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creepy experiences

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  • creepy experiences

    Have you have had a creepy experience in a place of business?

    Before I start, please can we not turn this into bashing of anyone's beliefs?

    Even though I am a science trained teacher, I believe in the spirits, and have been told by a few that I have strong empathy.

    Well, a few years back, I was visiting a friend's workplace, where I needed to buy some batteries, camera filters and a few odds and ends. This store was in an old building.

    At the time, there were my friend, his manager (very cool lady I recall), myself and an elderly lady who well, I could not really explain the feeling - but it was not pleasant, I can only describe it as darkness.

    (something I had experienced earlier through a tragic family event).

    My friend and his manager came over to me, quite concerned, as both noticed that the colour had drained from my face and I was cold, very cold. I do remember her staring at me, not smiling, when the feeling engulfed me.

    After a couple of minutes, she muttered, 'you will see' and walked out of the store.

    Everything came good after that - that was not the first time I have had experiences like that, but it was one of the strongest.

  • #2
    At work the lights shut off at a certain time of night and the shadows cast set off an entire aisle of motion-sensor dolls that let out the most unearthly chorus of demonic laughter.

    I don't think they're really evil but i challenge anyone to keep their nerve when they're suddenly swallowed in darkness and it sounds like the minions of hell have come to claim them.

    Just imagine 10 or so of these dolls all laughing at once, suddenly, in the dark.


    • #3
      my CW and i think the bathroom is haunted (of all places)

      sometimes youre in there alone but hear footsteps/shuffling and no ones in there with ya. not too creepy but weird nonetheless.


      • #4
        I get a lot of hang-up calls at work. Usually no noise or even breathing, I just repeat the opening once or twice and then the dial tone.

        Though once recently, I did that, there was some breathing and a noise like a cough and THEN they hang up.

        No attempted murders yet, so I think I'm ok. It'd be creepier if it happened at night.
        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


        • #5
          Mmm, nothing at a business, but there's one building downtown that creeps me the fuck out. I walked by it once and it felt like I was wading through water up to midthigh. But creepier. Eearrgh. *shudder*

          I'm pretty sure some of that was psychosomatic, because I was expecting it to be creepy, because of the way it effects me when I drive past, but I wasn't expecting it to be that creepy.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            At the bakery I used to work at, I'd have to park up the street and walk down across some train tracks every morning to get in, around 3 in the morning. One wednesday, a woman was walking on the tracks and got hit by a train. Now, it was a block over, and I wasn't working that day, but my BFF was. So she had to deal with the fact that someone died a voilent scary death about a block over while she was happily (well, not so much) baking yummy bread, and the both of us had to deal with walking past the tracks every morning. I could never, ever look up the tracks to where the woman died, because I was scared that if I did, I'd get to see her all mangled and gross, walking at me. Brrrgh.

            On a lighter note, I arrived 15 minutes early one morning, and spent my nice quiet alone time reflecting on how our back room reminded me of the milatary areas of Resident Evil 4, you know, the parts with the Regenerator and Iron Maidens and the guy the pops out the oven on fire? Yeah, that was fun, what with the rats running around and the crazy flour coated spiderwebs in the corners (the place wasn't that big on cleanliness). Especially when my CW showed up and scared the bejeezus out of me by somehow not making any noise until he was right behind me.

            The giant centipedes there were also pretty creepy, but in a less ghostly way.


            • #7
              one night i had a customer who was wearing a black shirt that was standing in line behind another customer. since i wasn't wearing glasses like i was supposed to, after the first customer left this second customer materialized as my eyes focused. i screamed. then laughed
              To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

              my blog -->
              my brother's blog -->


              • #8
                I tend to be a strong empathic as well-there'll be times when I'll want to start crying for no reason whatsoever.
                As for creepy experiences at a place of business, I don't have home on the other hand...

                My grandfather died around October. I hadn't seen him leading up to his death (I really feel uncomfortable seeing somebody on their deathbed) so at the I hadn't been feeling well and was almost recovered. After my speech, I was NOT able to sit through the remainder of the funeral. I kept coughing so much, I had to sit in the lobby of the chapel where I could still hear (and somewhat participate) in the service. Oddly enough, I could participate in the burial.

                And on my sister's 15th birthday, the night before, our grandfather's picture fell off the wall. I thought it was the cats, but no...

                The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                Now queen of USSR-Land...


                • #9
                  I frequently have creepy things happen -- but only once at work that I can recall off the top of my head: I heard as clear as someone standing next to me a child screaming for help from inside a freezer (well, as clear as could be considering it was coming from a freezer).

                  I opened up one freezer -- empty... another... empty... another and another... and every time the screaming was getting louder as was approaching where the child's voice was coming from. When I got to the last freezer I kind of opened it at a distance so I could run (the voice seemed to be moving from one to another - I even checked around and behind the freezers but no one was around). Anyway.... I opened the last freezer and the screaming stopped mid-scream - and no one was inside. I avoided the freezers whenever possible after that.

                  I've always had this bad feeling that one of those freezers would be used by some "mal-intention" person one day ever since that.
                  Last edited by JLRodgers; 05-01-2009, 03:47 AM.


                  • #10
                    Quoth JLRodgers View Post
                    I heard as clear as someone standing next to me a child screaming for help from inside a freezer (well, as clear as could be considering it was coming from a freezer)..
                    whoa, your story gave me chills. scary!!!!
                    Last edited by Ree; 05-17-2009, 03:19 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting


                    • #11
                      Quoth jjllbb View Post
                      whoa, your story gave me chills. scary!!!!
                      I was debating on running out the fire door screaming compared to opening the last freezer it was getting to me so much (I could feel my heart beating in my throat). People who saw me thought I saw a ghost -- and when I said "I'm going to break" no one had a problem with it (actually a few said I needed one).


                      • #12
                        I work in a hospital that primarily treats older adults. I have to walk down many dark hallways and go into pitch black rooms on my patrols.

                        At first it was kinda creepy but now it's not so bad. I have a cell phone, and I also carry a weighted wand. It is kinda creepy to be heading down a dark hallway and hear footsteps behind me, or unlocking a building and hear a door open, or someone walking up behind me.

                        Tonight as I was doing my patrol of the Intensive Care Unit, one of the patients just started screaming bloody murder out of nowhere. No alarms, or lights were going off or anything. It scared the crap out of me, but a nurse went in to see what was wrong. Turns out he just had to go to the bathroom. Usually all of the patient floors are quiet so it's a little unsettling to have someone just start screaming out of nowhere.

                        There's also this one building that I have to patrol, and it's used for administrative purposes. The hospital used to be a nursing school and all along the walls they have black and white portraits of all the classes from 1912 onward. There are also 2 huge oil paintings of the women who first founded it. One is sorta creepy because no matter what angle you stand at, she's always looking at you. I jokingly call it "The Hall of Dead Nurses."

                        The woman whose job I took, was absolutely terrified of the dark, and always made one of the maintenance guys go with her on all of her patrols through the three buildings. We also have to lift dead bodies onto guerneys and transport them to the morgue, which she said she was fine with until she actually had to do it once. Then suddenly she wanted a different site to work at because she was actually terrified of the dark and doesn't like being around dead people.
                        Last edited by boringscreenname; 05-01-2009, 06:39 AM.


                        • #13
                          I don't have experiences myself... I kinda feel like I've blocked that part off, but don't know...

                          still, I like reading stories like that...and my family has some. My grandmother was sensitive and I think Mom is too...

                          1) Diner. There's a diner where my grandmother use to work at. Mom told me that the 3rd floor was unused but people saw lights there when there was no power, and that there were creepy cold spots there too. I looked the place up online and found it was listed as a "haunted location" in this area. I think the diner is closed now though.

                          2) Car accident. They say all Moms are sensitive. Simply put... I was in a car accident with Dad and the car flipped. When we got home I called down to the basement where Mom was doing laundry and said, "The car flipped."

                          Mom's reply: I know.

                          Around the time of the accident she just had a feeling come over her and ... "The car flipped over." I think she knew we were safe though... but she knew it had happened.

                          Oh and for your amusement... check out the "true stories" at the page below.

                          There's also a list at the page of haunted locations there at the page


                          • #14
                            I opened up one freezer -- empty... another... empty... another and another... and every time the screaming was getting louder as was approaching where the child's voice was coming from. When I got to the last freezer I kind of opened it at a distance so I could run (the voice seemed to be moving from one to another - I even checked around and behind the freezers but no one was around). Anyway.... I opened the last freezer and the screaming stopped mid-scream - and no one was inside. I avoided the freezers whenever possible after that.
                            Sounds like your store needs a visit from a ghost hunter or paranormal expert...

                            As for me, I'm somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal, so I've never really had any such experiences. I mean, if something happens that can't be explained by normal means, I'll believe it. But for now, I'm just happy to read the stories of others.


                            • #15
                              Hmm. The hotel I worked security at had a huge conference center with ballrooms, very grandiose; thick carpet, crystal chandalers, sateen wallpaper. At night it was very Phantom-of-the-Opera-ish. None of my male coworkers wanted to do patrols there in the dark...Not a single one. The place creeped them out even though. Me, I found the atmosphere relaxing. They all thought I was weird.

                              Though I did hear sort of a whispering sound in this one area every time I walked by. I said hi to it every night, and it stopped. If I forgot to say high, it would make a loud noise as I walked by, and keep going until I said hi. Don't know what that was.
                              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

