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Ha. Ah Ha. HAHAHA!(Epic length)

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  • Ha. Ah Ha. HAHAHA!(Epic length)

    Not sure if this counts as an SC or Sighting, but it rightly amused me.

    The Dane, before he got sick, started up a make-your-own RPG website, not for profit, just fun. I wasn't one for RPGs, but I'm a writer, and pretty soon, I got addicted to running my own games on the site(I like to play god, what can I say?). The way it goes is, I create the game: setting, rules, and characters(in my case: name, basic personality template, and a note to expand the character). Other people audition for the characters, I accept or reject them, and we play.

    Last night, I decided to run another RPG, on account of the last one dying on me(stupid people ditching RPGs...). It was a drama, with male and female leads, some supporting roles, and a 'create your own character' template. I was playing the male lead(I find it easier to play males. I dunno...), and I have a male avatar on the site. Yes, this is important, and don't get ahead of me.

    This one girl auditioned for the female lead, and her spelling was horrid. We're talking so epic, I needed an '(girl)-to-English' dictionary. So I rejected her, and in my rejection note, I asked her to run her character profile through spellcheck, and resubmit it. I thanked her for her time and effort, and was polite.

    She resubmits the same profile, spelling errors intact. I tried to read it again, and rejected it on a new basis in addition to the spelling thing: she had obviously not read the rules or setting, because she had the female lead in love with the male lead. This was a big problem, as the two characters are half-siblings and know they are such right from the start. I asked her to rewrite the profile, and take out the parts about the leads being a couple, spellcheck, etc., etc.

    She resubmits the same exact thing a third time, only with a new note at the bottom(spelling and everything is hers, we're going the authentic route here):

    thsi is thhe thriid tim i hav subnitted thi porfil, and if u dnot excet it ur an idoit.

    Our conversation, through her profiles and my rejection notes occurred as follows(and I've edited her replies for clarity, but they were all spelled like the above):

    Me: I keep rejecting your profiles because I can't read them. Your spelling is awful. Also, you don't appear to have read the rules or setting, because [male lead] and [female lead] are half-siblings, not a couple. I want drama, but not that much. Use the spellchecker, and edit out that bit, and I'll put you into consideration for the role.
    Her: My spelling is horrible because I have arthritis in my hands, and it hurts to type. You should accept me anyway, asshole.
    Me: I'm sorry to hear that, but [female lead] is a very important character and needs to be understood so the RPG can progress. Even if your spelling was perfect, I can't accept the profile till you edit out the parts I told you about earlier.
    Her: You're a racist! You're an awful person because you're making fun of someone with arthritis in her hands! Everyone on this site hates you and says your hair is weird![I'm not kidding, she actually said this!]
    Me: Right, I'm a racist despite the fact I have no idea what the color of your skin is. In any case, I started this game, so it's my rules, my decision.
    Her: I'm going to the website owner on you and telling him you're making fun of me!
    Me: Go ahead. I'm his wife.
    Her: You're a fag!
    Me: No, just someone who gets a kick out of people believing everything they see on the web.

    I'm still accepting auditions for this particular game. I presume she's still harassing me. Will update with giggles if more occur.

  • #2
    So...where's the link to apply?
    Enjoy my latest stupid quest for immortality.


    • #3
      Yea...don't leave us hanging.

      As for idiot girl, known people like that. Ick.


      • #4
        Quoth goldaries13 View Post

        thsi is thhe thriid tim i hav subnitted thi porfil, and if u dnot excet it ur an idoit.
        I do believe somebody once said that given infinite time, a thousand monkeys clacking away on a thousand typewriters would eventually write the works of Shakespeare.

        The quoted passage? Two monkeys, thirty seconds. I'll be generous.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
          I do believe somebody once said that given infinite time, a thousand monkeys clacking away on a thousand typewriters would eventually write the works of Shakespeare.

          The quoted passage? Two monkeys, thirty seconds. I'll be generous.
          Actually, they wouldn't create Shakespeare, but they would most likely create the internet.


          • #6
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            Actually, they wouldn't create Shakespeare, but they would most likely create the internet.
            Specifically, /b/.


            • #7
              Quoth LingualMonkey View Post
              So...where's the link to apply?
              Do want! I've been looking for a new RP site for about a year now.
              Also, I have been told that I am sarcastic. I don’t know where anyone would get such an impression.(Gravekeeper again)


              • #8
                Quoth Aisling View Post
                Do want! I've been looking for a new RP site for about a year now.
                The motion has been seconded and is now carried.

                Now what with the no site linking?


                • #9
                  Seconded? Don't you mean fourthed?


                  • #10
                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                    Actually, they wouldn't create Shakespeare, but they would most likely create the internet.

                    Or at least 4Chan
                    I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


                    • #11
                      Quoth Aethian View Post
                      Seconded? Don't you mean fourthed?
                      No, someone mentioned it. Another person agreed. That's seconded. Any agreement afterwards mean the motion is carried.

                      That is, if I remember my parliamentary procedure right.


                      • #12
                        Right, LingualMonkey first wanted the link, I seconded it....

                        Aisling was third and you my dear Hobbs were forth in the list for wanting the link to try out.


                        • #13
                          Hm, an RPG? I'll look into it. I half carry the motion!
                          Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                          • #14
                            what a spelling horror.. >.> and she really called you racist for supposedly discriminating against arthritis? arthritics are their own race now? O.o

                            also, RP? where? O.O do want
                            "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                            • #15
                              I shared this with my friend, who plays D&D frequently, and her immediate response was:

                              "You have arthritis in your hands and it hurts to type, what the fuck are you doing trying to sign up for an online RPG? Go play Dungeons and Dragons! It doesn't require much writing!"

                              That, combined with the verbal vomit that is the SC's spelling, made me giggle...

