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The bag-less bag lady (epic)

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  • The bag-less bag lady (epic)

    I have a few moments while waiting for a data recovery to finish, so let me entrance the masses with an epic tale of a somewhat homeless woman who had drifted around our area for a couple of decades.

    In my town we have a few "interesting" people. I shall tell their stories at some other time, for this is a Beowulf-level story for this thread.

    The tale of Wandering Wanda began well over two decades ago. The owner of the store in which I work, M, was aware of this woman's existence when he was a lad of perhaps 11 or 12. (25 years) Now, there's a couple of stories that had floated around town, but this is the one that we'd heard most often: She had witnessed a few members die in a house fire. Understandably, she went a bit nutty from that. She had to be at least in her 30's at the time. She wore old, dirty clothes and walked everywhere. I'd heard she had been seen in towns as far away as 10 - 12 miles. But usually she stuck around our area here. Supposedly there was a brother or nephew whose house she stayed in, but she wasn't allowed there during the day, which was why she walked or stood around all day, smoking cigarettes and talking to herself.

    Not so sure how accurate that last rumour was, as she would sometimes sleep in the lobby (PO Box section) of the local post office. But when the USPS found out, they started locking the doors so she couldn't sleep there. So, right off the bat, people weren't able to go after hours for PO Box mail because of her. But no big deal.

    I've been working here pretty much since the store opened, nearly five years. Here are a few sightings I've had personally, as well as the boss and others:

    What'd she wipe with?

    We were working one Sunday, maybe 3 years ago. Drizzling weather, boring day. I was standing up by the front window and I see a cop car park on the street a couple doors down to our right. Then a couple of cops walk past us headed to our left. They were down there for a few minutes. I see a guy we're friendly with who works at a bakery a couple of doors down wander past. When he comes back, I pop my head out the door:

    Me: Say, Mike, what's the hubbub?
    Mike: Meh, the bag lady took a shit out in front of someone's store. Again.
    Me: Thanks, Mike.

    I relay this to my boss.

    M: AGAIN!?
    Me: I guess once wasn't enough, huh?

    Getting a few more details later from the owner of the storefront whom we're also friendly with (we love our neighbors, they love us. It's a lovefest in town!)

    Apparently the "bag lady" was walking down the street, stopped, dropped trou (sweatpants, actually) in front of a hair salon a few doors down, and dropped a Lincoln Log on the sidewalk. The cops escorted her to the outskirts of town, but I don't believe any official charges were filed.

    We have a large east coast-based convenience chain store across the street from us. We eat there often as the food is cheap and it's close. But some of the employees got a little lenient with Wanda's habits. I don't mean to sound cruel, but these will illustrate why that's a bad idea:

    I don't want that sandwich now.

    M, my boss, went over to get a sandwich. Wanda was in the store, muttering to herself and looking for something to eat. The thing is - she's not poor. She routinely carried around several $20 bills and if someone noticed her outside the store, sometimes they would try to give her money. Wanda always refused. Anyway, Wanda did not take good care of herself as you can imagine. 20 years of walking/standing outside in the elements in the same dirty clothes, smoking, eating junk food... it's all going to take a toll. She had some sort of skin condition on her legs and sometimes coughed up blood into a napkin. So as M is there ordering lunch, he sees Wanda pawing through the breakfast sandwiches. (wrapped up like McDonalds breakfast sandwiches, under a heat lamp) She had *just* been coughing into a napkin and now she's picking up individual sandwiches, looking at it, and putting it back until she finds the right one. M saw one guy walk up to get one, saw Wanda going through them, and the guy promptly did a heel turn and got something from the cooler instead.

    Can I move in behind the deli?

    The convenience store has a little shelf near the front door where kids are meant to put their bookbags when they come in. Wanda had taken to sitting on the shelf and often fell asleep there. Both me and M had seen her do it. We didn't want to bring any heat on the store, so we didn't complain (she was a little ripe, plus the coughing up blood thing was a little gross). After more than a month of the store people allowing her to do this, one or more people had finally complained to the corporate office about it. (I'm friends with a couple of the guys who work there and got the story right after this happened) At least a couple of people had emailed corporate because they were letting a homeless woman sleep on the shelf near the door. The kicker was, in one of the emails the person had said something like "I'll be bringing over a sleeping bag and I'll move in behind the deli counter."

    I'm probably forgetting a couple of stories, but my data recovery is done. so back to work I go. But I part with this:

    The last time we'd seen Wanda was, perhaps, February of last year. ('08) Then no one saw her for at least two or three months. A friend of mine who does trash pickup (those big open-container types) said he saw her milling around the bus station of the next town over. (a large urban sprawl, some bad sections, lots of crime and drugs, etc. Picture Newark but a bit smaller) After that, no one ever saw her again. Based on her rapidly-deteriorating health from the last couple of years, there's a good chance she passed on.

    Hopefully she's at peace now.

  • #2
    LOL Well at least crazy people are a great source of entertainment.

    We have a local homless guy ourselves*, he's been around as long as I can remember. We don't know any details, like his name, or history, but the really funny thing is that, in my 20 years here he has always looked the same. White hair, tan pants and no shirt, with a sunburn. My boyfriend and I theorize that he's realky the incredible hulk.

    *(many actually, but he's the one who really stands out)
    wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
    Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


    • #3
      Wow your town sounds like one big happy family! Everyones talking to everyone else. I don't even know my neighbors.

      As for Wanda, I wonder where she's getting that money from. Maybe, just maybe she's a brilliant scientist who has dedicated the last 20 years of her life researching the lives of the homeless and has been living "in the field" so to speak. Maybe she's no longer around because her grant money ran out!!

      ...well. That's what I can hope. Otherwise its kind of a sad story isn't it?


      • #4
        all i can think of now is Church of Betty's "Tripping with Wanda"...


        • #5

          She makes me kinda sad
          I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

          "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


          • #6
            Quoth An Haddock View Post
            The cops escorted her to the outskirts of town, but I don't believe any official charges were filed.
            so basically the cops let her know she do what ever she wants and she won't get in any real trouble.
            Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
            Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


            • #7
              Wanda sounds like the woman from my grandmother's former town. I don't know if she was homeless...but she really didn't stay in one place very long. You'd see her walking around town, no matter how cold it was. Not just the town--several times, I saw her walking along many of the back roads...not just Routes 18, 19, 21, and 218. Miles away from anywhere, for no apparent reason. I haven't seen her around very much...hopefully she didn't get hit.

              She wasn't the only one. There was also an old guy who would wander many of the back roads...looking for aluminum cans he could sell to the scrapyard. I have no idea where he came from, but he sure did keep our side road clean. Hell, I'd even give him bags of *our* aluminum cans, along with any scrap aluminum I'd scavenged from computers
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth jjllbb View Post
                Wow your town sounds like one big happy family! Everyones talking to everyone else. I don't even know my neighbors.

                As for Wanda, I wonder where she's getting that money from. Maybe, just maybe she's a brilliant scientist who has dedicated the last 20 years of her life researching the lives of the homeless and has been living "in the field" so to speak. Maybe she's no longer around because her grant money ran out!!

                ...well. That's what I can hope. Otherwise its kind of a sad story isn't it?

                I get on the other employees (and the owner, for that matter) for not being more aware of their surroundings. I live here, I work here... just by being in the area plus doing work for 75% of the businesses along the main street I know the names of most of the owners and some of the employees of a lot of the businesses. Plus we have people pop in all the time to ask where things are (computer field = information technology, after all! ) so I try to have an idea of where the restaurants are (we're primarily known as being a restaurant town).

                Nutcases aside, I try to have a good relationship with all of our neighbors, whether they're businesses or people who live in the upstairs apartments. It's just good business, really.

                Yes, it's a sad story... and if there's any truth at all about her living with a brother/nephew then I would presume it's an allowance that is/was given to her.

                Quoth gremcint View Post
                so basically the cops let her know she do what ever she wants and she won't get in any real trouble.

                I don't know that for sure. I never asked any of the cops about the aftermath. This is also well over three years ago, so I might be forgetting some details.

                Quoth protege View Post
                Wanda sounds like the woman from my grandmother's former town. I don't know if she was homeless...but she really didn't stay in one place very long. You'd see her walking around town, no matter how cold it was. Not just the town--several times, I saw her walking along many of the back roads...not just Routes 18, 19, 21, and 218. Miles away from anywhere, for no apparent reason. I haven't seen her around very much...hopefully she didn't get hit.

                You're from New Jersey or Pennsylvania, aren't you? It's not too far fetched that it could be the same person. I'm originally from Manchester but my parents transplanted me in South Jersey when I was but a wee lad. Did your gran live somewhere just over the river from Philly?
                Last edited by Ree; 08-28-2009, 11:12 AM. Reason: Merging consecutive posts


                • #9
                  I'm actually in Pittsburgh. Grandma's former home was in Greene County...the last county before you cross over into West Virginia. It's not unheard of for people to walk around in rural areas. Some of those areas are isolated enough...that no public transportation is available. Couple that with bad roads in a few places...and residents without cars are screwed.
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    Quoth An Haddock View Post
                    It's a lovefest in town!
                    Oh really, how might one get in on that action?

                    And the coughing up blood is a symptom of TB, that's scary. It could be something else, but I'm one of those, rather be safe then sorry when it comes to horrible diseases that take 6 - 18 months of antibiotics to cure...
                    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                    ...Beware the voice without a face...


                    • #11
                      Why did noone get her psychiatric care?

                      Based solely on that description, what she needed was someone to take her to sheltered housing and get a psych team on the case.

                      (Yes, there's the issue of whether or not that had been tried and she'd chosen to refuse treatment. But clearly she needed SOME sort of help!)
                      Seshat's self-help guide:
                      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.

