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Oranges and strangers...

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  • Oranges and strangers...

    Few sightings from the last week, one at a grocery store, two on or near METRO buses...

    I lost 15 minutes of my life...over oranges!!
    Had to run to a grocery store to day, and chose one that was having a sale on some fabulous fruit. One such sale that I took advantage of was large navel oranges, 5 for $1. I always try to choose fruits that either have a barcode sticker or PLU sticker on them, just to make life a little bit easier for cashiers.

    Shouldn't have bothered this time. I get to the checkout, and am watching her swipe and scan, swipe and scan. She gets to my oranges, plunks them down, enters a code and the price pops up on the screen. $8.50

    Me: Excuse me, ma'am, I don't think that price is correct on the oranges.
    Her: Yes it is.
    Me: No, they're on sale, 5 for $1. I grabbed 10. It should only be $2, and I'm being charged $8.50.
    Her: That's what they're ringing up for. You're wrong. Do you still want them?
    Me: No...the signs on the doors and by the display say 5 for $1. The price you're charging is incorrect.
    Her: No it isn't. I'm going by the PLU in the book.
    Me: <I happen to catch a glance and repress a sigh> Ma'am, I grabbed fruits with the PLU of XXXX, you're charging me for YYYY
    Her: No, the price is $8.50.
    Me: No, I'm sorry, it's not.
    Her: Yes it is!

    <lather, rinse, repeat...>
    I finally take an orange out of the bag and point to the sticker.

    Me: Look! XXXX Ring it up as XXXX
    Her: It's gonna be the same!
    Me: Humor me!
    Her: <She rings it in, enters quantity...and comes up with $2>
    Me: <Stares at her, daring her to say anything>
    Her: Well, it's not my fault you didn't tell me what they were...

    Managed to get it voided out, but damn. 15 minutes of my life gone, and my poor brain goo violently assaulted. Over oranges

    crap, they're attacking in pairs now!!
    I think I've mentioned before how I'm occasionally getting hit on whilst on the METRO bus, or at bus stops. Well, twice in the span of a week, not only was I hit on, but I was double teamed! These are more amusing sightings than anything, and I'm glad I managed to maintain good humor, or it might've turned out sour.
    In each instance,

    Me: Self-explanatory
    M1; Man 1
    M2: Man 2

    Situation #1:
    I'm exiting Target and walking to a bus stop. I stopped at the Starbucks and grabbed an iced tea and am quite happily slurping away through the straw. I pass a car in the parking lot. The driver's side window rolls down.

    M1: Hey!
    Me: <Still walking, not sure he's talking to me.>
    M1: Hellloooooooooooo, woman!?
    Me: <Ok, he IS talking to me, and he just called me woman?? Don't think so...Ignore! ANd walk past the driver's side, in front of the car>

    And then the passenger side window rolls down...

    M2: Hey, beautiful!
    Me: <crap, do they travel in packs now??>
    M2: <More aggressively> What's the matter. You don't know how to TALK?!
    Me: <Stands straight up, with as much dignity and aplomb I can manage, after taking the straw out of my mouth, I shoot a look over my shoulder and say...> My mommy told me never to talk to strangers...

    I continue slurping on my tea, and finish walking to the bus stop to the sounds of them laughing like hyenas behind me. I at first thought they were high or drunk or something because they were seriously laughing hysterically. After relating the tale to a friend or two, they laughed just as hard. I didn't think it was that funny, but hey. Glad to amuse.

    Situation #2
    happened today on the bus home from the aforementioned grocery store. I'm on the bus, talking to my grandma on the phone, and alternating between texting SG15Z and another friend. After I hang up the phone, two guys are talking about the cost of cigarettes and how high it's gotten, and seemed baffled. Now, M1 sat next to me, briefly, whilst I was on the phone, but hey, didn't pay attention cuz I was talking to grandma.

    Me: I don't mean to interrupt your conversation, but I think it's because tobacco tax went up recently, that the cost of cigarettes are so high.
    M1: Ooooh, that might explain it.
    M2: Yeah, now that you mention it, I think a clerk told me that...

    They both move to get off at the next stop, and M2 stands and then leans over me.

    M2: Hey. Gotta a question. Your mama let you out like that...?
    M2: Because you's a danger to society, precious.
    M1: Man, you missed it, when I was trying to hit on her. Ain't that shit hot?
    Me: ...
    M2: Oh yeah, she can have all my money. I loves me big women.
    M1: No kidding, right?

    and the proceed to go into a conversation about the "attributes" of big women and how great they are, leaving me baffled and unsure how to respond, but I think I mutter something along the lines of, "Thanks, that's flattering...?"

    And thus, they exited the bus, and I lost the rest of their conversation. I look over to the woman sitting next to me, and she's trying not to laugh.

    Me: All righty then...
    Her: <snickers>

    One more!
    This JUST happened. Went to meet a friend at the bus stop outside my house, since she wasn't sure where her stop was. As I'm standing there, car pulls up to the curb.

    Random guy: Hey! Hey you!
    Me: Um...hi?
    RG: I just saw you standing there, you look so good! Here, I wanna give you my card!
    Me: Um...flattered...but no.
    RG: But you're beautiful! I could take you places!
    Me: 0.o
    RG: You don't want to go places?
    Me: Quite happy where I am, thanks!
    RG: <Gives CBF and drives away>

  • #2
    Well you've had an interesting day......and I apologize on behalf of the grocery chain for that cashier. I promise we're not all like that, though I'm not entirely surprised unfortunately......

    Oh and was the PLU for the 5 for $1 3107? If so yay I remembered. Sorry haven't been on a register in a while and I have to keep playing "What is the PLU for...?" to remain being the awesome PLU dictionary at work.


    • #3
      Yes, that's it exactly. Congrats!!


      • #4
        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        Yes, that's it exactly. Congrats!!
        W00t!! Who da man? I da man!


        • #5
          go you!

          Why you posting here instead of driving to my apartment?! It's almost 6!! you're supposed to be HERE!



          • #6
            to butcher a knock knock joke: orange you glad it wasn't over bananas?
            Bark like a chicken!


            • #7
              Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
              M1: Hey!
              Me: <Still walking, not sure he's talking to me.>
              M1: Hellloooooooooooo, woman!?
              Me: <Ok, he IS talking to me, and he just called me woman?? Don't think so...Ignore! ANd walk past the driver's side, in front of the car>

              And then the passenger side window rolls down...

              M2: Hey, beautiful!
              Me: <crap, do they travel in packs now??>
              M2: <More aggressively> What's the matter. You don't know how to TALK?!
              Me: <Stands straight up, with as much dignity and aplomb I can manage, after taking the straw out of my mouth, I shoot a look over my shoulder and say...> My mommy told me never to talk to strangers...
              And this is where fluency in sign language (ASL, Auslan, any variant) comes in handy.

              Just sign at them. You can sign just about anything, the chances are very slim that they're able to interpret it.
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


              • #8
                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                go you!

                Why you posting here instead of driving to my apartment?! It's almost 6!! you're supposed to be HERE!

                Uh I posted on my phone actually, while I was in the car. I think I was at a stop light at the time so there! Sorry a was a tad late had some errands to run, but it looks as like y'all didn't start the fun without me, so all good.


                • #9
                  Quoth Seshat View Post
                  And this is where fluency in sign language (ASL, Auslan, any variant) comes in handy.

                  Just sign at them. You can sign just about anything, the chances are very slim that they're able to interpret it.
                  If you want to REALLY screw with people's minds, do what me and my gf's do (We all know sign - they're hearing, I'm deaf.) On busses its normally too loud for even them to understand each other so we all use sign language. I get a kick out of the reactions of other people when we get to our stop and they get up and switch to speaking.
                  The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


                  • #10
                    I am currently hearing, but my hearing is deteriorating. We're learning sign (Auslan) as a precautionary measure.

                    It's already much easier for me to sign than to speak when I'm having a really bad day. I don't have much vocabulary yet, but I can at least say 'sorry, tired' or 'sorry, hurts', or 'I'm going to bed'.

                    (It's bad when those are the most important things for me to learn to say, isn't it?)

                    We're improving, though. Slowly but steadily.
                    Seshat's self-help guide:
                    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                    • #11
                      Seshat, I sign on occation too (Oh... but I'm told I use "American Sign Language" I wonder if it's the same thing and people just forgot what the A stood for?). Mostly at conventions and [Magic the gathering] tournaments. When it's so loud you can't hear yourself yelling... yeah, time to learn something useful.
                      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                      • #12
                        I've long thought that sign should be offered as a 'second language' in schools along with French, Spanish, etc.

                        Lupo - congrats? You musta really had your game on!


                        • #13
                          sms, I dunno WHAT I had one, but sheesh...

                          Maybe it's just the long years of low self-esteem speaking here, but I've never thought myself to be that attractive, and still pretty much don't see what all the fuss is about.

                          But apparently I emit some knda pheremone that attracts creepy pervy guys. Wow, go me...


                          • #14
                            Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                            Seshat, I sign on occation too (Oh... but I'm told I use "American Sign Language" I wonder if it's the same thing and people just forgot what the A stood for?).
                            Auslan and ASL are different. There are similarities, but not total overlap. The best I can figure is it'd be a bit like someone speaking with lots of slang from the Deep South talking to someone with lots of slang from English Cockney. There'd be basic understanding, but real confusion on some points.

                            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                            But apparently I emit some knda pheremone that attracts creepy pervy guys. Wow, go me...
                            Well, I WAS gonna say, but then I'd be creepy pervy. And I get called that enough by others...
                            Last edited by Broomjockey; 04-04-2009, 08:41 PM. Reason: merged
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                              sms, I dunno WHAT I had one, but sheesh...

                              Maybe it's just the long years of low self-esteem speaking here, but I've never thought myself to be that attractive, and still pretty much don't see what all the fuss is about.

                              But apparently I emit some knda pheremone that attracts creepy pervy guys. Wow, go me...
                              I apparently have the same pheremone.

