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THIS is how you raise your child!

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  • THIS is how you raise your child!

    ... It was an interesting day yesterday... It was the Lilac Festival hear in town, meaning... everyone and their aunt were spending the morning blowing money on things they don't really need... but "OMG THE PARADE IS TONIGHT AND I SHOULD TOTALLY HAVE A NEW OUTFIT BECAUSE... WELL I DONT KNOW BUT THE WORLD MIGHT END IF I DONT!"

    Not the point of this story though.....*cough*

    I was on my 15. Going next door to Rite Aid for some tea and a cup-a-noodles (so healthy I know) On my way back to work I hear this yelling from the parking lot. I stop, curious. There is this guy, screaming at this lady and she is screaming back. The reason you ask?

    Apparently Guys kid was throwing a temper tantrum and he (as many parents do) grabbed the kids arm and sorta yanked him along.
    Well the Lady... decided that this is TOTALLY child abuse and flipped out on this guy. Telling him "YOU SON OF A BITCH! HOW COULD YOU TREAT YOUR CHILD THAT WAY!!!!TRUFFLE!!!!

    Now this went on in one form or another for about 5 min... customers in Rite Aid are calling the cops... I walk back to work and tell my MOD, and she calls the cops...

    I dont really know what happened....last I heard the po-pos were questioning people....

    Now... I am a firm believer in discipline for children...If I ever decide to spawn, my children will receive spankings. But there is a difference in beating and spanking... and I think it is perfectly acceptable to step in when you see that line be crossed.
    I dont think this guy did though, the kid standing behind him looked fine, he was clinging to his dads leg looking scared as hell about the lady screaming though.

    Just bugs me when people think its okay to tell someone else how to be a parent... ><
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    Ah, people like this lady are why kids get away with murder these days, they think that you should be arrested for child abuse if you so much as look sternly at your kids.

    As you said, there's a difference between child abuse and spanking them when they misbehave, my parents knew that, and i think me and my sister despite our flaws came out reasonably well. Sure, we could be more successful, have goals, etc, etc, but we have good values, are honest and know how to work hard. I can't say the same for most of the people younger than me, the vast majority seem to be rather spoiled, and the notable thing that changed is the whole protect the children movement. Quite frankly i hope the lady gets arrested for harassment m'self.
    "You're supposed to be the head of covert intelligence. Right now, I'm not seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!"-Lochley, B5, A View from the Gallery


    • #3
      Quoth Javarod View Post
      Ah, people like this lady are why kids get away with murder these days, they think that you should be arrested for child abuse if you so much as look sternly at your kids.
      Those people should not be allowed to have kids. I sincerely hope she doesn't have kids herself.

      Whenever I threw tantrums in a store, I'd get jerked along like that or worse. And I turned out perfectly fine.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Actually it IS child abuse here in NZ. Yup, we legislated it. Sigh.

        You cannot physically correct your child in any manner. This includes dragging them somewhere they don't want to be. Sure, if they're about to run out onto the road you can prevent them from doing that, but it's not legal to drag your temper-tantrum-throwing 2yo back to the car with you. All part of the "anit-smacking" bill that went through some time ago.

        I believe they modified it though so police had the right to not press charges - to let it slide if it wasn't. So hopefully this sort of claim, though technically valid, would be stomped on.


        • #5
          I don't see why someone cannot give someone else their opinion on what they're doing to their kid. Not about this particular incident, but parents too easily fly off the handle about it. Just 'cause you're a parent doesn't mean you know anything about it. As a matter of fact, I've read several stories here where an employee made contact with a child and the parent flew into a rage and accused them of either abusing their child or "telling me how to raise my own child."

          As we know, there are plenty of parents out there who could use some firm telling-them-how-to-raise-their-own-child.

          As far as I'm concerned, screaming at someone who was rude or intrusive isn't particularly a good example for a kid.

          I've seen to much in my working years to think that we should all mind our own business. I don't know what that woman saw exactly, and maybe she was being a bitch, but I don't see how it's terrible to show dumb parents out there that their world isn't a little bubble of protection--there's still a society out there aside from their little Nuclear Family Kingdon.


          • #6
            Quoth One-Fang View Post
            Actually it IS child abuse here in NZ. Yup, we legislated it. Sigh.

            You cannot physically correct your child in any manner. This includes dragging them somewhere they don't want to be. Sure, if they're about to run out onto the road you can prevent them from doing that, but it's not legal to drag your temper-tantrum-throwing 2yo back to the car with you. All part of the "anit-smacking" bill that went through some time ago.

            I believe they modified it though so police had the right to not press charges - to let it slide if it wasn't. So hopefully this sort of claim, though technically valid, would be stomped on.
            Wow, that's weird. In my country there's also an anti-spanking legislation, but dragging a hysterical toddler away from a store would not be considered a felony.

            Fortunately I haven't had the "pleasure" of getting my littlun off a store when he had a fit yet, but if it should happen I would definately drop my groceries at once (preferably at a CSR desk if possible) and get him gently outside for a "cool-off". And I'm even a hardcore "no-spanking-whatsoever" kind of type!
            I think that was what the parent in the OP wanted to do, though it does depend on how hard he grapped the kid.
            A theory states that if anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for, it will be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

            Another theory states that this has already happened.


            • #7
              Quoth One-Fang View Post
              Actually it IS child abuse here in NZ. Yup, we legislated it. Sigh.

              You cannot physically correct your child in any manner. This includes dragging them somewhere they don't want to be. Sure, if they're about to run out onto the road you can prevent them from doing that, but it's not legal to drag your temper-tantrum-throwing 2yo back to the car with you. All part of the "anit-smacking" bill that went through some time ago.

              I believe they modified it though so police had the right to not press charges - to let it slide if it wasn't. So hopefully this sort of claim, though technically valid, would be stomped on.
              Are you kidding me? So you're supposed to let your kids just walk all over you and do whatever they want with no consequences? That's a load if I ever heard one.
              Great YouTube channel check it out!


              • #8
                I don't really think this is the forum to discuss child discipline or legislation on child discipline issues, or offer opinions on how other people raise their children.

                I can only see this one ending up firmly in the middle of fratching territory, so I'm closing it before it heads there.
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                • #9
                  I'm right there with Ree that this thread needed to be closed because it's in fratching territory.

                  I'm not going to add anything more about that but I'd like to add a quick public service annoucement about safety. Jerking a child by the arm is dangerous and can lead to injuries such as a dislocated shoulder.

                  There are safer means to move an unwilling child from one place to another.
                  The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                  The stupid is strong with this one.

