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Landlady's Family...

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  • Landlady's Family...

    I guess this is the best place for this post.

    I'm renting a home in Italy, and while the rules here for renting are slightly different, most are exactly the same. You can't break contracts, the landlord has to handle all repairs and landscaping, etc.

    C = Landlady's son, whose house shares the plot of land with mine.
    B = Landlady's father

    Well, some nitpicks before I begin:

    1. B is using the water from my spicket to water C's lawn daily. This is raising my water bill costs by about 15%.

    2. B and C are burning trash early in the morning and late at night; the smoke is filling my house on a daily basis as the doors have no weather stripping.

    3. B and his wife are constantly peering in through my doors and windows.

    4. B tried to tell me not to walk the dog on the lawn anymore. I guess I have to walk 1/2 mile with a puppy to the next patch of public grass so he can pee? I ignored him and he walked away.

    5. I don't have trash service. At all. We have to literally sneak any non-recycleable trash to the next town to the public dumpsters because our landlady doesn't want us to sign up for the service...

    6. ...because the house was built illegally and isn't registered with the city. And there's not a thing we can do about it.

    I haven't seen my landlady recently, except when she discovered I'd gotten a dog, and decided she needed to approve it. She then tried to tell me not to let it attack C's toddler. Which leads me to today.

    I took out the puppy to do his business while C was outside with his toddler. Now, mind you, I'm trying to teach the pup not to mouth things, much less bite them, or jump on people. Basic polite dog behaviour. I'm also trying to teach him to do his business when we go outside, even with distractions.

    C brings the toddler over to play with the dog while I'm trying to get him to eliminate, thus ending the "go pee" session.

    The puppy starts mouthing him and I tell C, "If he does that, tell him NO. I don't want him to bite people."

    He then proceeds to STICK HIS HAND in my dog's mouth and praise him when he bites.


    So much for concern about the well-being of their child, what with them teaching my puppy to bite people. I immediately took the puppy inside.

    14 months left to go, and I'm out of this god-forsaken house.
    "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint

  • #2
    Quoth mae View Post
    If you want to get out of the lease so badly... couldn't you just call the city and tell them that you just found out that the house you were renting was built illegally? That'll get you out of there right quick, I would think.
    Well, if she's paying a city official to look the other way (which she most likely is, because, I mean, it's a small town and the house is kinda obvious), it won't do any good. Except to maybe piss her off.

    Unfortunately, the government system here is very corrupt.
    "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


    • #3
      Quoth MoxisPilot
      . B and his wife are constantly peering in through my doors and windows.
      Hire an ugly person to walk around naked.
      Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
      Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


      • #4
        A) No matter how corrupt an official may be, it's one thing to look the other way, and another to ignore a public complaint. If no one cares, no one cares. But when you go on public record they'll have to at least appear to earn thier pay for doing something, lest they lose the position they can earn bribes for doing nothing.

        B) C and his toddler: That's a self-solving problem. Let them teach the dog to be vicious enough, no more C or his toddler, problem solved. (Kidding of course. I would never condone mistreating a pet in that, or any other, way.)
        Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

        "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


        • #5
          Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
          A) No matter how corrupt an official may be, it's one thing to look the other way, and another to ignore a public complaint. If no one cares, no one cares. But when you go on public record they'll have to at least appear to earn thier pay for doing something, lest they lose the position they can earn bribes for doing nothing.
          If this were the U.S., I'd agree.

          Unfortunately, this is Naples, Italy.
          "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


          • #6
            Quoth MoxisPilot View Post
            If this were the U.S., I'd agree.

            Unfortunately, this is Naples, Italy.
            Probably paid the mafia then.

            My dad went to Naples a good few years ago and the group he was with had a Italian guide who gave them a good informative talk about Naples and how corrupt it is. It pretty much went - if you can find someone in power who isn't corrupt, they are dead.
            As soon as I start thinking
            That I'm sensible and sane
            The Random Hedgehog comes along
            And fiddles with my Brain
            (from card I got)


            • #7
              Quoth Lady Legira View Post
              Probably paid the mafia then.

              My dad went to Naples a good few years ago and the group he was with had a Italian guide who gave them a good informative talk about Naples and how corrupt it is. It pretty much went - if you can find someone in power who isn't corrupt, they are dead.
              You win a cookie.

              And your dad's guide, while mostly correct, is hilarious.

              Many city officials are paid off in that way.

              Annnd I try to be delicate about what I post about them (and my landlady). LOL.
              "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


              • #8
                Yay cookie

                As soon as I start thinking
                That I'm sensible and sane
                The Random Hedgehog comes along
                And fiddles with my Brain
                (from card I got)

