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Geeze! Get OFF me already!! (rant)

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  • Geeze! Get OFF me already!! (rant)

    You know, I realize that there are a lot of freaking lonely people out there who confuse shopping with having a social life, but I swear I am not one of them.

    I know Bed Bath And Beyond has a really annoying "greeting" policy. So I am always nice to the clerks. The clerks in that place are always super, it's not their fault some suit in their main office is a fucking idiot.

    Even when I am "greeted" like 8 times in a 10 or 15 minute span of time.

    I just need to think in peace, you know? I'm trying to get a present for someone, I need to think. I've got to plan. I've got f ADD with dyscalculia, the inside of my head is like the New York Stock Exchange. I get a rare day all to myself, which is a great time for me to go shopping because I can be alone with no pressure and no distractions and no extraneous conversations and here come an endless parade of paid well-wishers. Somebody kill me. It's hard enough for me to focus without all that. If I have to be honest, I don't even want to run into someone I know. I want to get my shit and get out. I'm enjoying my alone time, I don't want it buggered up by people I am friends with much less people who are paid to be nice to me.

    And of course, I have to be nice. I can't be like I want to be. Because that would be uncool and it's not their fault. And they are nice people trying to do their jobs.

    Geez!!!! I just about did this: out of the store.

  • #2
    Yeah, my store has a policy that all employees are to greet every customer, every time, within 10 feet and 10 seconds. I'm sure there are plenty of people who appreciate that, but looking at it from my own perspective, by the third "how are you, is there anything I can help you find today?" I'd be walking out the door.
    Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?


    • #3
      Europe does not have greeters at all and we're doing fine. Also, no baggers.
      Melody Gardot


      • #4
        Quoth Bradester View Post
        Yeah, my store has a policy that all employees are to greet every customer, every time, within 10 feet and 10 seconds. I'm sure there are plenty of people who appreciate that, but looking at it from my own perspective, by the third "how are you, is there anything I can help you find today?" I'd be walking out the door.
        Well, feel free to print, and post, my insane rantings where your manager will see it.


        • #5
          We have a 10 foot rule at Sam's Club that states that we have to greet customers within 10 feet of seeing them but most times I don't bother cause IF I were to follow that to the letter then I wouldn't be able to get my stuff done. I think most people when they go shopping just want to be left alone to shop. They know what they came in for & if they need help then they'll ask somebody.
          Besides, when they come into the store they get greeted by the door greeters. That ought to be enough greeting for anybody.
          It's been said that the 10 foot rule helps prevent shoplifting but it still goes on.


          • #6
            Quoth Panigg View Post
            Europe does not have greeters at all and we're doing fine. Also, no baggers.
            Amen to that, though if you go into one of the more upscale shops, someone will generally -follow you- throughout the entire shop (whether to aid when needed or prevent you from shoplifting), and that gets a bit obnoxious.
            "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


            • #7
     if I avoid coming within 10 feet of someone, then they are allowed to ignore me? I'm gonna try that and see if it helps next time. The clerks would probaboly like that, too. I'll try keeping my back to the aisle to avoid eye contact, too.

              The things one has to do to get some peace.


              • #8
                Man, I'm glad no one at my store tries to set rules for greeting people. Me, if my hands are full (heavy, very heavy books! Why are they so heavy!?!) I'm just going straight to where I'm going, don't expect much interaction from me. Otherwise, it's usually just eye contact, nod and smile, sometimes wave. There, they're greeted.

                I usually only get 'friendly' if I'm really bored. Or if a manager says they think someone's shoplifting, but even then I take 'no' for an answer.


                • #9
                  I had that happen at a store, can't remember which one, and I almost ran screaming for the hills, as I have mine own brain issues.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    That's one of my biggest pet peeves. I know they don't have a choice, but how annoying can you get?

                    Quoth MoxisPilot View Post
                    Amen to that, though if you go into one of the more upscale shops, someone will generally -follow you- throughout the entire shop (whether to aid when needed or prevent you from shoplifting), and that gets a bit obnoxious.
                    Years ago I had that happen here in my hometown. The salesperson actually followed me into the fitting room. I handed her my items, turned around and walked out. She followed me to the door asking if there was a problem!

                    How about servers at restaurants that won't leave you alone? Maybe it's just me, but it never fails: I'm by myself, eating and reading my book and my server comes by literally every 5 minutes to see if I need anything. One person was so annoying I asked for a to-go box just to escape.

                    If I'm eating, my drink is full, and I'm not looking around for my server, then I'm doing good.

                    (Sorry for the off-topic, it's just one of my pet peeves.)


                    • #11
                      That is one of my biggest pet peeves as well! This is my first post but I am a long time lurker...Anyways, here in Japan there are times when I want to rip my hair out! They'll have 2 girls, one at each end at the store and just about every minute one will say "Irasshaimaseeeeee! Douzo goran kudasaimaseeee!" (Welcome! Feel free to look around!) in the most obnoxiously high pitched whiny voice imaginable, then the other girl will repeat it right after her. They do this ALL DAY!


                      • #12
                        Quoth rocketdive98 View Post
                        That is one of my biggest pet peeves as well! This is my first post but I am a long time lurker...Anyways, here in Japan there are times when I want to rip my hair out! They'll have 2 girls, one at each end at the store and just about every minute one will say "Irasshaimaseeeeee! Douzo goran kudasaimaseeee!" (Welcome! Feel free to look around!) in the most obnoxiously high pitched whiny voice imaginable, then the other girl will repeat it right after her. They do this ALL DAY!
                        oh hell yeah!! As a fellow Tokyo-ite - this drives me spare!!!

                        In my favouite photograhy store, I tried to hide in my favourite corner with all the accessory no avail...

                        I hate, and I mean really hate to shop, I just want to go in and get out...


                        • #13
                          Reminds me of the time my husband and I foolishly chose to eat at a popular Chinese buffet in Toronto. They obviously have a policy that anytime a staff member makes eye contact with a customer, they have to say "Welcome to the Mandarin!"

                          One trip to the buffet can mean half a dozen people shouting "Welcome to the Mandarin!" at you. Trying to avoid eye contact is good, but at some point you have to look up lest you run into something, and that's when they get you.

                          At one point, I turned a corner only to have a particularly cat-like server jump in front of me. "WELCOME TO THE MANDARIN!"

                          I nearly wet myself.

                          On the way out, my husband and I had the misfortune to run into a parade of cooks who were leaving the kitchen to refill the dessert buffet. They all stepped to the side of the narrow hallway to let us through. We were forced to walk an unholy gauntlet of "Welcome to the Mandarins" in our efforts to flee the restaurant.

                          It was both absurd and frightening at the same time.

                          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                          • #14
                            Quoth Boozy View Post
                            At one point, I turned a corner only to have a particularly cat-like server jump in front of me. "WELCOME TO THE MANDARIN!"

                            I nearly wet myself.
                            I nearly wet myself just now. And choked on a pretzel.

                            Just the image it conjured up.
                            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                            • #15
                              That' That's just unbelievably creepy. I'd flee that place. I'd have to.

