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Sucky Starbucks staff

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  • Sucky Starbucks staff

    My friend and I went in Starbucks yesterday at the mall. It was empty but there were four members of staff standing around doing nothing and it was a mess as well, lots of uncleared tables.

    The girl who finally took my money on the till didn't say a word to me, no smile or anything, just really miserable. Ok I may not smile much at work but this girl was just surly in her entire attiude. I have a Starbucks card which means you get free soya etc. I was still charged for the soya and I very politely pointed this out. Blank look and stare. 'Er...I dunno.' Ok well could you ask someone else please? No-one else seemed to know. 'The manager aint here so we dunno innit.' I couldn't be bothered to argue.

    My drink and panini got slammed down. There was food on the floor and ants everywhere. Nice.
    No longer a flight atttendant!

  • #2
    What exactly do you mean by slammed down?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth blas87 View Post
      What exactly do you mean by slammed down?
      As in the latte was put on the table with such force that the milk slopped over the side and the panini almost slid off the plate. Seemed a bit unreasonable. No matter how pissed off I am at work I at least ensure that I don't slam food and drink down in a graceless manner.
      No longer a flight atttendant!


      • #4
        Come on down to your local freindly (insert air quotes) SuckSchmucks coffe, where the emo can inflict themselfes upon everyone in a suitably unsanitary setting.
        I like things that go *bang!*


        • #5
          In my opinion, you are doing a disservice to every single customer of that store if you do not contact management (at least, if not corporate) and complain. I promise, the manager wants to know about those girls, and if he doesn't, corporate does. If you saved the receipt, and can tell them exactly what time it was, they probably won't even need names.

          People like that piss me off. They give good food service workers everywhere a bad name.
          "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


          • #6
            Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
            There was food on the floor and ants everywhere. Nice.
            That's when you walk out, don't eat in a dirty place... ants YUCK

            If they can't be bothered to keep the place clean and infestation free then don't eat there, ever.
            I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


            • #7
              I would have been on the horn to corporate while still in the store.

              People like that help make everything more expensive in wasted time, money, and resources.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Meh, can't be bothered to speak to their customer service people. Just won't go there again, there is a Costa Coffee at the mall which is much nicer.
                No longer a flight atttendant!


                • #9
                  Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
                  My friend and I went in Starbucks yesterday at the mall.
                  This seems to be the warning sign in my mind, any food or coffee chain i really like goes to hell if its placed in the mall. Why? I don't know but it happens. The starbucks i go to is a separate building from everything else and i've never had a problem with it.

                  Malls are a horrible place to get anything edible


                  • #10
                    Quoth Megg View Post
                    People like that piss me off. They give good food service workers everywhere a bad name.
                    Indeed. I don't care how bad of a day you've had, it is *never* ok to take it out on customers. You don't even have to do the pasted-on, shit-eating grin, but at least make an attempt to be pleasant. It pisses me off to no end to have the person on the other side of the counter roll their eyes or scowl at me as if I'm being a huge inconvenience. Ditto if they act like it's soooo beneath them or embarrassing to speak to me. I get it, customer service sucks, it really does. But you asked for your job, I'm sure you promptly pick up your paycheck each week, suck it up and work!
                    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

