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Butt bongo fiesta

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  • Butt bongo fiesta

    So against my better judgment, I ventured into the local Wally World Supercenter to buy some replacement windshield wiper blades and some Rain-X.

    The local Wally World Supercenter is being remodeled at the moment. I imagine when it's done the place will look slightly less ugly, but for now it's even more of a disorganized, dirty mess than it always was, if that's even possible.

    So I'm in there wandering around aimlessly looking for the automotive supplies, and there's an army of workers setting of shelving and stocking items. I noticed one male employee slap a female employee on the ass over...something. They both sorta giggled. I guess this is the kind of thing I can only see happening there.

    Also, as I was checking out, I wound up behind an older guy who was making a bunch of cracks about "I get my 15% discount for being a senior citizen, har har!" and "all these Chinese and Japanese machines are so good at taking your money." I couldn't decide if he was joking harmlessly or being a cockdumpling until the cashier told me he came into the store frequently and always joked with him.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Rawr! Sexual harassment is not ok! If I would have been there, I would have...

    Anyway, Irv, how are you the magnet to all this stupidity?
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      I noticed one male employee slap a female employee on the ass over...something. They both sorta giggled. I guess this is the kind of thing I can only see happening there.
      This makes me a sad panda.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        Hooray for Southpark's Sexual Harassment Panda !

        About the butt slapping; There is indeed the possibility that the girl was crying at home later that night about how she has to put up with the guy's harassment because he can get her fired in "this economy". But it's more likely they're on friendly terms, dating, intimately acquainted, or playfully courting.

        Though it pays to be alert, let's not see a kidnapper behind every tree. Always assuming the worst leads to a very unhealthy lifestyle.


        • #5
          like ZOMG PANIC!!

          side note about this wally's it in Plattsburgh?

          also, someone aparently thinks Wal-Mart is in league with Satan for moving the candles around and that my fiance was putting the candles away in the wrong place (their new place, which is right) and that he was doing it WROOOOOONG...yeah, glad i don't get the crazies up near cereal....


          • #6
            The butt slapper is lucky an assistant manager wasn't around or he would have been fired on the spot. I don't know about that Wal-Mart but my local Wal-Mart has a ZERO tolerance policy when it comes to that kind of stuff. There was an incident not too long ago where a male maintenance worker kept putting his hands around a female cashier & when she complained, he got fired & escorted out of the store by the police! The female cashier is suing him & rightly so.


            • #7
              Looks like I better quit hip-checking people at work then
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                in ours we have a zero tolerance rule too, but it's only if they complain that you get in trouble... you're allowed to joke and be physical as long as permission is given and it doesn't get out of hand...and you don't molest the customers (no matter how much you'd like to see their OHSHITface)...

