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WARNING: Religious suck

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  • WARNING: Religious suck

    *DISCLAIMER* I do not discriminate against religions or people OF that religion, however far-fetched their customs are. But some things go beyond belief and common sense.

    I don't mind people having their religion, but some people go too far (even so far as to hurt others 'in the name of their *insert deity here*'...)

    Prime example: Family of four. Father is an abusive alcoholic, mother is passive-aggressive (although a nice woman, she has her moments), both kids are blindly faithful and unknowingly discriminatory...

    They have a dog. But they're too poor to buy a collar, so they loop the dog's chain to his dog house AROUND HIS NECK. as in, the bare chain is around his neck. While uncomfortable, it wouldn't do actual damage over a short amount of time. The thing is, they never took the chain off or brought him inside...EVER. Don't get me wrong, they loved their dog, fed him and all, just didn't let him off that chain. Well, it dug into the dog's neck and eventually pinched a nerve permanently. That means this dog won't let anyone near him and he turned into a completely ferocious monster.

    They called the vet over to see what could be done...the vet couldn't even get close enough to chloroform him to have the chain removed...judging by that coupled with the family's financial options, the vet could either tranquilize him with a gun and then TRY to remove the chain, tranquilize him with a gun and then euthanize him, or leave him for the family to deal with. They decided to have the vet go and they'd take care of it themselves...with a double-barrel shotgun to the head.

    Not too suck so far...they did what they had to do. HERE is the suck...

    Did they take the blame? NO. They were christians (dubbed Crazy Christians by me) and instead of just praying for forgiveness and apologising and repenting and whatnot like NORMAL christians, guess what they did? they prayed for guidance to find what they had done to sin for this punishment...and found an avon magazine with a harry potter waterglobe on the cover. they tore off the cover, tore it up and burned it and prayed for their souls for the rest of the day for the abhorrent sin of having such an image in their house...i shit you not. they blamed a PICTURE for them having to shoot their dog, instead of them not getting a proper i wrong for finding something wrong with this?

  • #2
    Must be a part of the teachings. I had a neighbor once when i lived in North Hollywood, CA. The father was actually a minister in his church. They had a dog that they left outside all day and night. Fur all matted, collar dug into the skin, etc. but she was very friendly still. I called the ASPCA about them and the dog was taken away. She had to be put to sleep though because of her injuries and her age.
    Last edited by crazylegs; 06-10-2009, 10:48 PM.
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      I dont know how much this has to do with them being christians, more about how they are just total idiots who think cruelty to animals is okay. Believe me if they had been brought up to believe in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster they would be praying to him for help.

      I hate people like that, it blows my mind that they are in so much denial over their own actions they will blindly grope for ANYTHING else to blame no matter how far removed from reality or logic it is.
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        Mod Warning

        Discussions on morality of religious observers, sweeping comments on any particular religious group and the discussion of anything other than the abysmal treatment of this poor animal is only suitable for fratching.

        Deviations from this will be dealt with.
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #5
          sorry, but it angers me that they themselves didn't take responsibility for what THEY did to the dog...instead they tried using religion to get around responsibility...the real aim of the thread WAS the treatment of the dog and the denial of who's to blame...


          • #6
            *Is sad now* Poor Doggy.

            The family needs a short, sharp boot to the posterior and a solid whack or ten from the Common Sense Stick (aka. the Clue-by-Four).

            At least (and this is ~very~ pragmatic of me), a Double-barrel, when used right, would mean that the Dog didn't suffer.


            • #7
              Somebody a work told me about a family with a little girl she used to babysit. The mother had some very specific religious beliefs. When she was watching the girl, the girl was not allowed to watch carebears because those were somehow evil. She was not allowed anything with a rainbow on it because that is a sign of the devil When watching the girl, she had to ensure that anything with a rainbow in her house was covered or hidden otherwise the mother would throw a fit. We never could figure-out what religion the mother was; as far as I know, in Christianity the rainbow was a sign of God's favor and a promise not to flood the world again.

              A lot of people of various Christian faiths seem to feel very strongly about books and movies involving 'magic.' They could have honestly believed that having that picture offended their deity and that that truly was the cause for the dog's death. It's amazing how people can rationalize. I feel bad for the kids though.
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                i knew these people, and i guess they finally broke free of their habits (no pun intended) and got away from the father (who was causing most of the problems) i said he was an abusive alcoholic and the mother and children were raised to 'follow the man of the house's orders'...good for her though that she eventually got away and the kids did too...granted they were grownup by then, but still it's hard to break away from someone you used to love...


                • #9
                  Did someone just make up the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or is that a real religion?

                  If it is, I'm off to start the Motorized Big Bottomed Blondes religion. Chicken of the Sea is to be served at communion!
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Did someone just make up the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or is that a real religion?
                    it's something richard dawkins made up. he's somewhat of an "evangelical atheist"
                    To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

                    my blog -->
                    my brother's blog -->


                    • #11
                      Until I got to the last paragraph I thought this was going to be about "dominion over animals," but that's so beyond that. It sounds like a scene straight out of Jesus Camp.

                      "Harry Potter is a warlock and should be put to death! Also, he'll make you too ignorant to know how to care for living creatures you take into your care so they'll go so crazy you have to shoot them in the face!"

                      Quoth LillFilly View Post
                      Somebody a work told me about a family with a little girl she used to babysit. The mother had some very specific religious beliefs. When she was watching the girl, the girl was not allowed to watch carebears because those were somehow evil. She was not allowed anything with a rainbow on it because that is a sign of the devil When watching the girl, she had to ensure that anything with a rainbow in her house was covered or hidden otherwise the mother would throw a fit. We never could figure-out what religion the mother was; as far as I know, in Christianity the rainbow was a sign of God's favor and a promise not to flood the world again.
                      Yeah, it is. After the flood with Noah God sent a rainbow to promise to never again flood the earth. I can't think of any legitimate religious beliefs that associate any sort of devil figure with rainbows. Do you know the ethnic background of the family at all? Maybe it was something indigenous or tribal and I'm not aware of it.

                      Or it could just be the crazy train! Apparently since rainbows are used as symbols by gay people and, as we all know, gayness comes from the debil, rainbows must come from the devil.

                      This thread is hilarious if you like idiocy:

                      Quoth joe hx View Post
                      it's something richard dawkins made up. he's somewhat of an "evangelical atheist"
                      Where did you hear that? It was made up by Bobby Henderson (some random guy) to point out the absurdity of teaching intelligent design in the Kansas public education system.



                      • #12
                        I was told a while ago that it was a satire on god, and that the flying spaghetti monster was made up to demonstrate how anyone could believe ANYTHING and if it were part of their 'religion' they could get away with it....


                        • #13
                          Quoth Anriana
                          Where did you hear that? It was made up by Bobby Henderson (some random guy) to point out the absurdity of teaching intelligent design in the Kansas public education system.
                          i guessed you proved me wrong. dawkins talks about it in his book The God Delusion, and it was such a wacky idea i thought he just made it up.
                          To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

                          my blog -->
                          my brother's blog -->


                          • #14
                            When pressed i generally claim to be Pastafarian these days.

                            It's really not all that bad as far as religions go



                            • #15
                              Everyone has forgotten that the OP was actually about a dog, and has ignored a mod's warning to stay away from religious discussion.

                              Take it to Fratching, please.

                              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

