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Went For Pie- Busted Shoplifter...

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  • Went For Pie- Busted Shoplifter...

    My family simply could NOT make it through Thanksgiving without a pumpkin pie. I love pumpkin pie, don't get me wrong, but I REALLY did not want to go fight the crowds today. I could have lived another day with any kind of pie...

    I'm headed down the cereal aisle when I notice this kid- maybe 13- 14ish leaned against the pop tart shelf. He was clean cut, dressed in nice slacks, shoes and shirt. Almost like he had recently come from church.

    No one else noticed him... but an alarm tripped off in my head. He was a shoplifter and I knew it. He also did not notice me at first. I moved to the end of the aisle and peered around the corner.

    So, he laid his head on the shelf and got his body in close and fiddled with a box of poptarts trying to put them in his jacket. Another family came up just then and startled him off. He left out the opposite end of the aisle from where I was.

    I headed long- wise across the store, matching his pace and staring at him as I passed each aisle.

    He grabbed something shiney (I don't know what) off an endcap and sped up.
    I sped up.
    Two more aisles and the object was gone BUT he noticed me finally.
    Two more aisles of us staring the length at eachother and he apparently got a bit unnerved and turned up the aisle leading to the front of the store- me one aisle back but straight line of sight- and he dumps the shiney thing out of his pocket into a stuffed animal display.

    I am now 1 aisle behind, with 2 pies, milk and coffee in tow. No, I didn't have a cart because I hadn't really planned on chasing around a shoplifter anymore than I planned on going out to the store to start with!

    Anyhoo~ me quickly lugging my items and scanning the aisles to find the little punk or at least an employee I could turn the hunt over to. I was so involved though I may have passed employees and never known it! I actually went the full length of the store twice trying to find him.

    Finally, I spot him running across an aisle behind me as I was turning.
    Sneaky little turd.

    We play this game all the way to the front of the store where apparently he thought he lost me. He headed over to a display table of watches and started pawing them.
    Really though I had just stopped behind a display of ferns to talk to two employees and point him out.

    Now, at this point if you had been chased all over the store by someone you KNOW has busted you as a shoplifter would you still try and steal something?

    Of course you would! Der!

    So, with me (I had got in line to check out) and no less than 4 employees and 2 managers watching the kid pockets a watch and takes off into the pet food aisle with the box to it.

    They busted him leaving the pet food aisle, made him go back and show them where he'd hidden the box.

    Last I saw of the punk he was being walked off (probably to an office) by a group of employees and managers.
    Last edited by NightAngel; 11-22-2006, 11:44 PM.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2
    Way to go! Nice to know some of these punks don't get away with it.
    Everything I do goes through...

    Think About It Central


    • #3

      had to sorry....[hangs head in shame] there's a whole website of these darn owls-soooo cute
      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


      • #4
        did anybody else have the mission impossible theme going through their head while reading that?


        • #5
          Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
          did anybody else have the mission impossible theme going through their head while reading that?
          Actually for me it was The Pink Panther Awesome work Night Angel, brava!
          "Penny Lou Pingleton, you are absolutely, positively, permanently punished! You will live on a diet of saltines and tang, and you'll never leave this room again....Devil child! Devil child!"


          • #6
            Woot! go NA!
            I AM the evil bastard!
            A+ Certified IT Technician


            • #7
              Thanks guys.
              Yeah, it was definately NOT Mission Impossible theme song material.

              Now... maybe if one of the pies had actually been a bomb and the kid was an international spy and I had on a much cooler outfit and some nifty gadgets...
              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

              ~TechSmith 314
              HellGate: London


              • #8
                That's awesome! What tipped you off about him in the first place?

                I hate the stores where the employees follow people around, so if one of those employees was a regular customer had started staring at me, I would have asked them what their problem was and told them to cram it, LOL!!!

                But, unlike the above mentioned employees, you have excellent instincts! Great story!!!



                • #9
                  Quoth kibbles View Post
                  What tipped you off about him in the first place?

                  People who aren't very good at shoplifting have a certain way they lean against the shelving. They require it as partial cover.
                  "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                  ~TechSmith 314
                  HellGate: London


                  • #10
                    Quoth NightAngel View Post
                    Now... maybe if one of the pies had actually been a bomb and the kid was an international spy and I had on a much cooler outfit and some nifty gadgets...
                    In that case, it would have been the music from Dr. No-usually called the "James Bond Theme". Classic stuff. Next time you go shopping, don't forget your Walther PP7.
                    I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                    Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                    • #11
                      I cought one once. I went to tell the managers about it, and the buttheads, didn't do anything. That happened at the Walmart that I was working at, at the time.
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #12
                        Quoth NightAngel View Post
                        Thanks guys.
                        Yeah, it was definately NOT Mission Impossible theme song material.
                        I have a feeling the tune from "Get Smart" would have been more appropriate
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • #13
                          Nah, the theme to Police Squad, complete with flashing light.
                          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

