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creepy experiences

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  • #31
    I'm wondering...I think it may be depression or just mood swings, but a few times, especially when I've been on the bus, from out of nowhere I'll feel like I'm about to cry. I manage to keep it in, but it's just random, like I'm completely happy, then I'll feel like I'm about to cry for a second and then I'll be normal again...
    And it's always along the same road.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #32
      I've never had anything happen at any of my workplaces. I have had one event at home, however, which I'll get into later in this post.

      But I've had a few fun things happen while actively ghost-hunting.
      Quoth PepperElf View Post
      Oh and for your amusement... check out the "true stories" at the page below.

      There's also a list at the page of haunted locations there at the page
      Oh, hey, I've got an email I sent to them posted on that site!

      Fun happenings at the Queen Mary, California's 2nd most haunted location (if they haven't screwed with it too much).

      You can read the email I sent them HERE. I really didn't expect them to just throw it on a page as was. I still get emails every so often when new people read it and want to ask questions.
      Quoth GhostHelwig View Post
      I was in bed. I'd been asleep, but I woke up when I felt the bed moving. (I know I was awake; there is no way this was a dream.) I could feel the side of the bed dipping, like someone was pressing down on it - and then I felt pressure on my arms, holding me down. I couldn't move at all.
      Quoth Geek King View Post
      GhostHelwig, you may want to talk to a doctor about Sleep Paralysis. You're describing some classic symptoms. I'm not sure about the voice, but it could be coming from not being in a full waking state. As this can be the harbinger of more serious issues, I'd at least look into it.
      I second the whole idea of looking into Sleep Paralysis.

      I've had nearly the exact same experience, myself, only when it happened to me, it was part of a string of bizarre nightmares, and I knew immediately that even though I was lucid and felt completely awake, I wasn't. I ended up waking myself up after a few tries, so it wasn't at all frightening to me, either during or after.

      As a lead-in, both I and my ex were going to start a paranormal investigations team, but we never did get around to it. We both believed in various things, although I'm a slight skeptic, which makes me slightly less sensitive to some things but not to others, which I think is a bit weird, but that's me in a nutshell.

      So, on to the story. (warning, it's rather long-winded)

      One day, my then husband had decided to renew the wards he placed around our bedroom area. That night, I had a series of three rather odd 'nightmares.' I call them nightmares, because they felt like they should be scary, but with my temperament (and tendency to experience lucid dreaming), they were merely unusual and something to be analyzed... while I was still having them. *shrug* All three had a theme of me being trapped somehow and another being (it looked different in every dream, but had the same 'feeling' to it) would be in the same place, threatening me with imprisonment or the like.

      The next night, I again have three more dreams, all different but with the same theme as the first night. Again I'm more intrigued that frightened, not the least of which because I almost never have bad dreams of any sort (except the ones of being chased which I've had all my life and have left me anxious, but never scared).

      On the third night, they escalate. The first dream is more of the same. The second dream is the one where I feel completely awake, but I can't move at all. My husband is leaning over me with an upraised hand threatening to hit me and the room itself seems far too well-lit while there are no lights on. It has this feeling of being fake and I close my eyes, willing myself awake. It didn't work on the first try, so I did it again. This time, when I opened my eyes it was properly dark in the room, my husband was asleep (and snoring) next to me, and I could move again.

      The third (and final) dream is the only one I remember with any clarity (other than the sleep paralysis one). I'm in the back of a car; I think it's supposed to be a taxi, and the partition between the dirver and the passenger area was closed. The thing that had been with me in every dream looked like a giant moth this time and it was making the usual threats. This time, however, it claimed that it was the devil (seriously) and in the dream I laughed at it. I told it that I had figured out that it was the one that was trapped and it was just harassing me in an attempt to get me to let it out of whatever it was stuck in.

      So, the next day I told the hubby to take down the ward he'd put on the bedroom, which he did, and I never had another of those dreams again. I have two possible theories about what happened; one is that when he put the ward in, he accidentally caught something that was hanging around at the time, or the other is that he made the ward too restrictive and I couldn't do 'walkabout' while asleep and it was my subconscious trying to get through to me.
      Quoth fireheart17 View Post
      I'm wondering...I think it may be depression or just mood swings, but a few times, especially when I've been on the bus, from out of nowhere I'll feel like I'm about to cry. I manage to keep it in, but it's just random, like I'm completely happy, then I'll feel like I'm about to cry for a second and then I'll be normal again...
      And it's always along the same road.
      That sounds like you're a bit of an empath and there's something on that stretch of road that you're picking up on. I've had situations where friends of mine in other states have been extremely unhappy and I'll suddenly start crying at home for no reason I can figure, until I talk to them later and find out that it was at the same time they were.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #33
        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post

        I second the whole idea of looking into Sleep Paralysis.
        I'm not sure if my first response will show up before this one does, but I wanted to add that my sister has had similar experiences to that one in this house (although... she felt heat, rather than cold, on her back, and when she heard the voice she deliberately tried not to understand what it was saying). Though I still want to get checked out, because I'd much rather have a rational explanation for what I went through.

        That said, I have more creepy experiences I would love to describe here, but I have to go to sleep so I can get up in four hours. *lol*


        • #34
          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
          That sounds like you're a bit of an empath and there's something on that stretch of road that you're picking up on. I've had situations where friends of mine in other states have been extremely unhappy and I'll suddenly start crying at home for no reason I can figure, until I talk to them later and find out that it was at the same time they were.

          Thanks for that. I remember back when one of my high schools thought I had Aspergers and wanted me to be assessed. Mum had to write up this list of things and send them off. I managed to read the list and among it was "fireheart shows empathy with animals and children. It is one of her many talents."

          (and to answer any potential questions, no I did not have Aspergers, instead it was determined that my social skills sucked and they wanted to send me somewhere to bring those skills up. I declined and have recovered ever since)

          I also think part of it might be that when I go to uni, the bus(es) I take go up the same road and then go either one way, past the hospital interchange and then around to the uni, or they go straight through the northern end of the campus, passing the hospitals at the back. I may be picking up on something there, but I'm not sure. But it gets weird when I'm changing songs and I'll get a bit teary, even if the song's a rock song.
          Last edited by fireheart; 05-12-2009, 12:00 AM.
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #35
            Quoth Canarr View Post
            GHOST! GHOST FA-CERS!

            Sorry, couldn't resist...
            w00t! Did you see where they crashed the con that Jared and Jensen were paneling?
            Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


            • #36
              A few years ago I made a mail-order that turned very creepy.

              Hubby was into diving and I placed an order with a well-respected California company to buy some Birthday gifts for him. I ordered a neoprene Farmer John suit, a dive-skin, a mouth-piece for a regulator, a Shomer-Tec Diver's tool (read knife). I didn't get the package at the expected time. I did receive a very unexpected phone call.

              It came from Mr. X in Boston. He'd received Hubby's package. We had the same last name and wondered if we were related. He seemed a nice man and we had a pleasant conversation. Although we had similar names, we weren't related. One was Asian and the other was Irish. Think Ohara and O'Hara. It wasn't until after the call ended that the Creep Factor kicked in.

              This perfect stranger knew my phone number from the packing list. Quite possibly, he also knew my home address. Time to call Customer Service with a REAL problem.

              Perhaps it was part of the Corporate Image but the young man who answered my phone call had the Classic 'Surfer Dude' voice. Unhappily, he also had the Classic 'Surfer Dude' attitude.

              I explained my problem very politely. I was wearing a verbal church hat and lace mitts. His response was,

              "Well, Ma'am. As soon as Mr. X in Boston returns the package to us, we'll send it right out to you."

              Time to exchange the church hat for a neoprene hood and time to exchange the lace gloves for reef gloves! Get the dive tool out! Get me my regulator! It may have been bad of me but I told him why his solution was not acceptable. I demanded that a new package of my original order be sent to me. I had my reasons.

              1) We have no guarantee that Mr. X in Boston will return the package. After all, unsolicited goods sent to his address can legally be considered a gift that requires no return. You and I may never see this package again. I refuse to pay several hundred dollars to your company that becomes a gift to a stranger.

              2) There were things in that package that are designed to fit close to the skin and put in the mouth. Mr. X from Boston may have tried them on. At the least, he may have used the dive tool in his kitchen. I've ordered from this company before and know that the packaging they use can be opened and resealed. I can tell when the enclosures have been opened. I demanded a fresh, factory-sealed package and would not accept anything less on an order that approached $400 dollars of diving gear. .

              Usually, I'm not a demanding customer but I turned into a Mama Bear on this one because the gift for Hubby was to ensure his comfort and safety. I hope I kept polite and reasonable. I must have succeeded because. within a week we received exactly what I had originally ordered in factory-sealed packaging.
              Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.


              • #37
                I'm apparently energy empathic... I react very strongly to the energy patterns in people I'm close to. You just ask my friends, when they feel bad, I feel bad.
                To the point I've actually drained their headaches into myself.

                Which also probably explains why I prefer to make my energy light and bubbly. Life's easier when I'm upbeat, and exponentially so when the friends I'm with are happy, too. So, I try to please others first, and make their problems my own until they're solved.

                That said, there used to be huge windows in my parents' bathroom, it was a Master bath, and my brother and I played in there one day, him as He-Man, I was... She-Ra (I think...?) and he suggested there were skeletons coming through the window. And then, I SAW them, and hated, hated, HATED, using that bathroom at night, up until we moved out of that house.

                There was also a giant, hairy tarantula that would crawl the hallway from my brother's bedroom toward the 'play room' whenever I tried to use the bathroom at the end of the hall at night.
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #38
                  This happened over 10 years ago so let me see if I can get everything down in order.

                  At the grocery strore I worked graveyard at stocking jars of spaghetti sauce would crash to the ground when no one was looking. We used levelers, resfitted the shelves and used levelers to make sure it was level and they weren't slipping off, etc.
                  It was usually one jar a night.
                  Then one night I SAW the jar levitating over the isle and drop. I got the cleaning tools and cursed out the entity doing this.
                  Later that night we're up front and the sliding doors keep opening and closing, but no one was there. We go outside and all we see are birds flying around the entrance, so we figure its the birds.
                  Then a bird comes into the foyer and is squashed flat. We were of course OMG!!!
                  After that we took care not to say anything bad to the entity that likes to drop jars of spaghetti.


                  • #39
                    When I worked security I did a couple of shifts for the electric company. When was at a main site and it was an overnight shift. SCARY! I had to do rounds every hour of the main level of the bldg. And every time I passed the girls bathroom, I felt watched. When I finally went in to do my business, the feeling was super intense. Not just like I was being observed, but like something was waiting to attack me. It felt like there was a crazy rapist/serial killer stalking me in there. And I don't have a really special fear of empty office buildings, cuz at the time, I spent a lot of time in them. And again, this went above and beyond creepy feeling, this was a, "holy shit, need to run away now, no time to wash my hands, pee and gtfo!!" sort of feeling. It was the strongest in the toilet right next to the handicap stall too. Which sucked because it was closest to the door (with the exception of the actual handicap stall, I won't use them), and I wanted to get in and out ASAP.

                    When I did a shift for the same company, but it was at a station in a different city. That was a dayshift on a Sunday in the mountains. Not a soul there. Every now and again the printer would turn on and just start printing out random stuff. I didn't wanna get too close to it, so I don't know what it was printing even. Then at one time I smelled something like an electrical fire, so I go to investigate to see if there is smoke or whatever. I followed my nose into the shop area and then it just vanished. I didn't smell it again for a few hours, and again, went to find it, and it was gone. That place was weird, but not terrifying at least.

                    I got a lot more, but meh, too much to type.
                    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                    ...Beware the voice without a face...


                    • #40
                      Some of the hotels we stay in are haunted.

                      Just stayed in one with the airline moved us out of after crew had 'experiences' in their rooms and ended up sleeping under the reception desk. We are back there now and I HATE IT. It's built on the site of a hospital that burned down many years ago. It's dark, gloomy and I have to sleep with the lights on and the duvet over my head. It just doesn't feel right.
                      No longer a flight atttendant!


                      • #41
                        When I was in high school, I worked as a volunteer at the local hospital. (We were called "candy stripers" because we wore uniforms with red pinstripes.)
                        Our changing area was on the second floor in the older part of the hospital that used to be a private home.

                        I hated being there by myself, but I never knew why. It just filled me with this icky sense of fear all the time.

                        It was only about 4 or 5 years ago that I was reading a book about haunted places in my province, and there was an article about this hospital, and a ghostly presence that has been seen in that exact area where I always felt so uncomfortable.

                        Apparently, a judge named "Malloch" built the house, and he ordered some materials.
                        He had been told there would be a delay in delivery, and he agreed to it, but then when material arrived, he refused to pay for it because it was late.
                        According to the story, the man who was providing the material took him to court, but because he was up against a judge, he lost the case. As a result, he cursed the judge's family.
                        Allegedly, after that, most of the family suffered ill health and they never lived past their late 30's.

                        Believed to be cursed, It has been reported that spirits of the Malloch family have been seen at second story windows and roaming upstairs hallways. Apparently they appear cursed and sickly looking. The hospital has undergone extensive renovations and the original house is barely recognizable now.
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #42
                          I have always been pretty "sensitive" to these types of things. My mother has a few tales from when we lived in my great-grandparents' house. My mother and myself and my stepfather moved up there to care for my great grandpa, because my great-grandma (who I called Gramma Dorothy) had become ill and they could no longer care for themselves. I was about three or four. About six months after we moved in, my great grandmother passed away. Mom tells me she used to sit in the rocking chair in my bedroom and rock and tell me stories, and one day about two or three weeks after the funeral, she was cleaning the spare room beside mine when she heard me laughing and chatting away in my room. She peeked in to see me sitting on my bed, and the rocking chair was rocking slowly back and forth, facing me, even though she'd left it in the far corner. She asked me who I was talking to, and I answered rather matter-of-factly, "gramma Dorothy"

                          Also, and this was a repeated occurance, she would open up the windows and shutters for the tiny kitchen, to let light and air in. She would leave the room and check on myself and my great grandpa across the house in the living room, and go back to the kitchen to find all of the windows shut, the shutters latched, and the curtains drawn. She asked me about it one day and I apparently responded with "Gramma says you know better than to open those windows."

                          I have personal experiences too that i actually remember if anyone's interested >.>
                          "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                          • #43
                            Quoth Setsunaela View Post
                            I have personal experiences too that i actually remember if anyone's interested >.>
                            I'm interested. I love ghost stories.

                            Along the lines of what you posted, I have something my mom tells from when I was a wee bairn.

                            I used to have extensive conversations with someone nobody else could see. When my mom would ask me who I was talking to, I always told her, "God."

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #44
                              I have a kind of place empathy. There was this one house on a corner in my parents town that this elderly black gentleman owned. He'd always be outside tending his garden and waving at people. I had gone off to college and when I came back one weekend for a visit mom and I went out to do some errands. As we drove past the house I looked at it and turned to my mom to say, "When did the gentleman die?" Turned out it was a few weeks before I came. The house just seemed... empty to me when before it was... alive.
                              "There is a sadist inside me. She likes cake." - Krys Wolf, my friend

                              In a coffee shop in Whitehouse, Texas: "Unsupervised children will be given two shots of espresso and a free puppy."

