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Stupid bitch with cart knocks me into wall.

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  • Stupid bitch with cart knocks me into wall.

    This post is kinda like the one the other day about people running shopping carts into you. The other day I was at Krogers picking up some cupcakes(drools on computer) and cat food(damn mommy cat).Anyways I paid and as I was leaving there was a mom pushig one of those shopping carts that look like race cars.I hate those thing they are big,wide and everyone that wants to use them can't control them. Well anyways I'm walking about and this woman(term used lightly)starts to pull out from the register and keeps coming as I walk by her.She then pushes the cart into me sending me into the wall and my shit flying everywhere,she never stopped to say sorry or see if I'm alright.So the hubby is with me and he makes sure I'm alright.And then I scream Oh hell no.
    So I track the whore down in the parking and confront her. I asked her what the fuck her problem was and how did she not see me pushed up against the wall because of her stupid cart. She just stands there with a stupid half grin on her face.(which mad me madder).I told her that she needs to pay more attention because the next person might kick her ass(the grin then disappears and turns to scared).I tell her the only reason why I'm not today is because she has her kid with her. I then cuss all the way back to my car.I mean really come on you can feel your cart hit something especially a person.I would have been alright had she just show some human emotion and said Oh I'm so sorry.
    Last edited by candyshopgirl; 05-14-2009, 05:09 PM.

  • #2

    She must be the elusive "Elitest Entitlement Whore (Gods Gift to the Planet)". People are seriously in their own world, i get this at the Mall all the time (Navy Pier, Chicago) people seriously do not even look where they are going, its almost as bad as that person you are driving with who TURNS TO LOOK AT YOU whilst talking while DRIVING A 4000 POUND KILLING MACHINE.

    There Can Be Only One


    • #3
      duh, she was obviously in a race and you were in the way gosh.

      bet she got to her car 5 seconds faster...thank goodness


      • #4
        somehow this reminds me of the people that can't stop as you are trying to navigate the parking lot and get into the store. One day it was raining and my mom was trying to get into Wal Mart and they have the stop signs and everything. People just kept driving past her. Why do people have to be such assholes? The best one was the person with the Fish on their back. Hmm...just what exactly would Jesus do in this situation? Oh yeah, he'd make sure he hit the puddle just right to splash her.


        • #5
          "Michigan Drivers"

          That says it all.......

          Some of my wife's family still don't like to ride with me because of the driving habits that I picked up while living up there.


          • #6
  're a gutsy one, candyshopgirl! As much as I'd LOVE to get in someone's face for doing that to me, usually if I get rammed by a cart, I just give them a dirty look or cuss at them and that's that.

            Yes, there really are people out there who pay no attention to anything going on around them. And these people drive's so scary. I swear to God that 90% of the people on the road are too busy contemplating their own pathetic meaningless lives to pay any attention to signs, red lights, and turn lanes.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              because the next person might kick her ass(the grin then disappears and turns to scared)
              classic case of "can dish it out but can't take it"

              she's all brave and smiles about pushing you around
              but turns into a right coward when realizing someone might actually retaliate and put her in her place


              • #8
                Quoth Duncan MacLeod View Post

                She must be the elusive "Elitist Entitlement Whore (Gods Gift to the Planet)". People are seriously in their own world, i get this at the Mall all the time (Navy Pier, Chicago) people seriously do not even look where they are going, its almost as bad as that person you are driving with who TURNS TO LOOK AT YOU whilst talking while DRIVING A 4000 POUND KILLING MACHINE.

                OT: God help you if one of the admin staff at Navy Pier hears you calling it a mall. (I helped open the Build-A-Bear Workshop in that location back in 2003.)

                It's not so bad inside the pier. It's OUTSIDE that the rubbernecking tourists really become dangerous.
                "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  I would have given her what for too; that was basically assault.

                  And you'll love this. I was shopping in W**M**T and had food and clothes in my cart. I turned around to look at a display. When I turned back to my cart, someone who apparently had just walked past me had thrown their empty wrappers and food container trash into my cart!

                  Wish I'd seen who it was!
                  "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                  • #10
                    I'd have followed her to her car, on the cell with 911 to report the assault and follow it up with a license plate. But then again, I'm mean like that.


                    • #11
                      Quoth FenigDurak View Post
                      I'd have followed her to her car, on the cell with 911 to report the assault and follow it up with a license plate. But then again, I'm mean like that.
                      This is exactly what i would have done in this situation. All the while with a warm glow in my heart knowing that if they had just apologized and seen if i was alright then i would have not made a big deal at all.


                      • #12
                        wow!! What a grade A bitch!!! The least you could do after you run into someone is see if they are ok and then appologize...Luckily this hasn't happened to me as of yet but I had a few close calls. Usually a Oh F*CK! makes them stop and pay attention...most of them say they are sorry and go about their business but I had a few ask me what the f*ck my problem was...My response is "You almost hit me....that's my f*ckin' problem. People need to either know how to use the carts before riding them or not use them at all.
                        NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                        • #13
                          Morons.... My husband won't let me take the cart becasue he figures I'll get cart rage and run some idiot over. I figure I should drive the cart like I drive my car - obeying the rules of the road/courteous....But some twits push the carts all over the place, stopping to look at the pretty colors....running into you because they are on their cell phones.... PAY ATTENTION ASSHOLE. And no its not fun to let little Johnny push the cart with Susie in it. Right. Into. My. Back.

                          I had to change the parking lot sign last week, which is conveniently located at the end of the cart corral... some asswipe slammed the carts into me. Hello are you blind. Nuckfut.


                          • #14
                            Quoth LillFilly View Post
                            I would have given her what for too; that was basically assault.
                            It wasn't assault at all. It was battery.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kitten in the box View Post
                              People need to either know how to use the carts before riding them or not use them at all.
                              Yeah, but this wasn't one of the motorized scooters. It was a regular cart, but with that plastic race car so that the kiddies can fun additions to it.

                              Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
                              Anyways I paid and as I was leaving there was a mom pushig one of those shopping carts that look like race cars.I hate those thing they are big,wide and everyone that wants to use them can't control them.
                              I can't stand those things for all the same reasons plus the fact that the parents are letting a too young/small kid "control" them.
                              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

