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wash that kids hands

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  • wash that kids hands

    So as I've said before we have gotten a shitload of snow and ice.Every floor at the student union is covered in a film of white stuff from the ice melt. We all day from about 8:00 to now(3:00) there has been a lady in the lobby with a baby. Well this woman keeps sitting her baby down right where people are walking,its crawl under people's feet and knocks over wet floor signs.This baby is maybe 6 months old.Never once has I seen the mom wash the babys hands and did I mention there is ice melt on the floor. What Really ticked me off is the baby crawled over to the doorway of my store and the mom just said oh honey look at the lights and walked away. People were having to step over this baby to get into the store. I Really hope that this mom is just stupid and not trying to get someone to trip over the baby or the wet floor sign to fall on the baby to try to sue. It could just be shes hoping to get attention for herself. Because when I ingnored the baby and her,she came back over and took the baby away from my store.My sister in law went through that with her babies.

    Also my clock has been ticking so don't tempt me with a baby lady.I will steal the baby,just kidding.

  • #2
    Kids are going to get dirty; it's what they do. That's how they build up immunities to certain bacteria.

    BUT I have a problem with someone just letting their kid crawl all over a public area and potentially cause a situation where either the kid or someone else could get hurt. That's just careless. I could see letting a toddler wander around (but I would still be on them like a duck on a June bug so they didn't inconvenience anyone else) but not a kid that young.


    • #3
      Funny, I dont remember seeing ice melt on the food pyramid....


      • #4

        *Plucks kiddie off floor and dumps him/her into the Lost And Found box*

        Sit. Stay. Good Puppy.
        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • #5
          Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
          Kids are going to get dirty; it's what they do. That's how they build up immunities to certain bacteria.

          BUT I have a problem with someone just letting their kid crawl all over a public area and potentially cause a situation where either the kid or someone else could get hurt. That's just careless. I could see letting a toddler wander around (but I would still be on them like a duck on a June bug so they didn't inconvenience anyone else) but not a kid that young.
          Yup. And if you keep your kids too clean, it actually harms them. Apparently a rather significant amount of asthma is actually the result of being too clean when you're young. Since your immune system has nothing to fight against, it turns against your own body, causing all sorts of problems.

          That said, letting an infant crawl around in a major traffic path is bad.


          • #6
            I'd probably still wash the kid's hands just because I don't want them getting all that salt in their mouth (since a lot of sidewalks, around here, at least, are salted). But the baby definitely shouldn't be crawling around where lots of people are going to be walking. I've seen several people who don't pay any attention to where their feet are actually going.

            As for my kids getting their daily dose of germs, that's what playgroups and playing outside in the dirt and only washing their hands when it's time to eat is for.
            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


            • #7
              Ugh, that is SO gross... We have kids in our Karate school who just lay and roll all over the floor. The kids are on the parent side, where the folks can watch their students train. But, our feet are on that floor. And people's sweat. And sometimes the small students get sick and such... I would never let a kid roll all over a public floor.

              Good news, we recently replaced our dessicated old carpet with nice thick puzzle mats. They're much more cleanable and nice, and they don't hold in all the yuck...


              • #8
                and put a kid in an entrance where people have to walk over him?

                um... yo, lady... some people wear steel-tipped boots ya know!

                (and when you wear those giant things sometimes you misjudge where your foot's gonna go... yeah i've stepped over the cat before and bonked him in the head with my steel tipped boots... felt really bad about it...

                so im thinking... that mother does that enough times, baby IS going to get a foot to the face just by accident

                and yeah she'll blame the other person but wtf, move your freakin baby out of the door, idiot!


