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Tales of L--

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  • Tales of L--

    So I posted a thread on the Sucky Customers board about L--. She is an ancient woman who has nothing better to do but walk around town and be a pain in the ass to anyone and everyone who has to deal with her. Off the top of my head, here are a few things I personally have witnessed...

    In my town we have two gas stations. One is self-serve with the lowest possible prices. The other is run by one of wealthy town families, full-service, usually at least 50cents higher than the other. A couple of months ago, I ran in to buy cigs at the self-serve and had to wait while L-- yelled at the guy behind the counter for not pumping her gas for her. How do you get to be 120 year old and not know how to pump your own gas, or understand the concept of a self-serve gas station? Or live in the same town for 400 years and not know which one is which?

    Just a couple days ago, I was in line at Rite Aid (probably buying cigs again!) and was about 3 deep in line, the line being held up by L-- who was asking the poor cashier to flip over EVERY scratch lottery ticket, to check the serial numbers on the back. Finally she gave her trademark "aaah" noise and dismissive wave (seeming to indicate that the cashier is the one who is being troublesome) and said "Just gimme THAT one". Cashier asks "how many?" "JUST ONE!" gets screamed back at her. Seriously. A ONE DOLLAR scratch off ticket, took 10 minutes to be chosen. L-- then opted to stand next to the register to scratch her ticket (a no-no in most places) and then when she apparenty won a buck, jumped in front of the person in front of me, to order another ticket. When I paid and left the store, she was still in there, bitching that she hadnt won on the next one,and I actually heard her ask the girl to check the serial numbers AGAIN

    Quick Sighting at the local laundrymat... L-- walks in and screeches at the attendant (my coworker at the time) "I'm just using the bathroom- you aint got a problem with THAT do you??" and out comes the snotty dissmissive wave as she hobbles to the ladies room

    Another goodie is at the local general store...they have a coffee club, get your card punched for every coffee you buy and you get a free one with a full card. I've seen L-- in there on at least three seperate occasions, twice complaining that "the other girl" didnt punch her card last time (so she gets an extra punch this time!) and once that her card is full but she forgot to bring it with her. Of course, being that I live in frickin Mayberry, she got her free coffee.

    This woman always gets her way by being an in-your-face bitch, I'm assuming she always has and no one wants to change it now. I'd love to see just one person tell her to f*ck think subconsciously she's hoping for that day too, given the way she laughed at me when I yelled back at her the other day

    (I could search my memory banks and find more fun L-- tales, but baby just woke up..bye all!)

  • #2
    This heffer certainly gets around, doesn't she? Someone could certainly write a bestselling novel about her, such as you. Is there a chance she might also be a smoker? The reason I ask is because people I've seen who yell at the cashier when he or she picks out the wrong cigarettes. "I told you to get me the Puke 100's in the box, not in the soft pack! Why do you morons always get it wrong?" And of course, these can be the people who are living poorly and can't feed or clothe their kids properly, but have the money for smokes.


    • #3
      Quoth TattooedMommie View Post
      I'd love to see just one person tell her to f*ck think subconsciously she's hoping for that day too, given the way she laughed at me when I yelled back at her the other day
      She definitely deserves some sort of comeuppance, but why does she laugh when she gets scolded for her rotten behavior? Something's not right.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Some really rude people WILL laugh, and respect you, if you yell at them or otherwise call them out on their behaviour. It's really weird but I've seen it happen several times - most recently on Friday when I politely agreed with an obnoxious customer that he was of course completely within his rights to go somewhere else for his dog food. He complained that "every other time I come here something gets messed up on my order!" - to which I very politely replied, "of the three orders so far, sir?".

        He CALLED TO APOLOGIZE today.


        • #5
          Quoth Buglady View Post
          Some really rude people WILL laugh, and respect you, if you yell at them or otherwise call them out on their behaviour.
          They only respect people who refuse to take their abuse? Funny, I only respect people who DON'T abuse others.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            They only respect people who refuse to take their abuse? Funny, I only respect people who DON'T abuse others.
            Eh. I've seen it before. Something about only respecting people who have the self-respect to stand up for themselves. I don't agree with it, but it is out there.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Quoth XCashier View Post
              They only respect people who refuse to take their abuse? Funny, I only respect people who DON'T abuse others.
              I work for a guy like that. Trust me it's not fun.


              • #8
                Didn't Next Gen make Wes "test" on that when he was taking the entrance exams for the Academy? Something about bumping into another applicant or cadet or something, who got madder and madder as Wes apologized, until Wes realized what race he was and told him off.
                Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                • #9
                  Quoth AriRashkae View Post
                  Didn't Next Gen make Wes "test" on that when he was taking the entrance exams for the Academy? Something about bumping into another applicant or cadet or something, who got madder and madder as Wes apologized, until Wes realized what race he was and told him off.
                  Ah yes, the Zaldan race...
                  Yes I knew exactly which incident you were referring to, but I did have to google to find the exact name. I'm such a trekkie nerd.

                  But at least that is a cultural trait of a species...not the jackassery of a few individuals.
                  "This isn't a home, this is a swirling vortex of entropy." - Sheldon "The Big Bang Theory"

