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Fabric store sighting from my parents

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  • Fabric store sighting from my parents

    Got this one from my mom today. She got some fabric about a year ago that she was going to use to make new curtains, however, she never actually got around to making the curtains. Well, she found the fabric today and decided to make the curtains now. Except, turns out, she didn't get enough fabric. So she called the fabric store that she got it from, and asked if they had it in stock. Girl who answered the phone said yes, but said she didn't have time to go look and see how much of it was in stock (which my mom had asked her to, because she needed about 5 yards.) Well, that's understandable, if the store is busy.

    Anyway, my mom decided to go get said fabric. Thing is, this fabric store is over 65 miles away from my parents' house (my parents live in a tiny little town that literally has no fabric or craft stores, save Wal-Mart, which doesn't really count anymore because they've vastly reduced their fabric/craft selection.) So she takes a little road trip, gets to this fabric store, and finds out that they don't, in fact, have the fabric in stock. And it's not like it sold out in the couple hours it took her to get there; they didn't have it in the first place, when my mom had called.

    To make matters worse, when my mom asked to talk to a manager about the inconvenience and that one of their staff was giving out wrong information, the manager gave my mom a complete "so what, I don't care" attitude. Didn't apologize, and when my mom asked what else could be done, the manager said they could special order it for her, and when my mom said she wanted to do that, the manager acted like it was a big inconvenience for her.

  • #2
    no, it would be a great inconvience if the manager had to drive all that way and deal with what you rmom had to deal with thats just....grrrr


    • #3
      When stuff like that happens at my store we make sure the worker is corrected and that everyone else is aware of the correct procedure. When my managers have had a guest issue like that they've special ordered the item and driven through two states just to pick it up for them personally.


      • #4
        That's when you find out who the DM is and make a complaint.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          Sounds like the managers and employees there just don't care about doing their jobs right and making the customers happy. I hate when people feel like it's an inconvenience to DO THEIR JOB!!!

          Hope she got the curtains finished!
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

