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Church sightings

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  • Church sightings

    OK, as a heads up to those who are unenlightened on the topic (yes, I'm looking at you, the couple who sat in front of me), it is typically not, as they say, couth to be saying things like "Jesus Christ" and "God damnit to hell" unless you are either saying a prayer and it is followed by Amen or you are speaking of scripture where God has damned something to hell. OK

    On that note, couple in front of me, it is advisable to take note of your surroundings. I know you are visiting, but please do take note of the two cars in the parking lot that have HRC bumper stickers and the one with the "gay geeks are sexy" bumper sticker, also notice the Equality Utah pamphlets promoting the common ground campaign in the foyer, and the front page of the bulletin that says "Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds. We welcome all people regardless of race, sex, age, creed, or orientation" (edit, I'm not sure if that's the exact wording, but that's the basic gist). Considering this, you may not want to talk to your new found friends (who obviously aren't comfortable with the conversation) about how much God hates fags.

    and because we all could use some humor, and actually funny story (this was from several years ago)
    One time at my mom's church the minister was walking up to the pulpit and he tripped and fell kind of hard. As he was falling he screamed out "JESUS CHRIST!!!" then while the congregation was deathly silent at his apparent use of the Lord's name in vain, yelled out "BE PRAISED FOR I AM NOT HURT"
    I'll admit, the first 30 seconds of silence were awkward until the first person started clapping and laughing. Gotta love a congregation with a good sense of humor.
    Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 06-08-2009, 11:43 AM.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2

    sounds like some visitors forgot one of the important rules on varying religions... "religious differences shouldn't negate maintaining manners" ... especially when they're in a new area and don't know what the local climate/attitude is


    • #3
      heh...that congregation story was actually awesome...

      my friend attended an awesome church...he went in with a black mohawk, black eyeliner, spiked collar, metal band t-shirt, etc...obviously very goth...his pastor said "nice hair!"...


      • #4
        The priest @ my uni center was awesome. Since we were a "minority" @ Baylor, we had this huge campaign where we invited people of different denominations to visit our Mass (kind of odd is that a major thing to do was invite friends/girls over to your church service...kinda like Christian Blind Dating or something...anyway). He would jokingly say they should keep attending b/c our service was later in the day than most other churches in the area (10:30). He was also a meteorologist and always gave weather analogies when explaining Scripture. Gee, he was fun


        • #5
          The church i went to found out about my girlfriend, the vicar met me one sunday and asked me never to go back....i've sort of gone off religion as a whole after that.

          I'll stop there and go for a wander over to fratching...

