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Prick at Home Improvement Store

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  • Prick at Home Improvement Store

    We were looking at kitchen fixtures at our local home improvement store when we witnessed this jerkwad yelling at an associate. He was apparently pressing the button that pages an associate to help him. Instead of either using the one closer to what he needed help with or waiting for the associate, he went 4 isles over and stood there. Needless to say 2 different associates asked everyone around that area if they needed help.

    The guy finally found and associate and he chewed her out. Out loud I looked at my fiance and said, "What a prick", which he heard and gave me this horrible look at which I 'd at him

  • #2
    i'd have told him straight out "LISTEN, it's not their fault you didn't leave a breadcrumb trail for them with which to find GET OVER IT."


    • #3
      I'm convinced SCs think the button is for the local associate transporter. Press and an employee suddenly appears as if from nowhere
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

