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Soda Explosion

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  • Soda Explosion

    I think we were both a bit sucky, though the cashier was lucky that I don't make scenes and I understand shit happens.

    My friend and I went to Taco bell, well there was nobody behind us and we were looking at the menu for a bit. Found out they changed the menu and friend didn't know what she wanted because of the fact that the item she liked had been taken off. No problem there. She complained a bit, I told her to take a chill pill and apologized to the cashier for taking so long. Friend bitched loud enough to embarass me and it was hard to shush her.

    Finally we get our order together, I admit we did take like two mins but I don't think we were rude or anything. I said please and thank you the whole time.

    Now, when we got to the window, the cashier looked kind of annoyed--so I just figured that she had a crappy day or something.

    Things are okay, I pay, get my change. Then, she starts handing us our drinks. The first two were fine but the third one, the lid was a bit loose, I noticed it looked funny but thought nothing of it.

    Soon enough, the cup (a large) like exploded and got all over me, the inside of my truck, the outside, my hand and the buttons on the panel in the inside of my truck where the power windows and locks are.

    I didn't yell, I didn't get mad. She didn't apologize or anything, just a straight not so happy face. Like I somehow annoyed her... She handed me napkins and I began to clean.

    Had I done anything like that I think I would have been apologizing out my ass. BUT then again, it wasn't all her fault. Both of our hands were on the soda and the lid just wasn't on tight enough. I could have been a bitch and screamed but I refuse to do that to anybody. But am I rude to think a small sorry may have been needed?

    I was almost wondering if it was on purpose for us annoying her but nah, I'm sure she just had a crappy day and made it worse?

    Then we get out food and I had to park to clean up the mess. Well, friend looked though our food, one of the containers had a big hole in the bottom and it had like black ickiness on it. It was gross, so friend went in and bitched and came back with a new one and some cinnamon twists.

    I would not go inside with her. I hate bitching but the container looked contaminated and shouldn't have been handed out. BUT I would never ask for anything free. The item was only like ninety-nine cents or something but I was the one paying so... lol But I don't know if suck was invovled but it kinda just well sucked.

  • #2
    well you weren't sucky...

    sure you took a bit longer but if there was no line it's not much of an issue.

    i'm kinda wondering if the loose lid and freaky looking food was on purpose


    • #3
      Were you annoying while taking your time at the speaker? Probably, but no more so than most customers and it's just another part of day-to-day drive thru. That doesn't make you sucky, unless your friend really was acting like a jerk at the speaker and the employee heard her. In which case I can appreciate why the employee acted annoyed.

      As to the lid, who knows why it wasn't properly attached. The vast majority of employees would never ever sabatoge a customer's meal and I would hope this employee was the same, regardless of her bad day/annoyance. But that in NO WAY excuses the fact that she didn't apologize. Hey, stuff happens and it really sucks, but she should apologize. I sometimes drop things as I'm scanning, I don't intend to do it, but I make sure to sound sincere when I apologize. You had a sugary, sticky shower so yeah, she shoudn't have just shrugged it off.

      Now the "contaminated" food? I wasn't there and don't know what you saw, but if it truly looks contaminated and not simply damaged (which happens sometimes), then that's major suck on the store and frankly, I would suggest a polite letter to corporate. I hesitate to think what sanitation issues you're not seeing and I wouldn't eat there again.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Maybe the lids at that place are like the lids at my store! Corporate just changed all the cups and whatnot and the new lids they chose are awful! They are hard to get on and even when they're on if you even barely squeeze the cup it pops off! I suspect that she just didn't get the lid on all the way. I'm surprised she didn't say anything when it spilled though. If that were me, I'd help you clean your car (but I don't work a drive thru)
        Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat

