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Because Kmart can afford to turn away MORE business....

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  • Because Kmart can afford to turn away MORE business....

    I can usually tell when I'm sucky, but was I?

    Phone conversation follows:
    (and before you ask, yeah, it's the same Kmart) Different numbers denote different voices.

    Me: Hi, I was in your store yesterday and saw a sandbox I was interested in, but it had no price on it. Could you tell me how much (I describe it...they didn't have much selection, so it was easy to say which one).

    Kmart 1: Sure, can you hold?

    Me: Sure.

    I'm on hold long enough to go outside on the cordless phone, water some plants, rinse out some trash cans, rinse the soap off the deck, and throw some dirty clothes into the laundry room.

    Kmart 2: Hi, can I help you?

    Me: Uh...I was holding for a price check?

    Kmart 2: Okay.

    I'm on hold long enough to wash some dishes, put away some dishes, return the trash cans to their correct places, chat with the husband some, and wipe down the counters.

    Kmart 3: Who are you holding for?

    Me: I don't know. I'm waiting on a price check for a sandbox?

    Kmart 3: (as if explaining to a child) Oh, well then you are holding for Sandbox.

    What a fucking coincidence, the long missing clerk is named Sandbox and I'm looking for a sandbox. What are the odds of that?

    I'm on hold long enough for my ear to start to sweat.

    Kmart 4: Can I help you?

    Me: What?

    Kmart 4: Who are you holding for?

    Me: Who have I been holding for 20 minutes for? No clue. Just trying to get a price check on a sandbox, but it seems that's not going to happen.

    In the end, the guy got my number and got my price and called me back, and that's cool.

    I don't really mind holding for a long time for something like this, but don't make me do it and then make me start over from scratch 20 mintues later. And the parade of folks that don't know what's going on and aren't going to help me, and in one case assault me with a stupid ray doesn't help. Yeah, I'm going to be annoyed if you do that.

    I'm pretty sure the guy gave me a price on the wrong item. I ended up going with Amazon. Turned out to have the thing a bit cheaper and eligible for free delivery.


  • #2
    Wow! It only took them 20 minutes to give you your price check? They sure blew out payroll for this week, huh?

    Just kidding...or am I?

    My store isn't always the greatest on answering outside calls quickly, but we don't keep people waiting anywhere close to 20 minutes.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Ooooh, another -a-thon to add to the collection.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Twenty minutes is a very long time to be on hold for a price check. My bet is #1 was looking for your prices and then went "Oh hey, I can go on break... they didn't sound that important anyway" ...not... that... I've...EVER seen any one I work with do that........or...anything...*coughcough*
        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


        • #5
          Husband was asking me "what on earth did you call them for, you'll be on the phone all night."

          The reason was because sometimes at that store, if they have something discontinued or whatever, they will give it to you very, very cheap. For instance, I got a a swingset last year for 80 bucks for that reason.

          The sandbox I wanted, they only have one of and it seemed to be just stashed on a shelf. So hey, I'm willing to hang out a bit. But like I said, I'm pretty sure the price he gave me was on the wrong item.

          I just thanked him anyways and ordered the thing onling.

