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In Her Own Little Cell Phone World

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  • In Her Own Little Cell Phone World

    So I just got back from Target. Had to get a few minor things for my new apartment and to make sure I am prepared to start my new job on Monday. This lady talking on her cell phone pushing her cart and not paying attention to her surroundings ran into me with her cart THREE, YES THREE different times during the coarse of my shopping.

    I was in the store for less than half an hour total. (I hate shopping so I just get the little basket and grab what I need and go). Each time she would come around the corner of an aisle talking on her phone and run into me. No apologies, no excuse me, and the third time SHE actually let out an annoyed sigh and puttered off.

  • #2
    This is why I always do my shopping at 7:30 am on payday. NO ONE is at Wal-Mart except for fellow night shifters (and night shift customers who work with me) and the early shelf stocking employees and whatnot.

    I cannot tell you how many times I have contemplated very bad illegal things when being rammed by carts pushed by people yakking on cell phones, carts being pushed by little kids while the parents are 3 aisles away arguing about child support or herpes, and carts being pushed by a family of 10 just to grab a gallon of milk.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      There are always people around everywhere in Orlando. I love it here, which is why I moved here last month from Northwest Florida (figured I vacation here 3 to 5 times a year, I may as well just friggin move).

      Back when I worked nights I used to love to shop at like 2am.


      • #4
        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
        This lady talking on her cell phone pushing her cart and not paying attention to her surroundings ran into me with her cart THREE, YES THREE different times during the coarse of my shopping.
        Glad you posted this MSS - I was anally violated by storm guttering today and felt a little odd about putting just that up. Standing there calmly at the checkout at Menards and ZOOM, right into the seat of my pants. I yelped and turned and there's your little cell phone lady's northern cousin yakking away, completely oblivious to the fact that she just shoved the four feet of downspout hanging out of her cart where I'd rather she hadn't.


        • #5
          Make sure you say something. Make sure the person she's talking to knows how inconsiderate she's just been.


          • #6
            Two routes: Scream WTF and keep at it until she had to stop her call.

            Or, sneakier, if you have a bluetooth, connect it to her phone and hang up her call.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              Quoth wagegoth View Post
              Two routes: Scream WTF and keep at it until she had to stop her call.
              I'd probably say something like "Get off the fucking phone and watch where you're going, you idiot!"
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Unfortunately, these types of people are common in my neck of the woods. And it's just not at Target/Wallyworld/grocery stores you see them at.

                They're everywhere . . . . even behind the wheel.

                They're the numerous . . . the clueless . . . the Cellphonius Rex.
                Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                • #9
                  I had one of those behind-the-wheel cell obliviots run partway through a red right in front of me several years back, when I was still driving the very heavy AMC Hornet.

                  Her car would have been super-mangled had I not spotted her in time. I doubt my Hornet would have even noticed.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    *grabs cell phone from this stupid SC's hand*

                    Yeah hello? I think your friend will have to get back to you from a different phone, her plan just expired on this one.

                    *folds the phone backwards until it snaps in two, then slams the two pieces on the floor and kicks them down the aisle*

                    *grabs the same shopping cart the stupid SC had and rams stupid SC with it. Then rams her again. Then rams her AGAIN and chases her around the store with it*
                    Think. It's not illegal yet.


                    • #11
                      I actually have rammed one of these obliviots (love that word) with his own shopping cart.

                      I was standing in line at the checkout, and Cecil Cell Phone walks up, yakking away, and hits my bad hip with his cart. Now, I have a somewhat short fuse when I'm in pain. (Okay, a very short fuse when I'm in pain.) So I whirled around, grabbed the front of the cart where it hit me, and SHOVED it backwards into Cecil's ample gut.

                      Cecil had the nerve to look suprised. Then he had the nerve to look affronted. Then he opened his mouth. I'll never know what he meant to say, though, because I got in first.

                      My sister who was with me says that I informed him of things he didn't know about his ancestry (), created several new names for people like him (although I wished I'd thought up obliviot), and threatened him with charges of assault upon a handicapped person (not that I am, I just have a bad hip and arthritis in my back). All of this in a voice that sounded like the snake in Eden, a low-pitched, almost whispered hiss.

                      I very much doubt that Cecil will ever use his cell phone in a store again, much less hit someone with his cart. He looked terrified.

                      Barb also said she wanted to .

                      I'm a bad person.


                      • #12
                        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                        There are always people around everywhere in Orlando. I love it here, which is why I moved here last month from Northwest Florida (figured I vacation here 3 to 5 times a year, I may as well just friggin move).
                        Anywhere is better than Northwest Florida...

                        I have been rammed by carts in Wally World and if no one says, "excuse me" or "I'm sorry." I say very loudly, "Thanks for hitting me with that cart!" That makes people look around and the person who rammed me is suitably punished for being mean.

                        I once bumped someone with my cart and I apologized so much. The lady was a real trooper and said, "don't worry about it!" I was so upset, though.

                        I also don't like it when people gather up in the middle of the aisle and have a conversation with their carts around them like a fort. Even worse if it's a high traffic aisle like...the bread aisle or cereal aisle.

                        I remember a commissary I went to up north and they were redoing the store. One aisle was half the size of the normal aisle and you couldn't fit two carts down it side by side. I would haaaaaate it if someone stopped to stare at the condiments, thus, holding up traffic behind them. Grab and go! Grab and go! I was so happy when they finally decided to widen that last aisle.


                        • #13
                          I am barely tolerant of these idiots wandering obliviously though public space on their cell phone. As long as they stay out of my personal space, I tolerate them. One hits me with a cart because she's not paying attention is the day they get a wake up call they can't ignore.

                          I can't believe the bitch did it more than once.


                          • #14
                            I hate people that congregate in the aisles. For some reason it reminds me of an old joke, especially as I say, "excuse me" and they ignore it.

                            Anyways the joke is something like that:
                            "At Harvard we don't end sentences with prepositions...."
                            "Okay, where's the library at, asshole..."

                            I am always so tempted to say when they don't hear the first time...
                            "Excuse me, asshole"


                            • #15
                              Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                              I am always so tempted to say when they don't hear the first time...
                              "Excuse me, asshole"
                              I have said that to people Not my fault they can't get out of the way after I've already asked them (nicely) twice.
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

