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Bank employee murdered by a disgruntled customer

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  • Bank employee murdered by a disgruntled customer


    So what did the comments to the news report say?

  • #2
    Some are accusing the bank of being nothing but a bunch of penny-pinching rip-offs and that it was hard, in these conditions, "not to blow a fuse". Those seem to think the poor woman deserved to be killed ! As if bank employees were part of the decision making process in The Conspiracy woven by the banks' big heads to rip customers off their money. Actual quote "Bankers are robbers. So they are treated as such."

    Some are blaming the government that was in place 20 years ago. I'm still trying to understand that one.

    Some are blaming the current government. I don't understand that one either.

    Some are surprised to hear that some bank employees have received a special training to handle conflictual and possibly hazardous situations. They seem to forget that, if someone walks in a bank looking for trouble, they are more likely to attack the employees, clerks and such, rather than security agents. If someone wants to rob a bank, they will take the front desk clerk hostage rather than walk up to the burly security officer. So, indeed, it is logical that some bank employees should be trained to handle such situations.

    Some are making it a racial issue. Victim was from North Africa, perpetrator from Martinique. Allegedly, these are two populations that never could get along. Whatever. I don't think it's particularly relevant to the problem.

    Some are advocating the return of death penalty, or a quick, harsh punishment "to set an example". Just because the man didn't resist arrest and confessed the crime doesn't mean there are laws and a judicial procedure. There still have to be a trial.

    Fortunately, in the middle of all that bullshit, some are truly offering their sincere condolences to the co-workers and family of the victim.

    Still, I weep for humanity, when a person gets killed, and so many are trying to use this most unfortunate and terrible event to try and further their own agenda, without as much as offering the slightest hint of sympathy for the victim and their entourage.
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


    • #3
      If the french version is online, post the link. I read and speak a little french. (there are also websites that will translate entire pages. )
      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


      • #4
        This story is upsetting me a lot. The various reactions I have read so far on different websites even more so.

        Not really a sighting per se, because I didn't witness it. I would post it in the "Check it out !" section if I had found a link in English language to the news report. Unfortunately, my Google-Fu skills need to be improved, as it seems. The reason I'm posting it here is because it happened literally next door to where I live.

        Feel free to move it if need be.

        I'll try to translate the news report as well as I can.

        From AFP :

        A 32-year-old bank employee was stabbed Wednesday [January, 21. 2009] on the street in the 20th Arrondissement of Paris. The presumed murderer has been arrested shortly before 7pm at his home. He didn't resist when the Police came to arrest him.

        Shortly before noon, the 24-year-old man stabbed Djamila A., an account adviser in regional bank of the Banque Populaire group. This woman, with whom he was in conflict, was having a cigarette break in front of the establishment, when she was stabbed by this customer, who then ran away.

        According to the police, the murderer wanted to get back the money he had placed on a life insurance plan for which he had signed up with this bank. He had several arguments with the bank over the phone beforehand.

        The paramedics, upon arrival on the scene, discovered the employee lying on the side walk, in a puddle of blood, with a knife stuck in her upper back. She was in a critical state when she was transported to hospital and died from the wound shortly after.

        Amel, a neighbouring shop owner described to the AFP the scene she witnessed : "It happened at 11.20am. The young lady was quietly smoking her cigarette on the outside. The young man arrived, he was about 24-25 years old. He was a big, well-built black guy. He used to be an intern at a near-by sports store."

        "I saw her fall to the ground, face down, a knife stuck in her neck. She had blood on her face, she tried to say something. The killer was chased by some guys who were working on a near-by construction site. They managed to hit him with a shovel, but it didn't stop him. Besides the body, we found a bag full of knives. It was a big blade, fully planted", she continued.

        Another young man, a resident of the neighbourhood, who wished to remain anonymous, explained that the aggressor seemed "cold blooded". "We tried to intervene. He saw us, but he didn't seem to be afraid. Then, he taunted us, making provoking gestures", he added, saying he was among those who chased the aggressor.

        Three employees of a near-by company and another from the bank assured that the perpetrator was the customer with whom she had an argument.
        Here's a link to the French version on Yahoo News.
        Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-31-2009, 02:44 PM. Reason: merged
        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


        • #5
          Whoops. Uh, sorry all. In an attempt to move the link to the first post, I seem to have moved the first post to the link, and I'm not sure how to undo that, since the time stamp would still just put it at the end. >_< I'll just not touch anything next time.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Best mistake EVER Broom!
            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


            • #7
              I'm going to make a comparison here that I think might help out overall understanding. I also think it might upset some folks. For that, I apologize.

              Please remember this as you read: A very large difference exists between comprehending and condoning. And for the entirety of this post, when I say understanding, I mean comprehending. I do not mean condoning.

              I'd like to ask all of you to think about two names: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, more colloquially known as the Columbine Killers. Two teens who felt pushed beyond the edge and reacted violently. What they did was beyond horrid. Even with that, though, many people on this board can understand what they did. None of us will condone it, but we can understand it.

              Something similar might very well be happening with this victim, with this murderer, and the comments supporting the murderer. These people supporting the murderer could very well be in the same boat. They are understanding what was driving the murderer. They know how easy it is to pay bank fee after bank fee after bank fee, especially in a time when people have such a hard time getting money into their pockets. They know how frustrating it is.

              Would they go so far as to kill someone over it? No. But they understand it. Just as many of us understand what happened in Columbine.

              I apologize if I've upset anyone, as that was not my intent. I do hope I've helped people understand the thoughts that might very well be going on just a little bit better.


              • #8
                I'm going to hell for this but... I guess the bank's looking to hire now?


                • #9
                  @Pedersen : I understand what you are saying. Nevertheless, I find it very sad that some people seem to act like they are condoning a crime, when they are barely comprehending it. And I find it even sadder when some people, not only neither condoning nor condemning, but apparently not even comprehending what happened, try to turn it into an example of why they are right and other people are wrong, regardless of the event's relevance to their agenda.

                  @PepperElf : Yes. Yes, you are.
                  "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

