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Furniture store suck

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  • Furniture store suck

    So me and my boyfriend went to look at and by an airconditioner the other day. So we hop on down to the furniture store that had them for a good price. We walk into the store and one girl says hello to us, we never see her again. Then once we've looked at the aircon and decide that we do want to buy it, there is absolutely no one around. We waited 5 minutes or so to see if someone would walk by, but no one did. We walked around the store, and even when an employee walked by we couldn't get their attention. We even saw a group of employees watching sports, after we had gone up to guest services and were all but ignored by the receptionists there.

    Needless to say, we went somewhere else. I have never been in a furniture store where the staff pays that little attention to the customer.

    On another note, the airconditioner makes me happy. I hate being warm. It was 28 degrees here the other day!
    “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

    -Charles Bukowski

  • #2
    Quoth Muses_nightmare View Post

    On another note, the airconditioner makes me happy. I hate being warm. It was 28 degrees here the other day!
    Im assuming thats celsius? LOL...28 degrees (f) here would have be throwing on a coat.

    Me either though. All the furniture stores I have been to always have workers swarming for a sale.


    • #3
      Yep celsius , I forget about the farenheit/celcius thing. Farneheit always sounds really really hot to me.
      “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

      -Charles Bukowski


      • #4
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        All the furniture stores I have been to always have workers swarming for a sale.
        One day I made the rounds of several furniture stores. I had my then five-year-old son with me, the two-year-old home with hubby, and I was desperate looking for a reasonably priced bunkbed set for the boys. I stopped in one store that was highly touted for their service and decent prices in a local shopping book. It was basically a warehouse, with the furniture that was on display being the furniture that was for sale. No DC.

        I walk in and there is a meeting of some kind going on near the front, with what appears to be the entire staff sitting around on the furniture. I nod and start looking around. They glance my way but don't say anything. Whatever. I find a set I like but when I turn to find the employees they have completely disappeared. My son was a little restless, but being pretty good for a long day, so I decide I'll take a few more minutes to check out dressers.

        I find a couple of dressers, then once again start looking for staff. Apparently, they are relatives of Casper's, because I cannot find a single person (out of the 8 or 10 from the meeting) anywhere.

        Son is getting tired and asks to sit down. I let him sit on a couch, reminding him to keep his feet off, especially since it's not our couch. I go back to browsing and checking now and then to see if there's an employee about and waving at my son a few rows away.

        Suddenly, an employee comes up behind me, startling me, nearly yelling, "You need to keep your child with you." He then stalks away. So I did what he said. I picked up my son and left the frikking store without a backward glance. I went from there to another store. There was only one employee on duty, but she was amazingly helpful, and I bought my furniture there.

        I then mailed the woman who wrote the book to complain about the store. I assume that the store employees knew the author and probably brown-nosed her any time she showed up.

        I've never gone back. I wonder if they're even still in business.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          Wow that's just terrible. that was kind of similar to my above post, I forgot about the fact that they were having a meeting, and a few minutes after that *poof* gone.

          That's some sales technique right there.
          “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

          -Charles Bukowski


          • #6
            I thought there types of stores generally paid employees on commission? They should have been tripping over each other to serve you, make sure you were ok, see if they could sort out a good deal to make sure you bought in their store etc?

            I guess if they are on commission they won't be making much money though
            Began work Aug as casual '08
            Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
            Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
            Why do I still work there again?


            • #7
              Wow. Usually when I hit the furniture stores in town they ask if I'm looking for a certain item then lead me over to the area they are in and tell me the deals and what's new. When the hubby and I were looking to buy a couch THAT DAY they were so helpful. we planted our heinies on a few couches and found one to our liking. I guess when they hear that a customer needs an item right now they spring into action. but not asking just seems rude whether or not you are buying that day or just comparison shopping
              "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


              • #8
                We did end up buying a $350 air conditioner that day, so they pretty much lost out on a sale.
                “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

                -Charles Bukowski


                • #9
                  All of the funiture stores in town have employees the hound you until you either leave or buy something.

                  When we were buying our bed, we had $1000 for everything. Base, taxes, box spring and mattress. Everything had to come it at that $1000 mark.

                  The first place we went, had an actual bait and switch (advertised a queen in the flyer and the sales person said they didn't have any of that kind, not sold out, but they never carried that mattress in their store) but oh they did have far more expensive ones we could look at....

                  Second store we walked over to the bed section, told the sales woman what our complete budget was, what we wanted, ask if they have something like that, she says they do and started showing us around. First a $1300 bed (just the bed) and we reiterated that it was more than $300 over our budget

                  then she shows us a $1700 bed.... both beds also have a big pillow top and I tell her again that we asked for a non-pillow top bed.

                  Third store we are both thoroughly fed up but we need a bed right... we walk in K says "do you have a bed, that is firm, no pillow top that can come in at $1000 with everything including the base and boxspring included?"

                  the guys says no in the show room but would we mind a floor model... walks us to the clearance section, shows us a king (with the only damage being a dust smudge at the bottom), gets us a quote for everything totalling $1050... and we brought the bloody thing all in under 15 minutes.

                  he made a sale, we had a bed, everyone was happy
                  I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

