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Sandwich Suck at the Supermarket (long and ranty)

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  • Sandwich Suck at the Supermarket (long and ranty)

    On Memorial Day I went to visit my grandfather, and he likes the sandwiches they make at [big grocery store] so I went to pick him up one. At this store, they make them Subway style, where you can pick what sort of meat, cheese, etc. you want on them. The store was DEAD, which surprised me because it was Memorial Day and all. Anyway, I went up the the deli and waited a few minutes because there was nobody there. That's fine, I needed to think about what I wanted to get. So Stupid B*tch Worker (SBW) eventually comes out from the back.

    Me: Hello.
    SBW: *stare* What do you want?

    Um... what do I want?! I want a sandwich you dumb f*ck. Can you ask me maybe with some civility what kind of sandwich I would like to order? I tried to brush that off even though it really irritated me.

    Me: Can I get [sandwich] on wheat.
    SBW: I have to check if we have that bread.

    SBW walks away into the back room. I'm standing there, confusedly staring at where the piles of bread are including plenty of wheat rolls. A minute creeps by. SBW comes back out and grabs one of the wheat rolls off of the pile. She wordlessly slices it open on the counter and then stares at me.

    Me: *stare*
    SBW: *stare*
    Me: ...
    SBW: What do you want?

    Oh, that question again! Only this time it was even MORE of a snotty tone! At this point I was pretty confused. Why is she being such a terrible jerk to me? Did somebody draw a swastika on my forehead? I was now wondering whether I should ask for a manager and just go full-on SC. But I held my tongue.

    Me: Smoked turkey with provolo --
    SBW: Hold on, let me put the turkey on first!
    Me: [did you just interrupt me to snap at me??]
    SBW: *puts turkey on* *stare*
    Me: *stare*
    SBW: Now what?
    Me: :facepalm:

    She just seemed like she was really pissed off to have to do her job. I hate that because if you really can't be bothered to even try to do your job properly and with even an ounce of effort or customer service, then I guess you should quit and do something else. Or just DIAF, I don't care which. BUT WAIT... THERE'S MORE.

    On a 12-inch sandwich, how many tomato slices would you put on it? If you guessed three slices of tomato, congratulations! You are SBW's doppelganger.

    Me: Can I get some more tomatoes?
    SBW: *sigh* You want extra tomatoes?
    Me: ...No. I want REGULAR tomatoes. There is not even a third of a tomato on that giant sandwich. [yeah, I'm a little pissed by now]
    SBW: *stare* *grudgingly puts a normal amount of tomato on the stupid sandwich*
    SBW: Lettuce?

    Oh my god she actually asked me if I wanted a certain thing on the sandwich!! I was very excited by this

    Me: Yes plea--
    SBW: HEY!!

    SBW drops the lettuce and goes to the other side of the counter where a coworker has come up. They start chatting good-naturedly. At this point, I am full-on pissed off. That to me is pretty unacceptable. They have these little comment cards by the registers, so I grab one and go up to them and completely interrupt their little conversation.

    Me: What's your name? [to SBW, waving the card around]
    SBW: Uhh... [name]
    Me: I'm filling out this card and I just needed to know your name.
    SBW: Why?
    Me: Why do you THINK?
    SBW: *stare*
    Me: And by the way, I do believe that you weren't finished with my sandwich. Why don't you put that lettuce on there like I asked and wrap it up so I can get out of this dump.

    The coworker she was talking to pretty much runs away, and SBW kind of slinks back to the counter and finished the sandwich quick.

    SBW: Thanks a lot! Have a great day. [All of a sudden, her tone is friendly as pie and she is smiling nicely.]
    Me: Yeah, you too.

    I didn't end up sending the card in or talking to a manager. Maybe I should have, but I felt like she saw the error of her ways, in the end. Overall, however, I just do NOT understand how someone can be that much of a bitch to a complete stranger -- one who is patronizing their business, no less! Oh, humanity...
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

  • #2
    I'm guessing it's because you made the same mistake I do sometimes and you wore your "Treat me like crap because it's what i deserve" shirt.
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Morden: What do you want?
      Vir: "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would look up into your lifeless eyes and wave, like this [smiles and waves his fingers at Morden]. Can you and your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Morden?"


      • #4
        If it were me, I would have still reported it. Chances are you are not the first she's been rude to.
        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


        • #5
          Clerk: What do you want?

          Customer: The Manager!

          The only people I ever talked to that way were ones that either I knew outside of work or ones that were regulars and that was a fun greeting. But not for everyone.

