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Wherin I try NOT to suck, and it backfires

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  • Wherin I try NOT to suck, and it backfires

    I've been really conscious of being a good customer since being on this site. So, I go into the local gas station/convenience store for a pack of gum. There are two registers.

    Blond Cashier - has one customer
    Indian Cashier - has a price gun that he is trying to reassemble on the counter

    I stepped around to wait behind the customer, not at all impatient or anything, no scowling. When I get up to the Blond Cashier, she screams behind her, "Harry (name changed), pay attention!"

    He says, "To what?" while still putting the price gun together.

    She replies, "She had to come around here because you aren't paying attention!"

    I tried to intervene and said, "Oh, I'm okay to wait, I just saw he was busy with his price gun, and there was only one person ahead of me. It's not a big deal...."

    She goes on a huge rant at the poor guy..."He doesn't pay attention, it is a big deal, blah, blah, blah..."

    I felt so sorry for the poor guy. The two guys usually there are Indian and always sweet and friendly - my co-workers and myself always assumed they owned the place. I am not sure why Blond Cashier felt she could chew him out like that. The theory of myself and my co-workers is that she married the guy who actually owns the place.

  • #2
    I was expecting the cashiers to have assumed you chose to wait rather than go to the other person based on race.

    Never mind, you did the right thing, you can't account for unreasonable coworkers of the people you try not to suck to.


    • #3
      I don't think the attack was personal. She was just a bitch.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Quoth bainsidhe View Post
        I don't think the attack was personal. She was just a bitch.
        Or, conversely, maybe the dude was a miserable slacker of an employee that was only a few hours away from termination. I dunno, there are a million possibilities, but all we can do is speculate. Either way, it's just...uncomfortable to watch two employees argue (even if it's one-sided) in front of you. :[

