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The White Stuff

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  • The White Stuff

    The weather has made everyone crazy. My mother needed some shopping today, just in case things do get worse. We headed for a big name supermarket and were met with a huge queue of cars. There's normally a two storey parking area, but today the top level was closed off due to ice. So of course, the barriers are down and people have parked lengthways across them. This means that even if they did open no one would be able to get through anyway, creating a whole new level of suck. Luckily, I didn't see this happen.

    What I did see however, was a shed load of road rage (more parking rage really). One guy was being a parking vulture and holding up someone coming out of a junction. The guy trying to come out of the junction sees this guy and pretty much immediately foams at the mouth. The queue is at a standstill so we look over and both of them are yelling in their cars and waving their arms. Honestly, it looked like the brief moments of threatening before a monkey fight. At this point a woman nearly takes the back end off my car by barging her way through. We both looked at each other and decided to give in and go to a smaller supermarket, where perhaps we wouldn't be able to find everything we wanted, but we'd certainly still be alive at the end of it.

    So the smaller supermarket is much quieter, but still busier than normal. Me and my mother take our time going around, picking out little treats for ourselves as we go. We take a little longer than usual as we're not used to a lot of the brands but its no trouble. It worked out much cheaper than it had been in the busier supermarket too, which was a nice surprise. We get to the checkout and due to the weather they are on limited staff, meaning there is one girl on the till.

    Immediately I try and sniff out the SCs. There was a woman behind us, who sighed upon seeing that she'd have to queue. She says loudly, "It's always the same in here. Only ever one person on the checkout." I start gritting my teeth, before she continues, "It's really not fair on whoever's working."

    Ok, so no suck there really apart from being a bit dramatic with the sighing...but the woman behind her gets out of the line and marches through to the other side of the checkout and snaps at the girl, "What are you doing? Can't you see there's a huge queue?"

    I looked around and there's the woman being rung up in front of us, then us, the sighing woman and then this one. Hardly a huge queue. The girl didn't even react to her tone of voice and just nodded, picked up the phone and asked for someone else. All the time this woman is giving her the death stare. I roll my eyes and we're next to be served. Me and my mother chat to her and are as friendly as possible, kind of trying to make up for snippy people.

    She did laugh along with us, but was still really flustered and accidentally put through a bag of chicken breasts through as an electric lawn mower. We all laughed and joked about it while we waited for her supervisor who changed it all over. I hope we managed to lighten what looked like a pretty crappy day for her.

  • #2
    oh oh oh oreo whats in the middle, the white stuff


    Actually, by getting her to laugh, I'm sure your brighten her day a bit....I remember awesome customers making me laugh on bad days
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs

