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From a friend working in one of the worst jobs ever....(NSFW)

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  • From a friend working in one of the worst jobs ever....(NSFW)

    ....A Gas station/convenience store clerk. Yeah he read my "Do not" subway things and he actually came up with his own. IT actually surprises me how bloody stupid people can be....

    Don't drive off without paying. Gas is NOT FREE you dumbshit!!

    This gas station is self-serve and yet it's only recently when people keep driving off with gas. Even those smug-ass rich people immune to layoffs driving their Ferraris and Lexuses and Priuses drive off after getting a lot of gas. And even when gas was $1.50 last fall they STILL DID IT ANYWAY!!! Well no wonder you guys can afford to be driving around those Hummers and Mercedes, because when you don't pay for gas ANYthing is affordable!! It's so annoying that they won't even make it pay-first due to the fact that it'd make everything slow down.

    Don't come in and say "Mine's the SUV", "Mine's the blue car", or "mine's the cab" when there are SEVERAL OTHER KINDS OF CARS LIKE THAT!!!

    Yes which pump are you on? How am I supposed to know which SUV is yours when there are THREE OTHER KINDS OF ****ING SUVS OUT THERE!!! And please don't say "Mine's the Red/White/Blue car". I swear every SINGLE car in the US is one of those three colours.

    Don't come behind the counter to get stuff like cigarettes or Tobacco.

    Just because you acn get your own candy or drinks or stuff from the soda fountain does not mean that stuff BEHIND THE DAMN GLASS is self-serve. It's under lock-and-key so you idiots can't stuff cigarettes or tobacco in your pants and run out.

    Don't yell at ME about the Tobacco Tax.

    I KNOW the tax is big for Tobacco. I KNOW it costs way more than it did before...but whose fault is it? Is it the state's fault for tax? Is it the government's fault for approving that tax? Is it my fault for selling it? I'm pretty sure it's not that. SO STOP YELLING AT ME!!!

    Don't have sex in the bathroom.

    It's public. Do you wanna get walked in on or sick because we don't clean it every time someone has a scat orgy in there? Yes there's a condom and tampon machine in there...THAT DOES NOT MEAN TO HAVE SEX!!! Especially when you can't even do it quietly and there are kids asking what's going on in there.

    When you need to throw up or use the bathroom, you go to a garbage can or preferably the toilet. Not on someone's car, not in the wiper fluid, not on the floor, not on a shelf, not on the floor, THE TOILET.

    Because I was not hired to clean your mess up. Even if you're throwing up like LInda Blair there's food nearby. Use THE TOILET. Or the garbage can if it's an absolute emergency because those get emptied.

    Don't write in shit or blood in the bathroom.

    Those don't get cleaned until we're getting ready to close. That is just plain gross. My friend put it best..."VinShit Van Gogh" or "Pukeasso". Also, Tampons are NOT Pencils!!! Don't write on the wall with one!!! Even if you're writing Kanji this is NOT ****ing Okami!!!

    If I caught you stuffing chips or bottles of soda/booze or ice cream or whatever into your pants, then you have to pay for it and I CAN Charge you for it.

    Seriously this store isn't that you think you can go into a place where the cameras won't pick you up or where I won't see you and try to get away with free food?

    Please don't try and steal alcohol when there's a cop RIGHT THERE IN THE STORE!!!

    Seriously, that's not how you shoplift. You shoplift when people aren't looking and when there ARE no cops or security guards around. Yeah we get some off-duty police officers but they STILL carry around guns.

    Please wear deodorant.

    Please don't subsitute 50 gallons of perfume or cologne for deodorant.

    Please don't pay for a 59 cent pack of gum with a $100.

    Do you not see that sign RIGHT ON THE REGISTER that says we can't take bills larger than a $20?

    Please don't hold the line up to write a check...there's another sign right above the "nothing larger than a $20" that says we don't take checks.

    ESPECIALLY don't buy a 98 cent candy bar and try to write a check. Seriously who on earth writes checks for a bloody DOLLAR?!

    You can't buy Alcohol with a Canadian Drivers License.

    Sorry but you have to wait another two-three years. And please don't whine about how they let you buy alcohol at 18 in Calgary or wherever in Canada you're from.

    Don't use Fake IDs from stupid programs.

    Fake IDs are ILLEGAL. And sometimes it's bloody obvious. "Colorado" is NOT spelled "Colarado" or "Callorado". >.< And Wyoming is not spelled "Whyoming" and Kansas is not spelled with a "C". >.< I seriously hope you aren't paying money for these Fake IDs....

    Learn to use a Fake ID before trying to use one.

    ...yeah you sound like you're 15 and a half years old, you look 13, and this fake drivers license says you're 35?! Nuh uh you aren't getting this Coors Lite. AT least get something GOOD if you're going to break the law....

    Don't try and hold me up with a bottle of DASANI.

    Yes this seriously happened. Someone came in, walked over to the cooler, picked up a large bottle of Dasani and then held it to me and said "GIMME ALL YOUR MONEY THIS IS A HOLD-UP!". Dude my FRIEND was in the store and he knows KARATE...if you're going to hold this up, use a GUN or a knife. Or at least a GLASS bottle since that might actually do more damage.

    Don't let kids run around rampant.

    Oh yes I WILL charge you for that Hostess Cupcake your kid's shoving in his mouth. Don't make me get out a stun gun or a taser...

    Don't hold the line up to have phone sex.

    Don't hold the line up to talk about random shit.
    Put that Cell Phone DOWN!!!

    Turn your music down. If I can hear Eminem or 50 Cent from your ear buds all the way at the register then it's too loud.

    Don't open your doors in the car wash and then yell at me when you and your car get wet.

    SERIOUSLY your car is getting sprayed with HOT WAX and water and you wanna OPEN THE DOOR?! What are you trying to take a free shower? This happens more than you think. The first time it happened was a stupid teenager who thought it'd be funny to pull down the windows and then comes in soaking wet saying the car wash is broken. >.< Then some senior came in saying their grandchild opened the door and now their car was stuck in the carwash...YET YOU GOT OUT ANYWAYS?!? Don't you know that's also DANGEROUS?!?!

    Don't continue to feed coins into the air pump when it's already on.

    Don't say the air pump's broken cause it's not free.
    It's only free to bikers.

    Don't try to break into the ATM.

    No haggling.

    Don't fill your Nalgene up with Pepsi and then try and walk-off without paying. That costs MONEY fyi.

    Please don't use a high-school ID to buy alcohol.
    Because I went to that high school and I can tell you they do NOT Allow you to buy booze.
    Kangaroo Squee!

  • #2

    I agree with it all!

    Burn them!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
      Don't try and hold me up with a bottle of DASANI.

      Yes this seriously happened. Someone came in, walked over to the cooler, picked up a large bottle of Dasani and then held it to me and said "GIMME ALL YOUR MONEY THIS IS A HOLD-UP!". Dude my FRIEND was in the store and he knows KARATE...if you're going to hold this up, use a GUN or a knife. Or at least a GLASS bottle since that might actually do more damage.


      • #4
        If he did something like hit my friend with it I'd easily be over there kicking him in self-defense. XD I was actually right there and yes I do know karate.
        Kangaroo Squee!


        • #5
          When you need to throw up or use the bathroom, you go to a garbage can or preferably the toilet. Not on someone's car, not in the wiper fluid, not on the floor, not on a shelf, not on the floor, THE TOILET.
          All I can say about this is...what the hell is wrong with some people?! It's like these people have forgotten all about potty training or hygiene...

          Don't write in shit or blood in the bathroom.
          Once again, we have a case of people being reduced to 'understimulated chimp' mentality the moment they enter a public restroom

          Seriously, there must be something in the chemicals used to clean and maintain the restrooms that triggers this reaction in certain people...

          Don't have sex in the bathroom.
          Another thing I don't understand...there's nothing remotely sexy about public restrooms. I'm guessing these people just can't do it in the car, at home, or in a motel room...

          If I caught you stuffing chips or bottles of soda/booze or ice cream or whatever into your pants, then you have to pay for it and I CAN Charge you for it.

          Please don't try and steal alcohol when there's a cop RIGHT THERE IN THE STORE!!!

          Don't use Fake IDs from stupid programs.

          Learn to use a Fake ID before trying to use one.

          Don't try and hold me up with a bottle of DASANI.
          All together now...

          Crooks Are Stupid!

          Don't hold the line up to have phone sex.
          Again, why can't these people wait until they're somewhere private?


          • #6
            Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
            Don't have sex in the bathroom.

            It's public. Do you wanna get walked in on or sick because we don't clean it every time someone has a scat orgy in there? Yes there's a condom and tampon machine in there...THAT DOES NOT MEAN TO HAVE SEX!!! Especially when you can't even do it quietly and there are kids asking what's going on in there.
            Oh, to be able to have a bucket of ice water handy to throw over such people...
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Quoth Digitalpotato View Post

              Don't have sex in the bathroom.
              And if you really, really, really must, don't do it on the sink.

              We had a young couple in our bathroom in the coffee chain do it on the sink. In the only bathroom in the store.

              A) It's just rude to keep people waiting so long.
              b) Considering how many people LOVED writing all over the place with used tampons or in poo, you could very well pick up some nasty illness that way.

              C) YOU"LL BREAK THE FREAKING SINK OFF THE WALL AND CAUSE US TO HAVE NO BATHROOM FOR A WEEK! It's a sink, it's not meant to hold that much weight!!!


              • #8
                Quoth Digitalpotato View Post

                Don't drive off without paying. Gas is NOT FREE you dumbshit!!
                And it's times like these I'm glad that people are now required to pre-pay at most places in my state.

                Don't come behind the counter to get stuff like cigarettes or Tobacco.

                Just because you acn get your own candy or drinks or stuff from the soda fountain does not mean that stuff BEHIND THE DAMN GLASS is self-serve. It's under lock-and-key so you idiots can't stuff cigarettes or tobacco in your pants and run out.
                Does the store not have a secure door that requires card/PIN access?

                Don't yell at ME about the Tobacco Tax.

                I get the different variant: Don't yell at me about the bag ban. It ain't my fault!

                Don't have sex in the bathroom.

                If I caught you stuffing chips or bottles of soda/booze or ice cream or whatever into your pants, then you have to pay for it and I CAN Charge you for it.
                Evil, yet creative I like it

                Please don't try and steal alcohol when there's a cop RIGHT THERE IN THE STORE!!!
                crooks are stupid. Either that, or it's for the "thrill."

                Please wear deodorant.

                Please don't subsitute 50 gallons of perfume or cologne for deodorant.

                Please don't pay for a 59 cent pack of gum with a $100.
                Just be careful on that front. A crook I remember going around a while ago, his MO was to buy something low vale but not with a $100, but while the drawer was open, he'd reach in and grab the bills.

                Don't use Fake IDs from stupid programs.
                Did any of them have Peniscola on them?

                Don't hold the line up to have phone sex.

                Don't hold the line up to talk about random shit.
                Put that Cell Phone DOWN!!!
                That's where you serve the next customer in line while they hold up said line

                Don't open your doors in the car wash and then yell at me when you and your car get wet.
                The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                Now queen of USSR-Land...


                • #9
                  I feel for your pal! I worked at a gas station for a little over a year, and it was a pretty horrid job. Nowhere near as bad as waitressing, but it was pretty bad. Especially because I worked all alone in a small gas station in one of the scummiest, poorest parts of town. That's where I made my decision that poor people are suckier than rich people. I never dealt with such pure rampant entitlement from people who didn't even have two pennies to rub together!
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth Tutorgal View Post
                    And if you really, really, really must, don't do it on the sink.

                    We had a young couple in our bathroom in the coffee chain do it on the sink. In the only bathroom in the store.

                    A) It's just rude to keep people waiting so long.
                    b) Considering how many people LOVED writing all over the place with used tampons or in poo, you could very well pick up some nasty illness that way.

                    C) YOU"LL BREAK THE FREAKING SINK OFF THE WALL AND CAUSE US TO HAVE NO BATHROOM FOR A WEEK! It's a sink, it's not meant to hold that much weight!!!
                    ....They were doing it....

           a coffee shop....

                    ....IN THE SINK?!?!?!
                    Kangaroo Squee!


                    • #11
                      Quoth XCashier View Post
                      Oh, to be able to have a bucket of ice water handy to throw over such people...
                      Bucket of iced bleach....
                      Bark like a chicken!

