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Library annoyance

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  • Library annoyance

    I went to the library the other day. While I was looking for my book I was listening to this happening:

    M=Mom SC
    S=Son SC (about 16-19)

    *Phone rings*
    M: Turn it off. Just turn it off. Turn it off. (repeated many more times while son searched for it)
    S: *picks up phone and shouts* Hey, Eric. Yeah, I'm at the library. Hey mom, Eric wants me to do this thing.
    M: Tell Eric I say hi and that you can do it.
    S: *still shouting* Ok, Eric, I can do it, but I better go. I'm in the library.

    *Phone rings*
    M: Turn it off. Just turn it off. Turn it off. (repeated many more times while son searched for it again...I'm not sure where it got lost.)
    S: *picks up phone and shouts* Hey, Adam! Hey mom, it's Adam.
    M: Tell him I said hi.
    S: Mom says hi. Yeah, I saw that game. It was good, eh? I better go. I'm in the library! Yeah, the library! I'm supposed to be quiet. Bye!

    *Phone rings*
    M: Turn it off. Just turn it off. Turn it off. (repeated many more times while son searched for it again)
    S: Hey, Joe!

    I left at that point.

  • #2
    Holy jeebus!!

    I haaaaaaaate hate HATE when people pull that bs in a library!! See, if that were any child in my family, the first time was IT. If he ignored the parental unit and didn't turn it off, the second time it rang, mom would've grabbed the phone, and answered it.

    M: Hi, Adam? Yeah, it's S's mom. Guess what? He's losing his cell phone for two weeks! Uh huh. Uh huh. You have a great day dear, bye! <Hang up phone, shut phone off, phone goes in purse. S doesn't see phone for said two weeks>

    Sorry you had to experience that. Didja at least try to report it before leaving?


    • #3
      Our libraries around here have signs right at the entrance that say "Please do not disturb others with your cellular phone conversations." I just cannot imagine why those would be there!


      • #4
        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        Didja at least try to report it before leaving?
        It was happening at the information desk, while a librarian was setting up an account with them.


        • #5
          Quoth aj_prettiful View Post
          It was happening at the information desk, while a librarian was setting up an account with them.

          Wow...suck city.

          Of course, me, being the bitch I am, would've gone up to the info desk, and reported the disturbance to the same librarian who was helping them.

          But I'm just mean that way.


          • #6
            Quoth greensinestro View Post
            Our libraries around here have signs right at the entrance that say "Please do not disturb others with your cellular phone conversations." I just cannot imagine why those would be there!
            The PTB at the library at which I am an unfortunate slave have decreed that we are not allowed to post any kind of signage whatsoever. Apparently in EvilLibraryDictatorlandia, signs make the place look "unwelcoming."
            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


            • #7
              Gee, I wonder why he doesn't listen to her? Could it be that he has long since learned there is no consequence to not listening to her?
              It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
              -Helen Keller

              I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


              • #8
                Quoth greensinestro View Post
                I just cannot imagine why those would be there!
                I know why those signs are there. So you can take one off the wall...and beat someone to death with it
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

