to the Mitel it looks familiar to most hotels in my area but not all have this system. all I know is that whatever systme they have it can be done ie. looking up outgoing phone numbers

                          OK Juwl delivering ice cream would be stone cold LOL
                          but I do not think there are many places (except Swans) that deliver ice cream
                          Last edited by Racket_Man; 02-02-2009, 04:15 PM.
                          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                          • #28
                            Ice cream being *stone* cold would be bad.

                            Ice cream being *freezing* cold would be *good*.

                            On that note, I think I want some ice cream. Even though the outside temperature is -4.2°C


                            • #29
                              omg that is the perfect tirade
                              way to go smiley!

