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...I can haz shooz?

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  • ...I can haz shooz?

    OK, gotta post this one b/c it STILL makes me lol years later.

    My mom works at a call center, where they take orders from magazine companies (EX: Sears) but she doesn't work directly for the magazine companies themselves...they're an in-between place.

    So my mom gets this call in, and at first it seems alright. It's an older lady who wants a pair of problem, right? She starts asking about various slippers, what one is made of, how another fits, and so on. It gets a little irritating, but not too bad.

    So it's getting near the end of the call and the woman seems to have found a slipper she might want. The problem is, they don't have the style AND color she wants...she wants a gold slipper in style A, but the only colors that slipper A comes in are black, sapphire and ruby...THIS is where it gets interesting...the customer gets into one of those moods where she demands that style and that color (not in a mean way but in a cranky sobby BUT I WANNIT way). My mom feels bad, but convinces her that no, they don't have style A in gold...the woman then decides that she'll just wait and order a pair of slippers another time...