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Zoning Guy

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  • Zoning Guy

    Backstory - I am getting a small lawn shed, for my mower, tools, etc. So, I need to get the permit for my area and have to be at the Zoning office before 4pm. I make it there from work with about 15 minutes to spare.

    Ahead of me in line is one guy. He looks like a roofer or construction guy, scuffed up jeans with concrete dust, big old workboots. He is asking the woman at the desk, "Are you sure I don't need a permit for a new driveway?"
    She says, "No, you can put in a new driveway anytime."
    He says, "Are you sure? I don't want to not have a permit..."Launches into loooong spiel about other part of the city, where they charged three times as much if you didn't have a permit...
    At this point, I am still waiting patiently...
    Then, he starts to leave. Sticks his left leg WAY out, so as to still "be in line" ahead of me by virtue of one toe. "Are you SURE I don't need a permit?"
    She says, "I am sure, you don't need a permit"
    Wash, Rinse, Repeat about five more times, all the while he keeps one leg stuck way out in front of the window... It's getting near 4pm... Argh!
    FINALLY, he steps away and walks backwards out the door, looking like he might leap back in front of me at any moment...
    The lady and I ignore him and she sets up my permit quickly and efficiently, and still has time for the second lady who came in for a garage sale permit... Whew...