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I'm TRYING to be nice, here, lady!

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  • I'm TRYING to be nice, here, lady!

    From this morning. Dollar General has awesome socks for 3 bucks a pair. They're AWESOME. Everyone wants them when they see them. So I have to keep getting these socks for people.

    So I'm in there this morning on another sock run and the cashier is just incredulous because in the back of the store, some customer has sprawled her merchandise all over the kitchen table in the back of the store and is hanging out there for whatever reason. (they are selling the business and selling everything. Including, literally, the kitchen table. ) She was not in their kitchen, the table was out on the floor. Evidently there was a "sold" sign on the table and this cashier was about to crap a cinder block because this chick was sitting at the table.

    I mean, on and on she went. To me. "How can she not see the sold sign? Why is she got her stuff strewn all over it! Someone bought that, why is she back there???"

    I'm thinking, Jeeze, lady, it ain't like she's back there carving her name in the damn thing. Ring me up, already. I'm making polite noises like, "Oh, well, I don't know, maybe she's looking for something in her purse." and "people don't really notice signs much." and stuff like that, but what I"m thinking is how much I'd like to get my crap and go. And on and on she went until it got downright weird. And then someone came to make change and she got all flustered, like she forgot what she was doing. The whole time kvetching without a break about the chick at the table.

    The words "Are you fucking high?" started to percolate up my throat, but I bit them back and didn't say it.

    Finally, FINALLY, in a flurry of disorganization and airheadedness that would have made a Shaggy and Scooby proud, she managed to get me rung up.

    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 04-01-2009, 07:44 PM.

  • #2
    I was like that one time at my inlaws auction.I had just bought a couch and the people at the auction kept trying to sit on the arms of my couch.I threw a fit and told everyone to get away from my new couch.I wasn't overracting the way the auction idiots were,wiping their nasty hands on everything. I dunno that was just a big no no in my house growing up. Maybe the girl bought the table and didn't want some idiot touching it. Hell you've seen the crap customers do in stores. I don't blame her.


    • #3
      Oh, understood, and I agree that she shouldn't have been using the table since it had a sold sign on it. No argument there.

      I just thought the clerk was overreacting given the situation. A reaction, yeah, okay, I expect. But the way she was carrying on you'd think the customer was setting the thing on fire. And she kept overreacting, even though she had me and another person in her line. Instead of doing her job, she just stood there with her hands on her hips, staring into the back of the store and bitching.

      End of the day, its not my problem and I don't want to hear about it ad nauseum while I'm waiting with an impatient child to get my crap and go. I don't mind her mentioning it to me, but the women went on until it got weird and uncomfortable. It was trying even my patience, and I've got a pretty long fuse in this sort of situation.

      If it bothered her THAT much, she should have excused herself and gone back there to remedy the problem instead of holding me and another person up forever while she stood there kvetching.


      • #4
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        Oh, understood, and I agree that she shouldn't have been using the table since it had a sold sign on it. No argument there.

        I just thought the clerk was overreacting given the situation. A reaction, yeah, okay, I expect. But the way she was carrying on you'd think the customer was setting the thing on fire. And she kept overreacting, even though she had me and another person in her line. Instead of doing her job, she just stood there with her hands on her hips, staring into the back of the store and bitching.

        End of the day, its not my problem and I don't want to hear about it ad nauseum while I'm waiting with an impatient child to get my crap and go. I don't mind her mentioning it to me, but the women went on until it got weird and uncomfortable. It was trying even my patience, and I've got a pretty long fuse in this sort of situation.

        If it bothered her THAT much, she should have excused herself and gone back there to remedy the problem instead of holding me and another person up forever while she stood there kvetching.
        Oh no I agree completely. See thats what I did with my couch.I stomped right out of that auction office and told them to move their asses. I think that she was just hoping the woman would hear her and move. I hate that too when a cashier won't shut up and ring me up.

