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That Was Humiliating...

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  • #31
    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
    This is particularly important when dealing with illnesses where you tend to not drink enough to begin with, then you either sweat or vomit it all out, too.
    That makes sense. Of course, when I first read the topic, I was like "Doesn't the flu normally give you diarrhea?". After reading that explanation, that would totally make more sense than the diarrhea thing.
    Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


    • #32
      Reminds me of the time i got my first bra. I whispered to my mom, and asked her if we could shop for one but not let my brothers or father know (i'm the only girl).

      So we're walking out the front door and she stops suddenly like she forgot something, opened the front door, leaned in slightly and YELLED "WE'LL BE BACK! JJLLBB AND I ARE GOING BRA SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!"

      Even the neighbors heard.

      Gosh my mom has NO tact. Never has, never will.


      • #33
        Holy hell, and I thought the "Price check on Stay-Free Maxi Pads!" announcement from Mr. Mom was bad.

        At my wife's old job, one of her coworkers sort of had a similar incident, but opposite.

        A woman came in to buy a douche, but didn't know what to do with it. The employee was trying to explain to it tactfully and discretely, but the customer just wasn't getting. Finally, out of sheer frustration, she blurted out, "You just stick it up your twat and squeeze!"

        The rest of the employees who happened to be within earshot did one of these and then one of these
        Sometimes life is altered.
        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
        Uneasy with confrontation.
        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


        • #34
          Sara Hickman tells a story about an old noisy store intercom:

          "Price check on aisle 6 on Tampax."

          reply (over the entire store):

          "Are those the kind you push in with your thumb or the kind you hammer in?"

          no, those are thumb-tacks
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


          • #35
            omg! yesterday, i had to go to the doctors after catching something funny a few weeks ago in Egypt.. after my appointment, i had to go to the front desk to um...ask for a sample bottle to take home. there were loadsa people behind me in the queue. I practically whispered my request and the utter bint behind the counter shouted out what kinda sample i needed, went to find one, then preceeded to wave it about in front of the entire queue while she talked to her equally moronic coworker. I practically ran outta the surgery

            No wonder these people arent doctors. Theyre barely human.
            I feel for you!!!!!!


            • #36
              Quoth MadMike View Post
              At my wife's old job, one of her coworkers sort of had a similar incident, but opposite.

              A woman came in to buy a douche, but didn't know what to do with it. The employee was trying to explain to it tactfully and discretely, but the customer just wasn't getting. Finally, out of sheer frustration, she blurted out, "You just stick it up your twat and squeeze!"

              The rest of the employees who happened to be within earshot did one of these and then one of these
              My grandfather is a retired OB/GYN and he had a similar experience explaining how to use a suppository to a patient. Some people.
              I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


              • #37
                Christ... thats really shitty of the pharmacist. talk about lack of privacy.

                I mean i figured it was just common knowledge that you'd talk quiety to someone when it wasn't ANYONE elses business.

                I mean i had a pharmacist lower her voice and lean in close to me when telling me how to use an epi pen (already know how but hey it's a spiel they have to go through so no issues there).

                and clearly that's no big deal. Hell the more people that know how to use em the better

                but yea something that private should have been dealt with in a far more discreet fashion. Sorry all of walmart (including the ones 2 towns over) got to hear about your issues.
                Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


                • #38
                  Yeah, I'm never straying from Walgreens again.

                  See, when I went to Walgreens a month ago to get Chantix....the pharmacist did the whole low whisper voice.....and I was like wtf....I don't care if anyone hears about me taking meds to quit smoking.

                  So when I want smoking cessation pills, it's a secret, but when I'm constipated, the whole world needs to know!
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #39
                    Quoth blas View Post
                    Yeah, I'm never straying from Walgreens again.

                    See, when I went to Walgreens a month ago to get Chantix....the pharmacist did the whole low whisper voice.....and I was like wtf....I don't care if anyone hears about me taking meds to quit smoking.

                    So when I want smoking cessation pills, it's a secret, but when I'm constipated, the whole world needs to know!
                    So did you quit smoking and are you still constipated
                    Great YouTube channel check it out!


                    • #40
                      No and Yes.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #41
                        "You just stick it up your twat and squeeze!"
                        LOL! almost broke rule #1, but i already swallowed my water.
                        look! it's ghengis khan!
                        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                        • #42
                          Glad you're feeling better, blas. My sympathies to you and the others who had to interact with such imbeciles.

                          I had a similar experience at the Mart of Squall when I was 16. I had severe endometriosis and was put on birth control pills to try and control it. I was sitting in the waiting area in the pharmacy when the technician/pharmacist practically yells,

                          "Astro The Kitty, your BIRTH CONTROL PILLS are ready!!"

                          (emphasis was his)

                          Unfortunately I was young and ignorant of privacy laws at the time, and looking for a big rock to crawl under.


                          • #43
                            Ya know....I wish someone would have told me that all I needed was a Fiber One bar.

                            It would have saved me $20 at the urgent care and the humiliation at the pharmacy.

                            I learned this lesson the hard way.

                            If you're hungry but stuck at work for 8 more hours, DO NOT under any circumstance eat a Fiber One bar if you are one of those people who don't like going poopie at work. And by that, I mean like, 30 minutes after you eat that bar.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

