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The Case of the Exploding Customer

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  • The Case of the Exploding Customer

    I'm dropping this in sightings because it actually happened to my SM and not myself....

    Well, today was… interesting to say the least.

    I got to see a customer have a complete and absolute meltdown. Over game trade-ins.

    You see, a customer came in today, wanting to trade in several games and get store credit on a card. Nothing really suspicious so far.

    However, all of the games he has look like they’ve just been opened… like.. five minutes ago. Any gamer will attest there’s nothing like the smell of a freshly opened disc, and that scent goes away FAST.

    But, he has games over various systems. Ps3, ps2, Wii and 360. Everything should be okay, right? Let’s see here… the titles were“Guitar Hero World Tour”, “Guitar Hero World Tour”, “Guitar Hero World Tour”, and “Guitar Hero World Tour”.


    Okay, so my store manager tells him that he can’t do the trade because the corporate office would see it as “suspicious”.

    Customer goes from zero to asshole in 3 seconds. He starts screaming about how he’s never been so insulted, and that corporate wasn’t there and didn’t decide it was suspicious, HE did, meaning my manager. My manager actually tries to apologise and explain the situation to him, but the customer will have none of it!

    “Do YOU have all the systems?!” he spouts, trying to make his point.

    “Well, yeah, but why would I buy the same game for all of them?”

    Here he just stammered and hemmed and hawed for a good twenty seconds before finally belting out, “WELL DO YOU HAVE FOUR KIDS?!?!”

    Maybe it was just me, but that seemed like one loooooooong pause there.

    Anyway it ended up with the guy demanding our corporate number, him telling my manager to stick his apology up his ass, and us calling the other stores in the area to warn them about this idiot.

    Now I would think that most folks in this situation would listen to the reasoning, accept the apology, and either ask what they COULD do or go somewhere else.

    Also, I saw that there were several cases on cheapass gamer lately where people were trying to sell loaded cards of trade in credit for cash at 1/3 or 1/2 of their value. Makes you wonder…..

  • #2
    4 gaming systems for 4 kids
    wow. sounds like someone's parent is just catering to their every whim... assuming he wasn't lying

    kinda wondered if he was using it like "game rental" or had taken the games and tried to fence them


    • #3
      To the guy's defense, my SO has what I amusingly call a "game-buying addiction". We have all the game systems, and a few of those would be the same games across different platforms. And yes, sometimes those games never get opened, until we decide it's time to make room, and open them to trade them in.

      However, I'm calling bullshit in this case. Guitar Hero World Tour? Um, that was a game MADE to play together. So what you're telling me is the guy not only has ALL the game systems, and four copies of the game, but would also have to have the peripherals (guitar, drum, etc), for each one of the systems, cause I'm fairly positive they're not compatible across systems. Bullshit.

      Guessing he didn't think that one through very well, huh?


      • #4
        Quoth Mordenheim View Post
        However, all of the games he has look like they’ve just been opened… like.. five minutes ago. Any gamer will attest there’s nothing like the smell of a freshly opened disc, and that scent goes away FAST.
        Like he just picked them up off the shelf, opened them, and tried to pass them off as his own trade-ins? Nice. I don't suppose you have security cameras that could've recorded him in the act?
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          Quoth XCashier View Post
          Like he just picked them up off the shelf, opened them, and tried to pass them off as his own trade-ins? Nice. I don't suppose you have security cameras that could've recorded him in the act?
          I was reading it more like he brought them, ripped the contents to a harddrive then came to trade them
          How ever do they manage to breathe for themselves without having to call tech support? - Argabarga


          • #6
            Here he just stammered and hemmed and hawed for a good twenty seconds before finally belting out, “WELL DO YOU HAVE FOUR KIDS?!?!”
            no, and neither do you, unless you can produce them immediately, along with a wife/girlfriend.

            i smell the stench of freshly laid bullshit...
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              I also smell scammer.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                Quoth Mordenheim View Post
                Any gamer will attest there’s nothing like the smell of a freshly opened disc, and that scent goes away FAST.
                Ah, yeah. That wierd mix of chemical and solvent smells that hits you in the face but is completely gone within seconds.

