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Ultimate Friday The 13th Movie Theater Foolery

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  • #16
    Husband and I usually take turns watching films. First one watches and then the other. Might be a little more expensive that way, but it's worth it.


    • #17
      The police were actually called to a local theater this weekend because of teenagers who were there to see the Friday the 13th movie. As far as infants go, my brother and SIL have decided to wait until my niece is older to take her to the movies. They just rent movies for now, or get someone to babysit if they want to see a movie in the theater.
      Last edited by ADoyle90815; 02-16-2009, 07:45 AM.


      • #18
        I went and saw Push last night (don't bother, crappy movie) and we were witness to the mother of all bitches.

        The previews end and the lights go down. About 5 minutes into the movie, some guy comes and sits next to his wife three seats to our right. "What' did I miss?" he states loudly. They then go on, speaking at full volume about whatever (couldn't hear what they were saying, just heard them talking) for about 10-15 minutes.

        A kid about 10-13 years old sitting to my left went to the restroom and came back about 3-5 minutes later. He came up to the aisle and began to come down. The bitch of a woman didn't move her feet, causing the kid to trip on them (in an almost pitch black auditorium).

        The woman started berating the kid about how he has no manners, "how dare you step on my feet!!" etc etc. My wife couldn't take it anymore. She said, "You're the one's that have been talking the entire movies, who needs the manners?" That almost shut the lady up. She started talking mad shit to her husband and finally realized that we weren't paying attention to them anymore, so she shut up for the rest of the movie.

        I mean, really... who the hell pays money to go to a movie and sit there and TALK the entire time? Fucking bitch. I hope she wrapped her car around a tree on the way home.

        It was more proof we need to stop going to the theatre and just wait for Blu-ray/dvd. We've decided to only go to the really big movies that we're interested in. It's just not worth it.


        • #19
          Quoth Jbball View Post
          I mean, really... who the hell pays money to go to a movie and sit there and TALK the entire time? Fucking bitch. I hope she wrapped her car around a tree on the way home.
          That's a tad harsh. How about just wishing her alternator gives out, so she then has to by a new car, and all she has money for is a '76 Pacer?

          Then she'd have to suffer through the humiliation of driving a Pacer.


          • #20
            Okay, as someone who worked at a theatre for years, did anyone actually go and TELL the staff that this was going on? We're not psychic, you know. We can't tell people to shut up, sit down, and keep the kid under control unless someone comes and tells us that something's wrong. We did theatre checks occasionally at my theatres, but after midnight, it was down to the closing staff, and we didn't always have time for everything, so that would be the first to go. But we would still handle customer complaints. I've said this a dozen times on the boards, but seriously, if you have a problem, go get an employee immediately. We LOVE to bust people for acting up.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #21
              I did once plead for help to the support staff when some meth-addled twit who wouldn't get off his cell phone wouldn't stop yelling.

              And I do mean yelling. Not even talking conversationally over the movie, but YELLING over the movie.

              I returned to my seat and overheard some of the conversation that went on between the usher and the man with the phone (it did, in fact, include the phrase "the easy way or the hard way.") Eventually, loudmouth was ejected, but not before threatening me and anyone else who dared look at him funny. After the movie was over, I was half-expecting to be jumped in the parking lot.

              Love, Who?


              • #22
                Quoth PepperElf View Post

                Hell the teens had more common sense than he did! You don't take babies to R rated movies... Hell I'm surprised they even let him in with an infant. Some places won't let you do that.
                Think they smuggled him in a parka?
                Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                • #23
                  Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                  Think they smuggled him in a parka?
                  In the middle of a Chicagoland winter, that could easily work.

                  Seriously though, the last movie Mrs. TGK and I caught in theaters was Kung Fu Panda. It was a Saturday afternoon, and all but a few of the kids there were from our karate dojo--well behaved, needless to say. The theater was not far from our dojo and we had a tailgate party afterwards--my wife brought her famous meatballs.

                  Back to the OP, it wasn't the teens who were sucky it was the moron who thought it was a good idea to take a baby to a midnight horror film.
                  I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                  Who is John Galt?
                  -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

