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the shrieking cart-pusher

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  • the shrieking cart-pusher

    I had to visit the grocery store after getting off work at the library earlier this evening, and as I was walking towards the entrance, witnessed the lovely sight of one of the cart-pushers (who had a line of shopping carts with her) shrieking and cussing in an extremely loud voice at a car that was driving away. No idea what happened, but this wasn't the first time I'd seen this particular employee flip out and scream at people who were driving while she was gathering carts in the parking lot.

  • #2
    My first instinct was to cut her a break because i've accidentally sworn at work on a bad day. But since it is repeated behavior that is inexcusable. She needs to keep it out of the workplace.


    • #3
      That ain't nothing. I've done the "New York Slap" to people who run the stop sign in front of grocery stores when I'm crossing in the crosswalk with my high school class ring on.


      • #4
        Quoth ditchdj View Post
        That ain't nothing. I've done the "New York Slap" to people
        What's a "New York Slap"?
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          That's where you slap the side of their car as they're speeding by you to let them know that they almost mowed down a human being just so they could shave 2 seconds off their road trip.


          • #6
            Quoth jjllbb View Post
            My first instinct was to cut her a break because i've accidentally sworn at work on a bad day. But since it is repeated behavior that is inexcusable. She needs to keep it out of the workplace.
            Oh, I do cut people a break on stuff like that because drivers in this area ARE rather bad about wanting to speed through that parking lot. But in the case of this particular grocery store worker, I think part of it is that she's got some sort of mental/emotional problem...........she lives in my apartment complex, so I've run into her often enough to have noticed that sometimes she's not quite "all there".

