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Feathered Feta

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  • Feathered Feta

    Not sucky, just funny.
    On the way home last night from a friend's house (I was helping her work on her wedding dress), my future Bro-in-Law wanted to order a pizza for pick up. He wanted feta cheese and bacon.

    So I call the pizza place near to our house on the way home, which also happens to be near my Uni (which tends to be chock full of people with more money than sense).

    After the opening shpiel:
    Me: Do you guys have feta cheese?
    Pizza Girl (PG): A large what now?
    Me: (annunciating in hopes that I have a bad cell connection) Feta cheese
    PG: Feathered what?
    Me: Feh-tah. It sorta looks like bleu cheese.
    PG: ...
    Me: Should I take that as a no then?
    PG: ... <click>

    Me to BIL and FH: How much you wanna bet she goes to my school?

  • #2
    heh. i don't think i've ever seen that on a pizza before but hey... i'm game to try anything new... eh on second thought, no. i just realized how salty that thing would be and... eh, i'm not a salt fan. but otherwise i'd try it

    i'd recommend... check with any place that makes greek salads... if they make those, then they're going to have feta cheese.


    • #3
      There's a greek place in town that does pizza here. They use feta cheese. I don't really like it, but their lasagne is better than any italian place I've been to.


      • #4
        Maybe she's a Feta-Phobe?


        • #5
          I still can't understand why people can't grasp the difference between Canadian Bacon and regular Bacon. Canadian Bacon is...well...ham. I grew up in an area that calls it Canadian Bacon (I live in a different state now) Yet if I accidentally forget to say ham, pizza places enter my order with regular crispy bacon. Every. Single. Time. Grr. And sorry, but that Hawaiin pizza just isn't the same with pineapple and crispy bacon. Yuck.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Mmmmm, I love feta cheese!! It's really popular here, you wouldn't have any trouble ordering a pizza with feta cheese here. I Eespecially love the kebab pizza. Mmm, yummy kebab meat and feta cheese! Soo good! Drool!
            It's been a long, long, long, long time...


            • #7
              Heh, there's a local pizza house with two sites on the city, it's owned by a musician and my BF plays there some weeks. One of the pizas they have is a pizza with feta cheese and dried tomatoes, very mediterranean (and I love mediterranean food and ingredients), when he plays he usually asks for that pizza as his dinner.
              I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

              "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


              • #8
                dominoes now has the pacfic veggie, which has feta, i love it.

