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Greedy bastard at a chinese buffet

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  • #16
    Quoth rdp78
    Anyway when I was the shipping clerk, the webmaster was obese man well, when I started and he was on kinds of diets. Well, I would joked about this with the boss and other co-workers the webmaster wasn't there (I think we joked more about his size then the diets). Well, whenever someone brings in treats he had to refuse because he was on a diet and I think he had finally luck with the South Beach Diet but I don't know really. I think one reasons he failed with his diets his wife because she didn't want to make two different meals and well, pretty much let just say she wore pants in that relationship. We also made fun of his wife because we throught she was witch and even the devil a couple times (yep, I still know the noises I made everytime they left) but that's another post.
    Was he a horrible person to all the other employees to deserve such treatment? If not, why would you make fun of him b/c of his weight? Then his wife was made fun of too just because of his weight? That's very sad, IMO. I'm not going to start a morals arguement here, and I'm not even going to get into the witch = bitch arguement now.

    How's about everyone just getting onto the main topic of the original post and not condoning the verbal stoning of heavy people okay?
    If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


    • #17
      I agree that the guy was selfish in taking all the crab legs not once but twice; I remember being at a restaurant and this woman having a screaming match with the staff cuz they wouldn't let her take all the ham and cheese pasta off the buffet cuz they had a rule against people taking all of one item. The staff won by the way cuz they had a prominant sign on the buffet. Maybe this place should have one too.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #18
        My husband works at an all-you-can-eat Chinese Buffet.

        Customers are not allowed to do take-out of buffet items.

        If they want the item, they have to order through the kitchen from the regular menu, and they have to wait as it is prepared, as the buffet customers take precedence.

        That is the reason they actually have a separate menu. What is on the buffet is not necessarily available on the regular menu.

        To me, the restaurant needs to rethink its policy to prevent things like this from happening.
        True, a buffet does not necessarily mean a guarantee that every item will be available at all times, but a popular item should be monitored a little better, and quantities possibly limited to ensure a better value for all patrons.

        *NOTE- Since this thread is more about the greed of some customers, and less about the weight of the customers concerned, I have edited the title.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #19
          We'll never know whether or not he was eating it all himself OR taking it to share with others.

          There's a difference between theoretically knowing HOW to cook crab legs and being able to and have them taste good. I wouldn't even attempt it. Nor would I attempt to cook shrimp. I love both and am a pretty good cook. YUM!

          Quoth rdp78
          Well, SM likes to bring in baked goods from time to time and well, I probably eat one of them but one the AMs seems to eat about 4 or 5 at a time...
          Well, the night before the skinny AM was there and she must have eaten quite a few...
          And here's almost exactly what my co-workers say about me. One of the CSR's brought in a lovely cake last week. I ate, uhm... almost all of it.
          I don't know WHY it is- but I eat all the time and stay thin. My co- workers frequently say things like, "You're eating AGAIN?" But then, I'm very active also.

          I could eat all the crab legs twice over by myself. I weigh 125lbs.

          It's a question of "Is what he did rude?"
          The fact that he was overweight had NOTHING to do with anything. No need for weight to have EVER been mentioned.

          I'd say that his rudeness has been equaled/surpassed by some of the comments in this thread.
          "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

          ~TechSmith 314
          HellGate: London


          • #20
            Quoth Ree
            My husband works at an all-you-can-eat Chinese Buffet.

            Customers are not allowed to do take-out of buffet items.

            If they want the item, they have to order through the kitchen from the regular menu, and they have to wait as it is prepared, as the buffet customers take precedence.

            That is the reason they actually have a separate menu. What is on the buffet is not necessarily available on the regular menu.
            The one I used to frequent in Santa Fe did the same thing. I'm addicted to their leaf-wrapped sticky rice (and easily eat 3-4 pieces per visit), but I'll forgo it if there's only one or two pieces left and wait until it's refilled--for all I know, there are others there who love the stuff too. Yes, I watch the steam table to see when that dish is refilled, but only so I can take mine first so everyone else can get it (does that make sense?).

            Now, if I could learn to make that sticky rice myself...
            "I am quite confident that I do exist."
            "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


            • #21
              Y'know, if there's only a couple of pieces left, you go ahead and have them. Someone's got to have the last ones. Why not you? Just don't take the whole tray as soon as it comes out.


              • #22
                The reason most contest eaters are skinny is because on a skinny person, there is much more room for the stomach to expand to contain all the food eaten in a speed/quantity contest. Whereas on an obese person, their stomach can only expand as far as the fat deposits on their abdomen will allow. Or at least that's what they said on the Discovery Channel. Or it might have been National Geographic.


                • #23
                  Given that you're dealing with the public at a buffet of any kind, you're always going to get SCs that are greedy or rude. It's just the law of averages. The buffet could curb those SCs ability to behave badly by limiting the amount of a popular item they can take, or by making takeout a separate function and not allowing takeout food to come from the buffet.

                  I used to go to a wonderful Chinese buffet about 5 minutes from my workplace in Kansas City. They had a 'seafood' night where the steam table was attended by a server. You got x amount of crab legs, shrimp, etc per visit to the table, and no more so that everyone got a chance to have some of the popular items. My favorite was the salmon cooked in wine which almost no one took, so I had plenty for me


                  • #24
                    If only you knew the five years of hell...

                    Quoth Luna
                    Was he a horrible person to all the other employees to deserve such treatment? If not, why would you make fun of him b/c of his weight? Then his wife was made fun of too just because of his weight? That's very sad, IMO. I'm not going to start a morals arguement here, and I'm not even going to get into the witch = bitch arguement now.

                    How's about everyone just getting onto the main topic of the original post and not condoning the verbal stoning of heavy people okay?
                    ...I went through with this guy and yes, he wasn't very nice to the other employees (of course, he had to be nice to the boss). Anyway we did not make fun of him when he was there but after he left for the day (we had different times) and whenever he wasn't there. I usually wasn't the one who started making fun of him and the whole thing about his wife being a witch I think either the boss started that or another co-worker I can't remember but from what I understand she is not nice person to deal with. Of course, there were other things we made fun of him and his weight was just one of them. Sorry for the thread jack.

                    Anyway I don't have anything against obese folks and I also have relatives who are big also. I have seen people of all sizes come in my store and I think most of the SCs are skinny (just observing). Well, I'm a bit overweight my self (I'm trying to lose the last 10) and I have even lost oh about 20 pounds over five years (yeah, I fell off the wagon several times) so I was very overweight at one point in my life.
                    Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
                    My space


                    • #25
                      My mom done that with the chicken once. The sad thing is, my famiy ate all the chicken
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #26
                        Quoth Juwl View Post
                        Well, great, now I feel like a blimp! I'm just shy of 300 pounds, but I've been told I wear it well, as I'm also 6'5", so you really can't tell I'm that fat...
                        And, yes, I know you weren't directing anything at me.
                        My wife is a big woman. I don't know how much she weighs, but I would guess over 300lbs. I love her to death though. I make fat comments all the time, as I am fat as well and I don't see how that should keep me from making a fat comment about some idiot.

                        I am just saying that a lot of times, fat is mentioned only to insult that particular person; not becauese someone has a thing against fat people in general. You can call someone a bastard or you can call them a "fat bastard." I preferr "fat bastard" because it has extra sting to it.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Customer Beating Robot View Post
                          You can call someone a bastard or you can call them a "fat bastard." I preferr "fat bastard" because it has extra sting to it.
                          Get in me belly! *Ducks*


                          • #28
                            I've got that song on my stereo in the car. I think the group is Bad Manners led by Buster Bloodvessel.



                            • #29
                              Randomly, I'm 5'6" and weigh 230 pounds. The sports editor at the paper is 6'1" and weighs 230 pounds. And he looks MUCH larger than I do. Weight by itself means nothing.

                              On topic: I admit that I'm a buffet grazer. I will pick out the pieces I like. If it's spicy steak with broccoli, I do my best to pick around the broccoli. HOWEVER, I am not so rude as to take ALL the goodies. I get a few pieces and then move on to something that I WILL eat all of. Because it is VERY rude to take all of something and not leave anything for others. If you were at Thanksgiving dinner and someone ate all the dinner rolls before you could even get at them, wouldn't you be annoyed?
                              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

