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Some people need to be devoured by weasels

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  • #31
    Blah stupid people. the real shame is IF the cops/etc. are called it's the animals who get punished NOT the owners.

    that being said some people just shouldn't have pets. they're living things... not a 'bought @ a whim' purchase.

    my dog is a big huge german shepard who, quite literally, doesnt have a mean bone in him. he's 8 years old... and stil acts like an 8 month old puppy. (loves playing with everybody and everything) that being said if i'm @ the park with him I still keep him leashed until i make sure there's no other dogs around (or even small kids because even though he would never attack them he MIGHT run into them in his excitement of seeing someone to play with and knock them down which, depending on how sucky the parent is wouldn't go over well).

    anyways, one day bout... 2 years ago now, I was walking my dog (on his leash i might add). and i see his ears perk up the way they do when another dog/animal is around. I see this rotweiller running right at us (no leash on of course) and i see his owner just calmy WALKING along a good... 50+ feet behind said dog.

    this crazy ass rotweiller starts ATTACKIGN my dog right away. owner still just STROLLING along the friggin jackass. so i start booting the dog in the head cuz yea i LOVE animals (dogs especially) but i love MY dog more than YOUR dog.

    anyways i got bit twice in the leg for my troubles and my dog, who tried to fight back but he's just not a fighter, got a few cuts on his neck. nothing bad though cuz since he's a king shepard he's very furry/fluffy so the rottie couldn't get a grip.

    the rottie owner who... supposedly is an ex cop (if so he's the weakest most malnourished cop EVER. as i'm 5'11 and 180 lbs. and this guy was maybe 6 ft and looked like he weighed... 100 lbs maybe. very frail looking (not old frail he looked about 40 and just like a strong breeze would blow him over). and finally says sorry. i was about ready to kill the guy but i was worried about my dog. told him i was calling animal control and the cops (ended up just calling animal control).

    then i get home... the bastard sends over his CHILDREN. around.. maybe 8 and 10 or so. crying begging ME to not kill their dog.

    yea... real big man. send your friggin child over.

    Anyways... dog didn't get taken/put down because well i have a soft spot for animals... but wait there's more.

    about 2 weeks later. same thing happens. same dog. (i didn't get bit this time but my dog did... AGAIN.) so yea.. the rottie was gone about an hour after that incident.

    they dont have another dog (live on my street) thankfully because some people shoudln't have pets. ANY dog can be vicious if it's not treated/trained properly just like any dog can be friendly and a great dog... again. if treated properly and trained properly.

    wow. sorry this was so long guys, happened awhile back but i still get pissed thinking about it.
    Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


    • #32
      My immediate family has 3 dogs. Two here at my grandmothers (small dogs, one's a cocker spaniel and the other is some form of mutt) that are a bit rowdy. At home, they're fine but when we take them out, the mutt has to be in a kennel or she gets overly excited and the cocker stays on a leash because she's a bit...odd. She'll meander off if no one looks. Cocker = Mo, Mutt = Po.

      Then my parents have a beautiful big German Hound. His name is Max. He: sits, stays, lays down, speaks, shakes. He is a very well trained animal but there is no way he goes out without a leash. Once he puts his nose to the ground, he's gone.

      Would I expect them to bite people? Probably, especially if you make a threatening gesture. Would I allow it to happen by keeping them off a leash or out of their little kennel home, heck no.
      People are dunderheaded fools. I weep that Darwin's Natural Selection is frowned upon.


      • #33
        This kind of stuff makes me a paranoid dog owner. Not that I would expect my Beagle to really bite anyone, but she is still very young and therefore "mouthy." I'm also more concerned that she would knock a small child over in her eagerness. She goes nowhere without her Gentle Leader and a leash since despite being a somewhat smaller dog, she's very strong and before we got a Gentle Leader she was taking ME for a walk.

        For that reason, I also don't let the neighborhood kids walk her. Even with the Gentle Leader, she's been known to try to jerk the leash out of my hand to chase a squirrel or go make friends with the dog across the street. I just don't trust ANYONE besides myself or Mr Jedi to be hanging on to the other end of her leash. And I'm not entirely sure I trust Mr Jedi since the time he took her out (leashed) to chase the rabbits out of the front yard and she got away from him. Thank goodness for her love of "cookies" (Milkbones).

        I guess what it boils down to is Ziggy's MY dog and it's MY responsibility as her owner to make sure she's at least reasonably well behaved and to minimize situations that could be construed as dangerous to her or to others. And if that makes me a paranoid, overprotective doggie mommy, than so be it.
        I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


        • #34
          Quoth jedimaster91 View Post
          I guess what it boils down to is Ziggy's MY dog and it's MY responsibility as her owner to make sure she's at least reasonably well behaved and to minimize situations that could be construed as dangerous to her or to others. And if that makes me a paranoid, overprotective doggie mommy, than so be it.
          Now that's how it should be

          I wouldn't mind having a dog. However, I'm not home much during the it would be unfair to keep the dog inside and probably crated. So for now, I have kitties. That's not to say that the kitties can't give trouble. For the most part, the kitties tolerate 'strangers' in the house.

          But, there are exceptions. For example, my deaf kitty, Snow. I had to tell people not to pet her when she was sleeping. If you tried, she'd get startled, and would usually bite whatever was closest. The proper way, was to gently touch the chair, and then she was fine. She'd wake up, but not freak out.
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #35
            Quoth chocoBug View Post
            see Im uncomfy around dogs most of the time and I despise owners who keep their dogs off the leash. If a massive dog bounds towards me, even if its friendly, it scares the crap out of me; how do I know if its friendly?! And all the owners say the same thing "its ok he doesnt bite!" as if its a chuckle-worthy situation. THATS NOT THE POINT. Dogs can be scary and unpredictable at times. Keep 'em on a leash.
            And just because a dog is friendly doesn't mean it can't hurt someone. My aunt and uncle had a big dog (Blue Tick Hound, I think) and when I was 12 it was as tall as me. He would get up on his hind legs and put his front paws on my shoulders. He was only ever playing and he never hurt me but he could easily have knocked me down, and in the house it would be easy to hit some piece of furniture and be injured.

            Pablo would sometimes nip when we were playing and we got him all riled up (didn't happen too often, though...mellowest Chihuahua ever). He was never aggressive (he was just playing) but those little teeth could sting.

            Quoth blas View Post
            Just a few weeks ago, my bf's parents' dog got the Mike Tyson treatment
            Hehe, speaking of Mike Tyson...and being devoured by weasels...Pablo had a notch taken out of his ear by a ferrett when he was a baby.

            Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
            Dogs aren't just single-personality things, either. Maybe her dogs are sweet as hell around her, but they're vicious to anything else. I had a cat like that once. She'd scratch anyone who wasn't me.
            I grew up with a miniature Schnauzer. She was very much my mom's dog. She wasn't aggressive in the least, but my mom was the only one who could pick her up. She'd bite anyone else who tried. But that was the only time she ever bit anyone, and she didn't mind petting and hugs from other people.

            Since we're on the subject of dogs, I went to Old Navy this afternoon for a little retail therapy (needed to get out of the house and I had my Stuff and Save coupon so I figured I'd go see if I could find anything). When I came out there was a girl out front with a 5-month-old Boxer puppy. She was so cute, all brindled coat and jowls. And she let me pet her, which apparently she doesn't let most people do. Not aggressive, just a scaredy cat, I was told. But she was sweet. Then her daddy came out of the store and she went straight to him.
            Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 08-30-2009, 04:12 AM. Reason: punk-2-ay-shun
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #36
              I had a GIANT golden retriever once.
              beautiful, dumb as a log, silly thing named Diablo. I said once we should rename him Angel.
              he would never bite or attack anyone, was real good on the leash though if he wanted too im sure that beast could have dragged me far and wide. but one day i was going over some simple training sitting mostly and remember i how i said hes dumb as a log?
              i would say sit, he would sit, i would get his treat while saying stay and he would jum ip and try and snatch the treat from me before i gave it to him.
              Claire would sit and wait for the treat.
              afte a few goe with them getting the same amount of treats but claire always getting them first and me making him re-sit for his treat he desided he wasn't getting enough treats and obvioulsy the new comer, claire was taking them all.
              i gave her a treat for sitting and was going to send her out of the room to my dad because i could see this NOT FAIR! look on diablos face when he swooped down and got her head in his mouth!
              quickly i pulled him off, call my dad and got claire safe but her entire head was soaking wet.
              He didnt bit down just let her know HE was boss.and didnt understand that putting her head in his mouth was wrong. and stood there wagging and waiting for a chance for more treats.
              so after what happened was
              A) we never alloud more than two or three training spots with them at a time after that.
              b) diablo was told repeatedly and attametly that bitting was BAD!!
              C) After Diablo was taken, claire developed dominancey issues suddenly being the only there for alpha dog and a fear that all dogs where going to bully and attack her.
              which is why when we walk i pull her leash in stay back and a politely tell other dog owners she growlls and barks, cant bite and is scared. though it did take me a while to learn that this issue was also in place with puppies as well though i think if they where brought into the house she would be ok.

