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An 'I Don't Work Here' story...with a twist!

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  • An 'I Don't Work Here' story...with a twist!

    My boyfriend and I both work as cashiers for HEB, in the same store. We do good work, the managers know, we don't let it get in the way of our job, they're happy, we're happy.

    My BF, (Mike), and I decided to do our grocery shopping before we worked, so we'd have food for that night and during the rest of the week. We did it close enough to shift time that we're in our uniforms...but we're at a different HEB than the one we work at. oops.

    Well, we're walking through, getting our groceries, people (naturally) asking us questions, and it was kinda awkward saying we don't work there, we work at the one down the road.

    Thankfully the people were understanding.

    Anyone else have a story like this?
    Now appearing in comic form!

  • #2
    Mmmm kind of. When walking through the airport in uniform people ask me questions. I just indicate to my wings/name badge/suitcase(s) and say that I am air crew, not ground staff, there fore don't know anything. Then point them vaguely in the direction of a customer service agent.
    No longer a flight atttendant!


    • #3
      I used to get it all the time.

      I worked at a store just a few hundred yards from where I lived for a number of years. I then got promoted, but to a different branch.

      Whenever I shopped at my local though I would get asked where stuff is, can we get a secial order yadda yadda...

      Even if I wasn't in uniform!

      6 months ago I requested a demotion, and came back to my local store. I keep getting congratulated on being made the manger here, when really I'm one step above dogsbody now


      • #4
        I did have a couple of times where customers thought I worked at a well-known electronics store because I was wearing a shirt that was close in color to the uniform. I really can't call them SC's, since nobody ever gave me grief for it, but it got annoying enough that I stopped wearing that shirt.
        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


        • #5
          in my old work they made me wear a hideous blue sweater with a clown on it. during my lunch break i went across the centre to a store where they wore hideous green sweaters. this woman bustles up to me as im about to pick out crisps and, without shame, says 'scuse me, where do u keep your pantyliners??" and i was so shocked i was just like, " my bathroom, why where do u keep yours?" and she went on and on about how rude the staff were until a REAL member of staff in green came up to ask if there was a problem teehee


          • #6
            I was asked that one time when I was in Walmart. I was wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and a jacket (not blue nor red like the employees & managers where). Why the guy thought I worked there was beyond me.

            I would occasionally get asked questions if I happened to go into my former retail hell to do some shopping. It was a beautiful feeling saying 'sorry, I don't work here anymore!' I will no longer be able to do that, since my former retail hell closed a few months ago. Yet another victim of our economy.
            "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
            ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


            • #7
              I used to get that at the local Hollywood Video while my roommate and I were trying to get our apartment. I made it a point to look nice whenever we went to the apartment office, unfortunately my "nice clothes" are black slacks with a nice black button up shirt, which, at the time, was the uniform at Hollywood, where my roommate and I used to hang out after visiting the office.

              I actually was asked to just look over the counter (not behind it or anything, just standing off to the side) a few times while my friend who worked there went to get something out of the back while customers were in the store.
              Pretend there's something here that sounds insightful, but is really just some pseudo-intellectual bull.


              • #8
                I get that sometimes, even though I quit wearing red a while ago when I shop at Target.


                • #9
                  A couple months ago I stopped in at Hannaford's (New York/New England supermarket chain) after work. I don't normally shop there since they are more expensive than the supermarket I usually go to, but they're open later.

                  But, since I don't normally shop there, I'd forgotten that they - like Staples - wear red polo shirts, and I still had my red shirt on. I zipped my jacket up enough to hide my nametag, but people still saw RED SHIRT and tried to ask me questions, even though I had my coat on. I just immediately shot them down with a gruff "don't work here."

                  Admittedly, that's not quite the same as going into another store of your own chain in uniform. And you have to admit that it's not unreasonable for them to assume you worked there, even if you WERE shopping at the time.
                  "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                  RIP Plaidman.

