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Today's Sighting

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  • Today's Sighting

    Me and mom went out today shopping and stuff (bought some really good fresh made cananolies for dinner). I saw a couple of sightings.

    1st Person

    There is a woman who lives near my neighborhood. Whenever she drives past our entrance, she stops and parks between the two dividers we have in the middle of our entrance. What does she do while she's there? She lets her dog to take a dump on my neighborhoods property.

    She did it today when me and mom were leaving. She's done it several times that I know of.

    2nd Person

    I was going to post a different story here but I can't remember it

    So I'll post this one instead.

    Mom and I were heading in to pick some things up at Walmart when this guy cuts in front of her from the right lane (we're in the left turning lane). Luckily mom always stays a car length or so behind other people, but she had been closing the gap since we were about to have to stop. Even better, the guy then goes back into the left lane.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry

  • #2
    Argh, I hate when people assume that my "safe driving distance space" is really "please cut in front of me space".

    I keep about a car length, maybe a little less away from other cars when driving, because if they suddenly stop, I'm screwed. I'm not the best driver, so I take precautions.

    And then people will just cut in front of me, thinking that's an opening. NO, that wasn't for you.


    • #3
      I keep my two second gap, and people always assume that's the 'dive into the gap so I can make my turn' space.

      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        She lets her dog to take a dump on my neighborhoods property.
        I say, since she lives near there.... there's 2 options

        1) Call the police and report her
        2) Get a pooper scooper, fill up a bucket... and then dump it back on her own property.


        • #5
          Well, at least the dude took space in the proper lane.

          It's been snowing here all day, the plows don't seem to have touched the roads in town, and I watched THREE people make either left hand turns from the right hand lane or right hand turns from the left hand lane. The last one almost got T-boned by me, especially when the anti-lock system kicked in. Unfortunately for him, he was driving a company van with the name and 800 # on all sides. I've informed their company voicemail of the license plate, time, place and the fact that he nearly got their property seriously damaged while endangering the lives of other drivers and pedestrians. Have a good chat with your boss tomorrow, jackass.


          • #6
            Quoth Gerrinson View Post
            Well, at least the dude took space in the proper lane.
            Actually he didn't. He got into the turning lane and then right back out. He didn't turn at all just kept driving down the road.
            Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


            • #7
              Here's a cure for repeat offenders who let their dog dump on other folk's property:



              • #8
                Quoth RedRoseSpiral View Post
                Actually he didn't. He got into the turning lane and then right back out. He didn't turn at all just kept driving down the road.
                Whoops, my bad!

                So, apparently the guy is just a complete jackass. I'd be surprised but I believe they have the rest of us outnumbered.


                • #9
                  Here's a cure for repeat offenders who let their dog dump on other folk's property:
                  that's what i had been thinking of when i wrote my reply!


                  • #10
                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                    Here's a cure for repeat offenders who let their dog dump on other folk's property:

                    Sadly, I would be waiting a long time before being able to do that. The dog is itty bitty, but it's still annoying that she lets it poo all over my neighborhood.
                    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry

